It’s Friday! It’s time for your open thread. So, any cool plans for the weekend? Spill.
Well, this is interesting and I say bravo ACORN because they are right in this:
The antipoverty group Acorn filed a lawsuit against the federal government on Thursday, saying that the House violated the Constitution by passing a resolution barring the group from receiving federal aid.
In the lawsuit, filed in United States District Court in Brooklyn, Acorn asks that its federal financing be restored.
The suit says that the House resolution constitutes a “bill of attainder,” or a legislative determination of guilt without a trial. Acorn, which came under fire after a series of embarrassing scandals, says it was penalized by Congress “without an investigation” and has been forced to cut programs that counsel struggling homeowners and to lay off workers.
I know Republicans think this is the gift that keeps on giving but ACORN has been out of the news for months now. I think Republicans risk looking like huge hypocrites, especially after supporting the right of defense contractors to rip off the taxpayers and deny rape victims justice.
This is too long to excerpt, but a quantum chemist does a sweet takedown of notorious purveyor of woo Deepak Chopra and the anti-science Huffington Post at Daily Kos. The moral of the story: don’t talk about stuff you don’t understand because in the blogosphere there is probably someone who does. Read if you want a easy-to-understand explanation of quantum mechanics and the concepts of superposition and decoherence.