The Mississippi Health Care Stomp

Filed in National by on November 21, 2009

You hear that sucking sound? Yeah, that’s state of Mississippi. Gov. Haley Barbour was on Hardball the other day and commented how he thinks states would do a better job at health care than the federal government. Digby over at Hullaballo points out that Mississippi ranks 51st out of the 50 states (plus DC) in heath care. Digby writes, “It seems to me that with that record, he [Barbour] should rethink his argument.”

If there was ever an argument against the South seceding, having Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas and Alabama stay in the Union really helps pad the stats so to speak.


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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. We have terrible health care, and we like it that way!

  2. john Galt says:

    The Federal Goverment does not have any authority to be involved in health care in any way shape or form, it was left to the States and the people.

    See Article 1 Section 9

    Also Amendments 9 and 10

    It’s very clear.

  3. A. price says:

    then i guess if you have any family benefitting from medicare, they should payback all that money eh?

  4. Brooke says:

    Don’t you have a railroad exec to fondle, Mr. Galt?

    Good Lord. It just came to me. All this quitterama is totally Atlas Shrugged! Now if we can get them packed off to Galt’s Gulch, we can do without them!

    Government has the powers we give it, John. That’s how we play.

  5. A. price says:

    they think government should only have to the power to kill people in other countries who dont pray like “us”

  6. Brooke says:

    no, most of them think we should be able to kill poor folks with bad legal representation, too. 😉

  7. A. price says:

    well if they were good christians, God would see fit to bless them with jobs that provide heath insurance.

  8. Brooke says:

    won’t help them on death row. 😉

  9. john Galt says:

    Government has the powers we give it, John. That’s how we play.

    Really? Only by amending the Constitution can we do this. No matter what your opinion is of the 18th Amendment, the Federal Goverment went about it in the correct procedure. Today, Congress would simpy pass a law outlawing alcohol.

    they think government should only have to the power to kill people in other countries who dont pray like “us

    I have no idea who “They” are. Libertarians such as myself believe that the U.S shouldn’t involve itself with other countries private affairs. Did you vote for Kerry? He voted for the war and his biggest complaint was that Bush did not send enough troops to Irag. Did you vote for Obama? How is the withdraw from Irag going? Happy about the troop levels in Afganistan? More important, how about the other 136 contries we have our military in?

    then i guess if you have any family benefitting from medicare, they should payback all that money eh?

    If I can opt out of Medicare and Social Securty and get back the $50,000 I’ve paid in, yes, where do I sign?

  10. nemski says:

    John Galt, think of it as a tax and opt out anyway. Maybe move to Idaho or Montana.

  11. john Galt says:

    John Galt, think of it as a tax and opt out anyway. Maybe move to Idaho or Montana.

    A throw away line. You never address my comments. I didn’t expect any less

  12. cassandra_m says:

    He’s truly gone Galt on you, john Galt. You know — withdrawing his value to this thread because his interlocutor wouldn’t appreciate it anyway.

  13. nemski says:

    JG, you are nothing but a troll. If I thought you were serious, I might have responded, but you have no track record here.

    Your comments are as empty as the ideas that you have memorized from Friedman books. Go pal around with your fellow troglodytes that you call your brethren.

  14. Truth Teller says:

    We have an example of the Repuk’s Health Care Plan to ration treatment a Bush panel comes out against x rays for women and the way it’s talked about in the MSM as if it were Obama’s plan. WHERE are the Dem’s on this asleep at the switch as always.

  15. john Galt says:

    Lets recap:

    Brooke would fail a high school Social Studies class. She has States Rights and powers “granted” to the Federal Goverment backwards. I’m not sure if she is aware our system of goverment is a Republic, not a Democracy.

    A. Price (post 4) – That is actually YOUR postion. See, you are now OK with the war in Iraq and Afganistan, the Patriot Act etc. because your man is now in office. On foreign policy you support a man who has given us George Bush for a third term. In your mind you have to support Obama’s foreign policy because your only other option is voting Republican. The last preidential election there were 5 people on the ballot. Two were for continuing our foreign policy (Obama and McCain) and three others. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say you can’t name one.

    Nemski – You mock Gov. Haley Barbour because a think tank that supports national health care ranks his state last in the county. Gee, I couldn’t find the link on how well they rank the Federal Goverment with Amtrak, the Postal Service, Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid, the War on Drugs, the War on Poverity…..

    As for my thoughts on health care

    I await in high anticipation for your next round of name calling, or will you just threaten me with holding you breath??

  16. nemski says:

    Ha, you got me. Please continue to litter kavips’ site with your Ayn Rand masturbatory comments.

    No offense intended kavips.

  17. Von Cracker says:

    Galt forgot to read the rest of the document:

    Amendment XVI

    The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several states, and without regard to any census or enumeration.

    Fucking Utopian Libertarian bullshit makes me cringe.

  18. A. price says:

    actually galt, i NEVER said i was for the wars in iraq and afganistan and i am definitely still against the patriot act. And to answer your charge, there were a lot more than 5 people on the 2008 ballot, but i assume you are referring to frauds like Ron Paul, Bob Barr, and Alan Keys.
    Remember that Obama has only handled the wars Bush started and while i too would like to totally pull out overnight and be done with that area forever, it is logistically impossible. I hope Obama decided to leave afganistan to the tribes and just make sure no nukes get in, but I’m not going to throw away the other positive steps in foreign policy. i.e NOT being the school yard bully anymore.

    and gotta love VC… apparently Galt only cares about the part of the constitution that makes him money….. sounds like conservunist to me

  19. Progressive Mom says:

    You want $50,000 back to cover your healthcare post-age 65?

    And you’re willing to give up your Social Security, as well?



    You’ve got the talking points, just no common sense.

  20. john Galt says:

    A. Price – Wrong. You even had the chance to Google the answer. The other 3 candidates that were on the majority of the States ballots were Chuck Baldwin, Bob Barr and Cynthia McKinney. All three were for a major shift in our foreign policy. You are total confused over what a election and a primary is.

    Von Cracker – I’ve read the document many times. The 16th Amendment refers to taxation. It doesn’t nullify the rest of the Constitution or make the previous 15 Amendments null and void. Read the Federalist Papers for further education.

  21. cassandra_m says:

    Does anybody remember when these glibertarian Galt-types were going to withdraw from the rest of us until we came to our senses?

    Does anybody wish they would just go already?

  22. anon says:

    Galt forgot to read the rest of the document

    There is always some wacky fringe that keeps scouring the Constitution for the words that say you can’t tax the rich or spend on social programs. The latest bunch thinks the Tenth Amendment provides the magic words. It doesn’t.

  23. anon says:

    Read the Federalist Papers for further education.

    Can you show us where the Constitution references the Federalist Papers? Is there some kind of footnote or something that I missed?

  24. pandora says:

    apparently Galt only cares about the part of the constitution that makes him money

    Bet Galt doesn’t make money. Seriously, how many Libertarians do you know who make “real” money. They seem to apply to the notion that if only they had their way they’d be rich. If only… if only… if only… Most I know work for the government.

  25. john Galt says:

    Can you show us where the Constitution references the Federalist Papers? Is there some kind of footnote or something that I missed?

    Anon – The Federalist Papers has been quoted more then any other written document in deciding Supreme Court decisions (291 times). I quote Chief Justice John Marshall in the famous case McCulloch v. Maryland, that “the opinions expressed by the authors of that work have been justly supposed to be entitled to great respect in expounding the Constitution. No tribute can be paid to them which exceeds their merit; but in applying their opinions to the cases which may arise in the progress of our government, a right to judge of their correctness must be retained.”

    The Federalist Papers were written by James Madison and Alexander Hamilton, both members of the Continental Congress and signers of the Constitution and John Jay, the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

    Bet Galt doesn’t make money. Seriously, how many Libertarians do you know who make “real” money. They seem to apply to the notion that if only they had their way they’d be rich. If only… if only… if only… Most I know work for the government.

    Pandora – I’m doing pretty well for myself. My oldest daugher graduated from Delaware and just purchased her first house at age 24. My other two children are in private school and doing very well. My wife and I live in a very nice house. I assure you I do not work for the goverment.