Friday Open Thread

Filed in National by on November 13, 2009

It’s Friday! It’s time for your open thread. So, any cool plans for the weekend? Spill.

Well, this is interesting and I say bravo ACORN because they are right in this:

The antipoverty group Acorn filed a lawsuit against the federal government on Thursday, saying that the House violated the Constitution by passing a resolution barring the group from receiving federal aid.

In the lawsuit, filed in United States District Court in Brooklyn, Acorn asks that its federal financing be restored.

The suit says that the House resolution constitutes a “bill of attainder,” or a legislative determination of guilt without a trial. Acorn, which came under fire after a series of embarrassing scandals, says it was penalized by Congress “without an investigation” and has been forced to cut programs that counsel struggling homeowners and to lay off workers.

I know Republicans think this is the gift that keeps on giving but ACORN has been out of the news for months now. I think Republicans risk looking like huge hypocrites, especially after supporting the right of defense contractors to rip off the taxpayers and deny rape victims justice.

This is too long to excerpt, but a quantum chemist does a sweet takedown of notorious purveyor of woo Deepak Chopra and the anti-science Huffington Post at Daily Kos. The moral of the story: don’t talk about stuff you don’t understand because in the blogosphere there is probably someone who does. Read if you want a easy-to-understand explanation of quantum mechanics and the concepts of superposition and decoherence.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. a.price says: a bit of fun news. has anyone been on that site? i cant seem to make it work.

  2. Loved that story a.! LOL, I hope the student got beaucoup bucks from Glenn Beck’s people for that domain name.

    If you want to read something else crazy, read about this intra-birther dispute. One birther is claiming Orly Taitz told him to commit perjury. It’s like taking a journey inside the minds of crazy people.

  3. liberalgeek says:

    OMG! you have to watch the John Stewart clip on Hannity’s apology. 5 minutes of pure comedy gold.

  4. Scott P says:

    I loved the Kos article, UI. Reminds me of the old saying, “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.” Also reminds me of the old saying I just made up, “If you talk about confusing crap that no one understands, just sound like you know what you’re talking about and people will think you do.” (Incidentally, that second one pretty much explains the conservative position on most science-related issues.)

  5. Scott P says:

    Now, LG, if they can find some bourbon we got a moon party!

  6. nemski says:

    I always wondered who on The Daily Show or Keith or Rachel lost the bet and had to watch Fox “News” or listen to Hate Radio.

    Is it used as a punishment? Or do they bet on football and the loser has to watch?

  7. lizard says:

    About Those Right Wing Extremists Who Killed the Census Worker in Kentucky…

    The new focus of the investigation is a manipulated suicide for the insurance money.

  8. nemski says:

    Homicide, suicide and accidental death are always part of the investigator’s arsenal when looking at a suspicious death.

  9. A. price says:

    aww look at lizard. jsut like a good little wingnut. take an act of terrorism committed by their side and call it a hoax (like the horrible evil bitch Virginia Fox talking about matthew sheppard)
    liz, where is your proof, or does it not matter as long as Jesus loves white republicans?

  10. lizard says:

    “an act of terrorism committed by their side”

    we can always count on you for the full moonbat treatment

  11. jason330 says:

    The real built in advantage that modern Republicans have over Democrats is that Republicans realize that everything is a political battle and every political battle is a zero sum game. They have thrown out the 200 year traditions and norms of our deliberative form of government and launched an all out jihad against reason, compromise and common sense. I don’t blame them. It is the only way they can win people over to supporting their goofy ass shit. I blame the Democrats for not getting it.

    Bill Clinton’s Jeff/Jax speech should be put in a time capsule for future generations, so that they can know when and how the tradition of putting miniature bibles and guns in the hands of three week old fetuses started.