Day 284 of Mike Castle’s Betrayal of Delaware

Filed in National by on November 7, 2009

Bet you thought I forgot. Today the House is voting on its version of Health Care Reform and it looks like Representative Mike Castle (Republican-Delaware) will be voting against it.

Hey Mike, we’re wondering what it is like to be Boehner’s lackey? Cantor’s bitch? Enjoy your early retirement next January.

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. CinqueB says:


    Maybe he is worried about all the fines and jail time that is in this bill if you opt out? Maybe he is worried about setting up a whole new criminal class, those who dont follow Gov. edict blindly

  2. nemski says:

    CinqueB, we don’t drink tea around here.

  3. CinqueB says:

    Nemski, how come whenever a serious post on a issue points out a reason for being for or against that issue you always get an emotional response and a personal attack?

  4. CinqueB says:

    Nemski, check out this portion of the Bill that Mike doesnt want to vote for.
    Prosecution is authorized under the Code for a variety of offenses. Depending on the level of the noncompliance, the following penalties could apply to an individual:

    • Section 7203 – misdemeanor willful failure to pay is punishable by a fine of up to $25,000 and/or imprisonment of up to one year.

    • Section 7201 – felony willful evasion is punishable by a fine of up to $250,000 and/or imprisonment of up to five years.” [page 3]

  5. CinqueB says:

    If you can find it anymore, since it has been made public and doesnt shed a favorable light on Nancy

  6. pandora says:

    What is it with Conservatives and their inability to provide links?

    And, CinqueB, perhaps you’d like to take another stab at your last comment. Grammar matters.

  7. CinqueB says:

    Pandora, maybe you need a little Tea, Earl Gray Perhaps, What is the matter with Liberals? They always need to be spoon fed, just check out the sections of the bill, 7201, 7203 and I agoligise for it being almost 2000 pages long.

  8. CinqueB says:

    the g is for you pandora

  9. CinqueB says:

    Oh, I almost forgot, another personal attack and flame. If grammar matters how come facts dont?

  10. Progressive Mom says:

    “we don’t drink tea around here.”

    THIS is a personal attack? yikes! You don’t post on boards much, do you?

  11. CinqueB says:

    Ma, it doesnt move the conversation forward in any intelligent manner, he has only thrown around emotional buzz words. Why is he afraid to discuss something so important as this to our Country? Gitmo detainees are getting H1N1 flu shots before we are in Delaware, is this how we want our Health Care Managed? Why should someone be sent to Jail and fined if he doesnt want to participate in the Gov. program? I say that if someone doesnt want to participate they dont, it is their own decision and they have to live with the decision and not expect any help after it is too late and they get sick.

  12. There is no jail time for not having insurance, it’s only a tax penalty. Thanks for passing on false wingnut talking points though. You notice they never put a link to the real bill because it isn’t in the real bill.

  13. CinqueB says:

    Ok Isotope, didnt give you a link but gave you the section of the actual bill, READ

  14. CinqueB says:

    Read section 7201 and 7203 of the 2000 page behemoth

  15. cassandra_m says:

    If grammar matters how come facts dont?

    Because you don’t have any facts. If you had any, they would — you know — matter.

    The Bill

    And this is how easy it is to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that CinqueB doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground:

    The last section in this bill is Section 3205.

    For grins and giggles, search that document (it is pdf) for the word “evasion”.

    If there is one thing we can do here, CinqueB, is call out the lying liars.

  16. CinqueB says:

    dont take my word, just read the bill if you dare, or can as Charlie Wrangle says.

  17. cassandra_m says:

    No one has taken your word, and none of that crap is in the bill.

  18. Progressive Mom says:

    “Gitmo detainees are getting H1N1 flu shots before we are in Delaware, is this how we want our Health Care Managed?”

    I don’t even want to pick apart this statement to point out the “emotional buzz words.”

    Let’s start with a fact: the U.S. Department of Defense is not part of the management of your health care under this bill. Neither is the government. The government will change the rules under which you — and my son — can purchase health insurance coverage.

    The management of his health care will still be in his hands. If only he could get some insurance……

    …pre-existing condition, you know….

    You’re also in error about the penalty and who is being penalized. Read the bill again. It is long and complicated and I can understand if it was confusing. What I can’t understand is anyone accepting a talking point from right wing blogs and repeating it as fact.

  19. I’m having a hard time reading the sections that don’t exist.

  20. The talking point about the H1N1 shots at Gitmo is also not true.

  21. The News Journal betrays Delaware, while kissing Castle’s ass at the same time:

    H.R. 3962 supposedly will be paid for by more taxes on the rich and massive cuts in Medicare and other government health programs. That is unlikely. When was the last time Congress had the fortitude to cut Medicare payments? Such cuts have been on the books since the 1990s, and Congress repeatedly has backed off imposing them because of lobbying and financial pressure from organized physicians groups.

    What makes the House members think a future Congress will be braver than this one?

    In addition, the reduced payments proposed in the bill will not be calibrated to further accuracy or quality. The cuts are more like squiggles on paper, put there to make the package look good. The health care industry endorsers of the bill stand to reap big profits from its requirements — all at the expense of consumers and taxpayers.

    H.R. 3962 should not be passed.

    Delaware’s U.S. Rep. Mike Castle has indicated he will vote against the bill. He is right to do so.

    H.R. 3962 is not real reform.

  22. CinqueB says:

    Ok Guys, you keep asking me for links and I see none backing up your comments. Whether it is the DOD, IRS, DMV, Congress or Barney, it is still the Gov. deciding what you get. The Gov has a place in the administration of health care and should get out of it as much as possible. Why should we have we have them decide what we can or cannot buy? They are doing it already by not allowing us to take our insurance policies from state to state and I cannot give you a link on this but can only tell you this from personal experience. The pre existing condition that was covered under my plan from another state was not covered here in Delaware. But I am restricted by the Gov from carrying my old policy over. Let the Insurance companies actually compete with each other and you might see a lowering of the costs. Why gut what we have when a tune up is all we might need?

  23. CinqueB says:

    Do you guys actually trust the Gov? Obama is eventually going to be gone and what happens if Sarah Palin takes over? Do you want her abusing the power that this health Care Bill sets up? I just want the least intrusive Gov as possible.

  24. Cassandra provided a link to the bill in her comment at 4:07 pm. Nice try CinqueB but you’re the one making assertions – you have the burden of proof.

    You know who I don’t trust – for-profit health insurance bureaucrats. They’ve already failed us.

  25. CinqueB says:

    READ THE BILL, DO SOME RESEARCH! Get up off your ass, think for yourself!

  26. Yes, that’s what we’re telling you.

  27. Progressive Mom says:

    “I just want the least intrusive Gov as possible.”

    You must be young and healthy then, with a job you think is going to last forever.

    Try being 55, underemployed, uninsured and uninsurable.

    Try being 21, gainfully employed in a small business with no coverage, and a pre-existing condition.

    Try being 30, gainfully employed with coverage, but pregnancy is pre-existing. And your child is a preemie.

    Try being the parent of two autistic children.

    “Let the insurance companies actually compete…” What the hell do you think the bill’s about???? Let them compete with a public plan. That’s real competition. Even in a large state, there’s no competition for health insurance now, and the private sector makes certain it stays that way.

    Conservatives refuse to understand that the free market doesn’t promote competition — it craves and works toward monopoly.

  28. jason330 says:

    “Think for yourself” says the guy who lets Glenn Beck do all his thinking for him.

  29. Kilroy says:

    “The last section in this bill is Section 3205.”

    Sucker me had to look ! Last section 3205

  30. Geezer says:

    Has Castle actually put forward his reasons for voting against it? If so, link please. If not, Cinque, you can only applaud his vote, not his reasons, which may not be yours. Indeed, I find it hard to believe Mike Castle suddenly cares if deadbeats get jail time.

    On that embarrassing NJ editorial, please notice its analysis is shallower than that employed by most of the conservatives who bother posting here. Once upon a time the News Journal employed a wide variety of editorial writers, many with expertise in particular areas. The person who knew medicine and health care left more than a decade ago. They now have three people to do what was once done by six — and, as is the case in so many workplaces, that means they’re scrambling just to cover the basics, like reading the letters and putting headlines on them. There’s no time left for luxuries like studying 2,000-page bills.

  31. nemski says:

    Geezer, he tweeted this with the link to TNJ editorial.

    From what I am reading the Repubs will all be voting NAY tonight.

    BTW that’s the only thing he has tweeted today. Biggest bill in 9 months and he’s virtually silent.

  32. Geezer says:

    “READ THE BILL, DO SOME RESEARCH! Get up off your ass, think for yourself!”

    With limited time — mine, at least, if not yours — it’s probably not worth the trouble. What comes out of conference committee is the only bill that actually matters.

  33. Geezer says:

    Thanks, Nemski. So he wants a bill that curbs costs. This one ain’t it, but then, they’ve never put anything that curbs costs on the table. He could have saved us all a lot of time by announcing this stance months ago.

  34. Castle could have proposed bills to cut costs at any time during the reign of Republicans in the House – since 1994.

  35. Brooke says:

    Could I just say a word about “government interference in what we can and can’t buy”?

    We count on that.

    We can’t buy flour that’s full of plaster.

    We can’t buy OTC medicines that are only colored water and gin.

    We can’t buy flammable children’s pajamas.

    We can’t buy those things, previously for sale, because the government prevents us. Many ‘free market” advocates would be all too happy to sell them, and many people are still finding ways to cheat themselves (like buying them on the Net.), but, on the whole, if we go to a store we can be reasonably certain a product we buy will be safe.

    Horrible to think the evil government is involved in our daily purchases like that.

  36. Yes, just look at the recent melamine in baby formula problem in China to see what insufficient consumer protections bring.

  37. CinqueB says:

    Geezer you are right and I am scared

  38. cassandra_m says:

    Are you still here? Even after you lied about Sections 7201 and 7203? No one is reading your links until you admit that you were lying your ass off.

  39. CinqueB says:

    another emotional attack with nothing to back it up you sniveling cagina

  40. Brooke says:

    Cagina? Is that another spelling error, a vocab issue, what?

  41. jason330 says:

    Ban that POS. What;s the big deal?

  42. Brooke says:

    If it’s a vote, I agree.

  43. Geezer says:

    I think the kids down the bar from me were drinking caginas. Something pink, anyway.