Delaware Liberal

House Health Care Reform Voting Begins At 9:30 – UPDATE – Bill Passes 220-215

If you’ve been following the news today, you probably know that the House health care reform bill, H.R. 3962 is coming to a vote tonight, probably around 9:30 PM.

If you’ve been following (watch at C-SPAN) you probably know that there’s been hours worth of braindead commercial-worthy moments. One of the worst was the group of Republican men who kept interrupting the House Democratic Women’s Caucus when they tried to speak about how health care reform will affect women.

And Republicans wonder why there’s a gender gap in voting. In another cringeworthy moment Rep. Steve King tells us that everyone has health care, they simply have to go to the Emergency Room.

Source on Twitter are saying that Pelosi has more than the 218 votes needed to pass the bill (link when it’s available).

Despite the many flaws of the bill, this is definitely a historic moment. This is the closest we’ve ever come to health care reform, which has been a priority for the Democratic party for more than 50 years. I’m hopeful for the changes, despite the flaws. I think it’s important to get a bill that can be built upon and improved.

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