The Next Elected Office Mike Protack Will Lose

Filed in Delaware by on November 11, 2009

3rd NCCo Council District.

This is an interesting article — one that details Protack’s long-time losing streak and continues the tradition of local Republican Party officials running away from him or trying not to acknowledge his existence. If this is the candidate that NCCo Chair Fleming ends up with that is not an especially auspicious start of this chairmanship. Although it it something of a piece with their “new ideas” for the County largely lifted from Nancy Willing’s blog; Mike Matthews’ (currently inactive) blog to a lesser extent and an occasional foray by this blog.

You’d think that a rebuilding effort would involve building on issues that the local repubs have been pushing (not just taking others’ idea without attribution) and fielding candidates who don’t bring with them their losing teabagger entourages. I have no idea what issues and ideas they’ve been bringing to the table over the years — but a look at their “ideas list” indicates that the NCCo Republican Committee doesn’t know either.

But they do have Protack,his rumored history of not paying his consultants (from a guy who says that the fiscal picture needs mature minds! what a card) and his really bad campaigns. Good luck with that!

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (26)

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  1. liberalgeek says:

    This is going to be fun, especially if there is a primary fight.

  2. anon says:

    “his rumored history of not paying his consultants”

    That was no rumor.

  3. Scott P says:

    My favorite line: “some of his supporters and political observers have been joking that perhaps he should have aimed for a lower office from the start.” Translation: “Show us that someone, anyone, somewhere, anywhere, thinks it’s a good idea for you to be in office.” A smaller race is a good idea for him. That way there is a better chance that the votes of family, friends, and random errors can make a difference.

    Oh…and it’s so cute that he thinks people were joking.

  4. mike hunt says:

    ahhhh, the 2010 election begins…this ought to be fun.

  5. Nice try guys, the support is there. You should have attended the Pasta and Politics event, not a problem in anyway.

    I welcome anyone to get in the race.

    Mike Protack

  6. mike hunt says:

    yee ha…this is what i really missed since the last election…banter and bitchin’ and even the candidate joins in…great entertainment. yee ha

  7. Is Protack StopTheSpin over on the WNJ? Just wondering.

    Thank the gods that the GOP will eliminate him in primary.

  8. Suzanne says:

    The first two words of that article should make the GOP, and all voters for that matter, cringe and run…

    “Perennial candidate”

    Now if only they’d pick up the Pornstache title…

  9. I’m just getting caught up but why is the NJ giving so much attention to Protack? Ron Williams wrote about him and there’s another article in the local section.

  10. “…some of his supporters…have been joking that perhaps he should have aimed for lower political office from the start”?

    Names, please.

  11. cassandra_m says:

    I welcome anyone to get in the race.

    Especially someone who will win it, apparently.

  12. It will be a joy serving on County Council and pointing out the Ethics violations of the Dems, the huge tax increases and the utter incompetence of that body.

    Liberals always mad. Maybe it is their failed President Obama, the 10% unemployment, the failed war in Afghanistan, the free ride banks are getting, the huge tax increases which are coming to the middle class or the horrendous health care bill?

    Mike Protack

  13. cassandra_m says:

    Yes, well, don’t give up your day job and be sure to let us know when you have events so we can point and laugh until Election Day.

  14. Geezer says:

    So, Mike, what’s your answer to those horrible tax increases? Specifics, please. Or do you once again not have any?

  15. nemski says:

    Mike Protack wrote Liberals always mad.

    Have you not been paying attention to your fellow tea baggers. You guys got the corner on mad, angry and crazy.

  16. MJ says:

    Oh, this is going to be like shooting fish in a barrel. Lots of fun until the primary.

  17. PI says:

    Mike Protack is possibly the only candidate in Delaware who could run for a seat unopposed and lose.

  18. Bill Dunn says:

    ” Maybe it is their failed President Obama…. ”

    WHAT?!?!!! WHAT?!?!!!

    You know, the last pilot that was that intoxicated, got arrested in London.

  19. anon says:

    “The failed war in Afghanistan..”

    Umm who started the war–The Dems are trying to clean up the mess of the past 8 years!!

    Huge tax increases??? What does the average county resident pay–500 bucks a year? If you went to the listening campaign you would know this!

  20. anon says:

    ” Maybe it is their failed President Obama…. ”

    Being called a *failure* by Mike Protack is like… is like….

    Oh I give up.

  21. Suzanne says:

    “pointing out the Ethics violations of the Dems, the huge tax increases”

    Oh yeah, i forget, Bush’s TAX CUTS for the rich where much better for the country, because “Even if all of the Bush tax cuts are allowed to expire as scheduled, the projected cost of the Bush tax cuts to the federal budget over the next ten years is $3.9 trillion, an average of 1.4 percent of the country’s total economic activity (GDP) per year. (Center for American Progress)

    “the 10% unemployment”

    Again – had Bush not run this country into the ground, we wouldn’t have unemployment this high. Businesses aren’t hireing right now because the economy is still trying to recover and they don’t want to overdo just yet and are still waiting to see what will happen within the next 6 months, year, or even longer. I don’t blame them, I’d do the same if I was a business owner – rather then fire people because they can’t afford them, they work 14 hours a day to make up for it so they can get by.

    “the failed war in Afghanistan”

    Let’s remember that it was started by the Bush Administration and, again, is one of those things the Dems have to clean up. But yeah, Republican’s like to do that – fuck up things and have the Dems fix it just so they can point fingers and blame the Dems if it isn’t finished yesterday.

    “the free ride banks are getting”

    Yeah, and TARP and the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 are all part of the Obama Administration, right? You really are this stupid, aren’t you?

  22. cassandra_m says:

    A bit rich for a guy with legendary issues with paying his consultants to talk about other people’s ethics issues.

  23. Geezer says:

    Hey, that’s the definition of a fiscal conservative: Do work for him but don’t expect to get paid!

  24. orestes says:

    “Mike Protack is possibly the only candidate in Delaware who could run for a seat unopposed and lose.”

    I would vote for unopposed in that race.