Could Someone Please Make Her Stop Talking?

Filed in National by on November 18, 2009

Sarah Palin is not only an idiot, she’s a dangerous idiot with absolutely no control, or thought, over what spews from her mouth.

I believe that the Jewish settlements should be allowed to be expanded upon, because that population of Israel is, is going to grow. More and more Jewish people will be flocking to Israel in the days and weeks and months ahead. And I don’t think that the Obama administration has any right to tell Israel that the Jewish settlements cannot expand.”

Does Sarah Palin know something the rest of us don’t?  (I crack myself up!)  But, seriously, why does she believe that more and more Jewish people will be flocking to Israel in the days and weeks and months ahead?

As far as her thoughts on expanding settlements… she’s an uneducated fool who has not even the most basic understanding of the region – nor does she care to educate herself.  J Street says it best…

Palin’s pandering to her right-wing base comes at the expense of the security of the State of Israel, the lives of those actually living the conflict, and the fundamental American interest in achieving a two-state solution in the near term. Her words reveal a glaring ignorance of damaging facts and a callous disregard of past and present U.S. policy.

For decades, American presidents have held that Israeli settlements in the West Bank are an impediment to peace. They are joined by the majority of Israelis and pro-Israel Americans who view the growing settlement enterprise as a threat to Israel’s very future as a Jewish democracy.

A scarier thought… as of now she’s pretty much all the Republicans got… which only amplifies her voice, projecting what she says onto the world stage.

Please, could someone make her shut up?  I can’t handle much more of this.


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. wikwox says:

    Let the fool prattle on, at some point her “followers” will realize everyone else is staring at them and laughing. I admit that might take some serious time as thier a brain dead bunch, you betcha’!

  2. MJ says:

    Well, I knew it was going to come out sooner than later. Yep, I’m selling everything here, giving up the beach and my comfortable Federal job and moving to a kibbutz on the West Bank to put the jackboot of colonial Zionism right on the neck of any Arab I can find. Oh, and I’m taking all of my mishpacha with me.

  3. Scott P says:

    I can only assume that she has finally stumbled upon b. HUSSEIN obama’s plan to establish his Muslim dictatorship and deport all the Jews. You’d think they would have done a better job keeping it a secret.

    (note to lizard: this is sarcasm. don’t go cutting and pasting this around the internets)

  4. the cajun says:

    As long as the media covers her madness we’re stuck with it as well. reporting her comments as newsworthy is to my mind more dangerous than her comments.

    As long as these “news outlets” are willing to follow along like bad puppies reporting each and every un-vetted word as truth, the world is stuck hearing her strafing voice mock everything without challenges from reporters.

    Thank McCain for plucking her from obscurity and creating this __________ fill in the blank.

  5. cassandra_m says:

    I’m very amused that the media that she and her minions think so badly mistreated her is the media that she rushes off to talk to to sell her silly book.

  6. A. price says:

    lizard doesnt know how to cut and paste.. or send links. because (s)he is a troll who supports violence and hate

  7. Sarah Palin was the one who started the whole death panel thing by posting on Facebook. The media treat her every utterance as important political news. Apparently ridiculousness does not matter when Sarah Palin speaks.

  8. wikwox says:

    How to silence Palin and for that matter those like her?
    (think Orly “Who?” Taitz) apply the ancient wisdom of the past:
    Stop paying attention and it will go away. As soon as the Media Vultures realize ( I admit it can be a lenghty process) she will vanish and go back to Wasilla and aerial wolf slaughter.

  9. JUDSON Bennett says:

    The Coastal Network is always fair and balanced 🙂 🙂 :), so I thought I would send out the Democratic response to Sarah Palin. I receive all the DNC correspondence, as I do from the RNC, as well. The Democratic Party is frightened and wants to raise money to counter her increasing popularity. The Democrats will most likely write those $5 checks as requested below and the Republicans will have fun with this one for sure. The politcal pot is boiling in Washington, DC, while Americans watch with confusion and concern.


    Dear Friend,

    Right now, Sarah Palin is on a highly publicized, nationwide book tour, attacking President Obama and his plan for health reform at every turn.

    It’s dangerous. Remember, this is the person who coined the term “Death Panels” — and opened the flood gates for months of false attacks by special interests and partisan extremists.

    Whatever lie comes next will be widely covered by the media, then constantly echoed by right-wing attack groups and others who are trying to defeat reform.

    As we approach the final sprint on health reform, we can’t afford more deception and delay. We need to be ready for anything — and have the resources to respond with ads, events, and calls to Congress when the attacks come.

    So we’re setting a big goal: $500,000 in the next week to help push back against Sarah Palin and her allies. Please chip in $5 or more to help reach our goal.

    Earlier this month, Palin publicly said that she hopes health reform will be “dead on arrival.” And since then, she’s been working fiercely toward that goal.

    On Tuesday, Palin went on Rush Limbaugh’s radio show where she outrageously — and falsely — suggested that Americans could “face jail time as punishment” if they don’t buy insurance.

    Palin has many more interviews scheduled on Hannity and other conservative shows in the next few weeks, with more platforms to go after the President. As soon as she does, the rest of our opponents will likely parrot those attacks.

    We need to be prepared. And we’re counting on you help. Can you chip in $5 or more–please?



    Mitch Stewart
    Organizing for America

    Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee,
    This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

    Democratic National Committee, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington, DC 20003

    Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

  10. anonie says:

    Let’s hope she gets the republican nomination for President. She’ll be lucky to break 100 in the electoral college. Same for O’Donnell. They have the same wacko following. Hopefully, she beats Castle in a Senatoral primary and then gets 26% of the vote in the general (that’s the 26 percenters that think GWB did a good job, Obama is a Kenyan, ACORN stole an election Obama won by 9.8 million votes and on and on and on and on…………..)

  11. JUDSON Bennett says:

    My prognostication: the Gop will not endorse Palen. It will be Romney for the GOP and Obama will go down in 2012, as the ever increasing unemployment and financial crisis becomes Obama’s and the Afgan war becomes Obama’s. The party is soon to be over for the “Audacity of Hope” writer. In Delaware– Castle will beat Odonnell in the primary and then lose to Biden.

  12. anon says:

    No mormon will ever get the GOP nomination. Obama will be easily reelected as the economy improves, the US becomes the last industralized nation to pass comprehensive health coverage before Obama’s State of the Union Address, immigration reform is passed early next year and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan wind down by 2011. The GOP has a long way to go before they win a national election again. Besides, they’re not done eating their own and purging impurity from their ranks.