Anti-Abortion Democrats Betraying Women Once Again

Filed in National by on November 7, 2009

Conservatives say they want to get government out of our lives and don’t want “government bureaucrats” standing in the way of the relationship between doctors and patients. Unless, of course, you’re a woman then the pregnancy-is-punishment lobby is only too happy to tell you what to do. Democratic leaders in the House have caved to anti-abortion zealouts led by Bart Stupak (D-MI) and will allow them to offer an amendment to restrict abortion even more than it’s already restricted:

Anti-abortion Democrats will be allowed to offer an amendment during the House health care debate Saturday that would ban most abortion coverage from the public option and other insurance providers in the new so-called “exchange” the legislation would create, three Democratic sources told CNN.

The prohibition would exclude cases of rape, incest or if the mother’s life is in danger, known as “Hyde” language.

The amendment is expected to pass. IMO, this amendment is actually a backdoor method to restrict abortion for all women. The companies in the exchange are private insurance companies. They are trying to make sure that private insurance companies won’t pay for abortion services.

I hope people know that abortion is the one of the most common surgical procedures performed in the United States (I think circumcision is #1). Abortion is legal as well. Lynn Harris at Salon gives us the 10 reasons abortion should be covered:

1. Abortion is legal medical care. “Abortion is a legal right, and it takes medical care to exercise that right,” says Judy Waxman, vice-president of health and reproductive rights at the National Women’s Law Center. (For their healthcare reform campaign, click here.) The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists also chimes in here (PDF).

2. Abortion is common, mainstream medical care. It is one of the most common surgical procedures in America.

3. Abortion is already broadly covered. Between 50 and 85 percent of women who have private insurance, including employer-sponsored plans, have coverage for abortion care.

4. Covering abortion does not raise the abortion rate. As Gloria Feldt points out, “Countries like France, Germany and the Netherlands routinely cover abortion in their national health plans, and have some of the lowest abortion rates in the world.”

More at the link

I guess we’ve already lost this fight. However, all the Republicans and anti-abortion Democrats must stay together for this to pass so maybe there are some that can still be influenced. We should pay close attention to who is voting for the amendment and who is voting against it. The vote on the health care reform bill could come as early as tonight.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. We have very well-informed members of Congress:

    From Courthouse News Service:

    In promoting the House health bill, New Jersey Democrat Frank Pallone made reference to discrimination by insurance companies, citing their reluctance to insure people with preexisting conditions and differences in costs based on gender. “But that’s not against the law,” Texas Republican Pete Sessions said.
    Pallone replied, “No, but we would make it against the law. Why do you have a problem with that?” he asked. “Why should a woman pay more than a man?”
    “Well, we’re all different,” Sessions explained. “Why should a smoker pay more,” he said before getting interrupted by a burst of chatter throughout the room.

    So, in Pete’s mind, being a woman is just like being a smoker–being female just a destructive habit some people pick up that the rest of us shouldn’t pay for.

  2. The saddest post in many days.

    “Abortion is common, mainstream medical care. It is one of the most common surgical procedures in America.”

    There is nothing mainstream about killing an unborn child. Liberals endlessly talk about the “children” whether it is money for schools or health care yet they totally disregard them before they are born as inconvenient entities. The party who attacked Bush for 4,000 war casualties supports over 1 million abortions a year or about 2,800 a day every day.

    Don’t try the choice argument as every war death was that of a volunteer and that does not make it right.

    Take a look at Ted Kennedy and Al Gore to name two total sell outs to abortion who were adamantly against abortion early in their careers. They sold out to go national. Hypocrites at their best.

    Look at this link and see if you can figure out the absolutely stupid plan Pelosi is attempting to pass.

    Mike Protack

  3. Brooke says:

    Mike, when you’ve been pregnant for as many years as I have, you can tell me how to feel about choice.

  4. pandora says:

    I’ll take Mikey and his ilk seriously when they start calling for the arrest and prison sentence of women who have abortions.

  5. Progressive Mom says:

    Republicans had the White House, both houses of Congress and the Supreme Court.

    Where was the Republican bill to end, stem the flow of, or limit abortion?

    Oh, there was none.

    Why — because Republicans need the anti-abortion movement voters, and the only way to capture those votes is to keep abortion legal.

    At least Democrats and others who are pro-choice are honest about their position. Most Republicans in congress, including the entire leadership, and George Bush are compltely dishonest … abortion is the best vote-getter they have, and they aren’t going to do anything about it. Except shed crocodile tears.


  6. Suzanne says:

    “There is nothing mainstream about killing an unborn child”

    A fetus is not a child – but that’s a moot point with you. A child can live outside of my body, outside of my womb – a child can eat on its own..Then again, you can always try to prove me wrong by trying to raise a zygote or blastocyst outside of the female womb into a full-term baby.

  7. Suzanne says:

    Oh yeah Mike – forgot to ask..since you see the unborn as a child and believe they should be carried to full term etc. – so do you then agree that all pregnant women, regardless of their background and current health insurance status, should receive any and all health care needed throughout their pregnancy to ensure a full-term birth and healthy baby? As well as that all children born to mothers without health insurance should receive full health care to ensure that they are and stay healthy?

    This would mean that all doctors and hospitals would have to accept these mothers and children even if they can not afford to pay for it.

    Oh – and what about pregnant illegal immigrants that – for the safety of the unborn child – can not get sent back to their countries?

  8. Anti-abortion protestors know in their hearts that a fetus is not a child, even if they won’t admit it. Why do you think even crazy Tom Coburn has performed abortions in the case of ectopic pregnancy? It’s because it is not a viable pregnancy and there is a high risk to the already-a-person woman. It’s why anti-abortion protestors don’t call for the imprisonment of women. They have convinced themselves that women are children who need to be told what to do and to have their sex lives controlled.

    Let me bring up the fertility clinic conundrum for the anti-choice folks:

    You’re in a fertility clinic when a fire breaks out. You have to get out fast. In one room is a 2-year-old child, in the other room there are 100 frozen blastocysts. You only have time to go to one room. Do you save the 2-year-old or do you save the 100 blastocysts? If you really believe a blastocyst is a person, you’d be saving 100 lives as opposed to just one.

  9. Progressive Mom says:

    “…have their sex lives controlled.”

    This is the real agenda. Many of the most vocal anti-abortion folks are also against any form of birth control, against the morning after pill and against any form of sex education in public schools, except for “don’t do it.”

    This is not a hidden agenda, by the way. It’s very up-front, but the MSM doesn’t showcase it.

    This also is one of the reasons that Republicans don’t actually propose doing anything to stop abortions. They just step in to stop legislation they don’t want under any conditions; abortion gives them cover.

  10. Purge those Dems and go back to a pathetic minority. Americans won’t tolerate paying for abortions.

  11. We’re not the party of purgers, that’s the Republicans. I’m asking that Democrats stand up for women.

  12. Progressive Mom says:

    “Americans won’t tolerate paying for abortions.”

    Unless it’s that American’s daughter, sister, mother, best friend, etc. If Americans didn’t tolerate it, it wouldn’t be happening.

    But why did the Republican majority Congress “tolerate” abortion without changing a single thing about it for 6 years with a Republican president and a Republican-conservative majority in the Supreme Court?

    Who are, really, the hypocrites?

  13. Chances are if you have private insurance you’re already paying for abortions with your premiums.

  14. Brooke says:

    “Abortion rights” isn’t about whether rich people will get abortions. They will. It’s an attack on poor families. That’s the essence of GOP policy.