Charlie Won’t Run

Filed in Delaware by on November 9, 2009

I was looking at my email the other day and a web ad appeared on the page for the Delaware GOP.  I know they get charged if I click on it and I wanted to see what they are up to, so I clicked.  It took me to their Stop the Biden Dynasty page, where they are trying to keep Beau from winning a Senate seat he hasn’t even announced that he is going to seek.

Vice President Joe Biden is trying to create another Democratic political dynasty in American politics. His son, Beau Biden, is preparing to run for the United States Senate seat his father held for more than 30 years. Help the Delaware Republican Party stop Joe Biden, Barack Obama, and their liberal allies! Donate now to help elect a Republican to the United States Senate and stop Beau and Joe Biden!

Someone needs to have their exclamation point removed from their keyboard!  But it got me to thinking about dynasties in Delaware politics.  One of them is the duPont family dynasty with Uncle Pete and Charlie Copeland.  Is a dynasty of the duPont family cool, but for the Biden family not cool?  It seems to me that the GOP has essentially told Charlie not to run for the House seat, because they don’t want to undermine their main argument against Beau.  That would be as dumb as if John McCain were to undermine his experience argument against Candidate Obama by nominating a moron to be his running mate.  OK, bad example…

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  1. Scott P says:

    Alls I can say is that you’re a lot more willing to give the GOP credit for message consistancy than I am. Hell, I’ve watched Republicans contradict their own message within the same sentence, let alone a campaign. Look at the speeches that one moment say the government can’t run anything right, then scare you with why the public option will drive private insurance companies out of business. Maybe you’re right, but I don’t think you’ll get rich betting on the authenticity and consistancy of a Republican message.

  2. liberalgeek says:

    No, I’m sure that they would see nothing wrong with their dynasty. Consistency isn’t their strong suit (see Palin, Sarah. Also).

  3. Geezer says:

    In fairness, the du Pont clan is a lot, lot bigger than the Biden clan. Joe’s third cousin once removed isn’t running to replace him; his namesake son is. And it’s now 25 years since Pete left office.

  4. Scott P says:

    You’re right, Geezer, it wouldn’t really be a particularly fair comparison. That doesn’t mean the Repubs wouldn’t say that’s the reason Charlie’s not running. I just think that if they do, it’s more a case of ex post facto logic (is that a real thing, or did I just make that up?). In other words, he would decide not to run for another reason (like maybe he knows he’d lose), but then say it’s because they’re now against dynasties. That is more of the current GOP M.O. Make a decision or take a position, then go back and try to come up with good reasons why. And if the first one doesn’t work, come up with another one, even if it contradicts the first.

  5. anon says:

    By the way, notice doesn’t work if your broweer doesn’t accept cookies. I wonder what they are using the cookies for.

  6. DB says:

    “By the way, notice doesn’t work if your broweer doesn’t accept cookies. I wonder what they are using the cookies for.”

    Think about it: me, Chris Christie, Colin Bonini, Joe Booth. Isn’t it plainly obvious what they do with the cookies?

  7. Hey, don’t forget that Elise (rhymes with sleaze) duPont ran against Carper early in his career.

    Bill Frank (Celia’s predecessor) wrote fawning odes to how Elise would open the door for guests herSELF, without even waiting for the servants.

    One key to a political dynasty is–winning.

  8. RSmitty says:

    Hey, don’t forget that Elise (rhymes with sleaze)…

    Man, you have some repressed HATE. Wait, scratch that, it’s not repressed. Seriously, “sleaze”?

  9. JustTheFacts says:

    The Bayard’s in Delaware make every other “dynasty” look like chump change…

    Biden’s (who I like) can hardly be called a dynasty.

  10. LaNuit says:

    “Think about it: me, Chris Christie, Colin Bonini, Joe Booth. Isn’t it plainly obvious what they do with the cookies?”

    This made me almost like Dave Burris… 🙂

  11. DB says:

    Thank you, LaNuit. That was too funny to go uncommented upon.

    And I’ll take almost….

  12. Geezer says:

    “Biden’s (who I like) can hardly be called a dynasty.”

    Not yet, but what will it be when Beau is sworn into the Senate?

    DB: I liked it too.

  13. I have a soft spot for self-deprecating humor.

  14. cassandra_m says:

    If Beau is sworn into the Senate, you may have the beginning of a dynasty — but you are hardly talking about the Kennedys here. Unlike the duPonts, who may not be handing down elected seats to their family are (or have been) pushing the levers on alot of Delaware government, business, philanthropy and “society”. The Bidens have a mighty long way to go before they match either the Kennedys or the duPonts.

    I’m not crazy about the path that looks like it is being cleared for Beau, but dynasty implies generations which is not the case here.

  15. anone says:

    Look at the speeches that one moment say the government can’t run anything right, then scare you with why the public option will drive private insurance companies out of business.


    Look at the speeches that one moment say the government can’t run anything right and is too big, then cry about how a government program like Medicare is going to be cut.