Cantor’s Inappropriate Response To Dachau Photo

Filed in National by on November 7, 2009

He says the photos are inappropriate.

Inappropriate?  Like wearing white after Labor Day?  What an insipid little word to describe that disgusting display.  And since he belongs to the party of “death panels” and “HCR will kill grandma” I know he has it in him to do better than inappropriate.  I also know why he didn’t.

Fear.  Woe be it to the Republican who dares to criticize the fringe for there in lies their destruction.

He was also asked about the right’s use of Hitler in attacking Obama.

“Do I condone the mention of Hitler in any discussion about politics?” said Cantor, who is the only Jewish Republican in Congress. “No, I don’t, because obviously that is something that conjures up images that frankly are not, I think, very helpful.”

Not very helpful?  This guy is one gutsy verbal firecracker.  He also just ventured into Limbaugh territory, which should prove interesting – since Rush isn’t the sort to apologize for anything.  He receives the apologizes, thank you very much.  So will Cantor end up going down the path of every other Republican who dared to criticize the party leader by going down on his knees and begging for forgiveness?

I hope not.  The entire Tea Party/Conservative movement has gotten completely out of control.  There simply is no rational discussion to be had with this group.  Seriously, how do you debate Health Care policy (and there’s plenty to debate) with people whose only response is death panels, Socialist, it will destroy America, Commie Lib and Dachau?

The truth is… there’s no policy discussion to be had with the protesters because they don’t know policy.  And there’s no debate to be had with elected Republican officials because they have no policy.   And when you got nothing I guess you play the Hitler card.

But the Dachau photo crossed every line imaginable.  Republicans need to strongly condemn it, and not because they’re about to lose another voting bloc (Jewish Conservatives) but because it was so very, very wrong and hateful.  Also, it is past time for the GOP to rein in their fringe because the rhetoric has escalated to unforseeable levels.  I’m really not sure what they could do or say to top their recent antics, I only know that they will.

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A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. Cantor is mighty late with his timid criticism of Limbaugh:

    It’s worth noting that Limbaugh made the comment in question — “Adolf Hitler, like Barack Obama, also ruled by dictate” — on Aug. 6. Cantor at the time did not respond publicly to calls from Jewish groups to condemn the remarks.

    There was also another sign in the crowd, something about Obama taking orders from the Rothchilds. Yep, the Jewish banker conspiracy.

    Republicans are coming to a turning point – they have to decide what they want to be. Do they want to be the party of angry conspiracy theorists, of births, deathers, purgers and tenthers? Or do they want to be a governing party?

  2. Josh Marshall is spot on here:

    It’s a pretty unhappy commentary that it has to be reported as news that people are taking issue with the use of pictures of the Dachau death camp as an illustration of the horrors of health care reform. But, alas, such is the world we’re living in. Today Rep. Steve Israel (D-NY) criticized Rep. Bachmann for the Holocaust imagery — and really, what the hell is going on here? People carrying banners with Dachau and the crowd chanting “Nazi, Nazi” when the President and key Dems are mentioned. And GOP leaders just stand their whooping it up like it’s all good stuff?

    This is what we’ve been trying to tell the GOP since the early summer, when the tea partiers were just getting started. We were warning them – at some point you’re going to own this. That day is long past, even before Republican members of Congress were organizing them themselves. Eric Cantor, I’m sorry but it’s too little, too late for you. This is your party now. I think Republicans have made a huge mistake by standing behind crazy Michelle Bachmann, but it’s done now.

  3. jason330 says:

    UI, I don’t think you grasp how much the whole GOP system runs on bile, obliviousness and stupidity. This does not touch the GOP. If anything, it proves to the Republicans that references to nazis and death camps are working because they are being mentioned on TV.


  4. cassandra_m says:

    Jason is quite right here, I think. The more outrageous and bilious the GOP rhetoric gets, the more the outrageous and the bilious gets normalized. There is no expectation of rational or civil discourse from these people which is how no one pays the price for Dachau photos at a heath care protest, yet the entire media gets the vapors when the Obama Administration calls out FOX News as the PR arm of the RNC.

    Using that picture was pretty despicable and it is really telling that even official Republican leadership can’t endorse better behavior by their own hive.

  5. Jason,

    I’m thinking long-term here. What they’re doing now will affect perceptions, especially by younger people, long into the future. The GOP has not worked at all to distance themselves from it.

  6. pandora says:

    Balloon Juice says it perfectly.

    I hate to bring this up on a Friday night or, honestly, to go here at all, but we live in a country where carrying around pictures of the Dachau death camp to “protest” health care reform makes you an authentic representative of real America.

    I wish there was a more pleasant way to say this. There isn’t.

    So sad. I’m becoming more and more afraid for my country and what we’re becoming. I just can’t shake off the feeling that if this rhetoric isn’t toned down by GOP leaders – who are wallowing in it – it’s only a matter of time before words inspire actions. Of course, if that happens Republicans will drag out their tired “lone wolf” defense.

    Question: How many lone wolves does it take to make a pack? I know it only takes one Muslim Major to make a jihad.

  7. anon says:

    Question: How many lone wolves does it take to make a pack? I know it only takes one Muslim Major to make a jihad.

    Brilliant observation.

  8. Brooke says:

    Well, here’s a plan. ad against Castle (or any R), six panels (like a 3 over 3 window). Pictures of the Dachau photo, pictures of the Morans guy, pictures of a few of the other offensive moments, dissolve/fade to picture of Castle, coming through, like a ghost appearing.

    tag: Mike Castle invites you to his party
    Will you be coming?

    Paid for by the DNC.

  9. pandora says:

    Oh, that’s really good.

  10. anon says:

    I like it, but unfortunately those images are only iconic for those of us who follow lefty blogs. Most people haven’t seen them and won’t know their significance.

  11. Brooke says:

    That’s what elections are for. No one ever heard of Willie Horton, either.

  12. anon says:

    Sure… just need a stronger association, maybe a voiceover or a text overlay, explaining what the images are. FOX will probably say it is pictueres of angry left wingers. It is amazing how many people think the Fred Phelps protesters are liberals who hate the troops.

    The Bachmann rally was the missing link that now allows us to legitimately associate the images with Republicans. Not that there was ever any doubt.

  13. Brooke says:


    edited to add: Everyone understands what a straight-on GIFT to the D’s calling themselves “Tea Party” was. It gives us “party” to use, and I intend to.