Republicans are assembling a STELLAR Field.

Filed in Delaware by on November 18, 2009

On top of the news that the GOP has enticed the highly sought after Republican juggernaut Fred Cullis into the race for Delaware’s open Congressional seat, we receive word from Delaware Politics that …. gasp …. Former Delawareans for McCain leader and 17th Republican District chair Kevin Wade is considering a run for the seat.

Carney should just quit now.


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  1. Jerry Northington says:


    That is about as good as political news gets in the humor factor these days.

  2. He was for McCain? Doesn’t that make him a RINO of insufficient Republican purity?

  3. RSmitty says:

    I’m not trying to even think this will sway anyone into supporting the guy, but before the slapstick arrives, I want to at least give a compliment that I feel is due…
    I know Kevin Wade and can tell you that he is a decent person whose intellect dwarfs mine and many others. If he does decide to make a go of it and ends up being the primary victor, I can tell you that debates would definitely be good. I’m not saying anything about who would win, but I am saying btw Carney and Wade, we’d all come away learning something new.

  4. Baseless says:

    Has Cullis secured his RNC backing yet?
    It seemed sad that on the day he announced his candidacy, Burris, from o so far away Dover, said that he was sure the Republicans would wind up with an experienced candidate. If that is not a slap, I’m not sure what is.

    RSmitty – thank you for making the comment above, it is always interesting to hear about candidates who are at least capable of applying intellect to this stuff.

  5. Geezer says:

    “If that is not a slap, I’m not sure what is.”

    I think it was a “prediction” from someone who already knows that an experienced candidate intends to announce for this race.

  6. anon says:

    Anderson is from Dover. Burris is from Sussex. I don’t remember Burris making that comment. Can you link it?

  7. Fire Ant says:

    When health care is passed, Republicans will be known as the Death Squad. Their numbers will drop; panic will set in and their unchecked Piranhas the Club for Greed will destroy all GOP life as we know it.