Sometimes Size Doesn’t Matter

Filed in National by on November 21, 2009

Matthew Yglesias has a great look at the size of bills on Capitol HIll and disingenuousness of Republicans who complain about a bill’s length.

The bill is long in part because it’s a complicated bill with lots of words in it. But part of the issue is that bills are printed up with large type and a lot of spacing. I’m not exactly sure why they’re formatted this way, but anyone who’s ever worked on the Hill—including Republican members of congress of course—knows this perfectly well.

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. anon says:

    There’s a story about how Congressman Sonny Bono was working on a bill in committee, and complained about “all this legalese.” And he had to be reminded, by Chuck Schumer I believe: “Congressman Bono, we are making laws here.”

  2. Al Pearis says:

    Just another example of what the Republican Party has sunk to. All show and no substance. That pile of papers you are going to see stacked on the Republican side of the isle includes the House Bill. The Senate will be voting only on the Senate Bill. As far as major legislation is concerned, it is about average. Democrats should hold up a copy of the Defense Appropriations Bill, which the Republicans regularly vote to pass every year no questins asked.