Archive for November, 2009

Monday Open Thread

Filed in National by on November 23, 2009 15 Comments

I have a definite case of the Mondays. I had to waste an hour this morning going back home after I got to work because I left my computer at home. Aaaarghhh! I hope your Monday is going better than mine is so far. Anyway, let’s discuss whatever’s on your mind. This is interesting: “7 […]

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Fiscal Scolds

Filed in National by on November 23, 2009 6 Comments

I’m really sick of all the fiscal scolds who say that the U.S. can’t pay for health care for its citizens. We can’t afford not to, but almost all the current fiscal scolds cheered when Bush pushed through unfunded tax cuts and unfunded wars: When the Bush tax cuts sunset at the end of 2010, […]

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Glenn Beck’s 100 Year Plan

Filed in National by on November 23, 2009 14 Comments

Glenn Beck is crazy like a Fox: – I have begun meeting with some of the best minds in the country that believe in limited government, maximum freedom and the values of our Founders. I am developing a 100 year plan. I know that the bipartisan corruption in Washington that has brought us to this […]

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Sarah’s Peeps

Filed in National by on November 23, 2009 10 Comments

Do you remember when Democrats were accused of joining a cult of personality and thinking that Obama was the Messiah?  M’kay then. [youtube][/youtube]

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PSA Press Release: Lake is Exonerated

Filed in National by on November 22, 2009 4 Comments

Nancy Willing sent me this press release sent out by Frank Murphy today:

The Board of the Peoples Settlement Association today announced that Keith Lake, its Executive Director of 16 years, has been cleared of all allegations of misconduct. After a special investigation lasting more than one year, the State Auditor of Accounts provided Peoples Settlement with a report finding no evidence of illegal conduct or missing state funds. Representatives of Peoples Settlement recently met with the Auditor’s Office, and confirmed that Mr. Lake was exonerated of any wrongdoing.

It is funny how the same people keep popping up at all of these McDowell influenced organizations.

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He Was FOR Tough Environmental Regulation Before He Was Against Tough Environmental Regulation

Filed in National by on November 22, 2009 7 Comments
He Was FOR Tough Environmental Regulation Before He Was Against Tough Environmental Regulation

Of course, taking on the “Overregulation” mantra in the wake of Valero closing is largely about an opportunity to push another piece of ideology — one not especially connected to reality. Given that plant’s problems, exemptions and fairly weak enforcement it isn’t as though the State hasn’t been bending over backwards to give Valero the benefit of the doubt. Listen closely to the estimates of possibly cleaning up that plant, think about who will be on the hook for it and then ask yourself if “Overregulation” would have had that result.

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Catholic Church Purging Its Ranks of Infidels

Filed in National by on November 22, 2009 31 Comments

Beginning, of course, with  U. S. Rep. Patrick Kennedy of Rhode Island. It seems Infidel Kennedy supports abortion rights. A moral institution like the Catholic Church simply cannot countenance such disagreement with the Infallible Ex-Nazi Pope. Maybe the Church will next bar those using contraception. Which will leave the pedophile priests, who are still welcome […]

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Weekend Foodie Thread

Filed in National by on November 22, 2009 10 Comments
Weekend Foodie Thread

Ciao!  Let’s talk pasta.  Being Italian pasta always fell under the quick, throw together meal.  I never realized,  until I started serving these dishes to my friends, that most people just opened a jar of sauce and dumped it on noodles.  *shudder*  (FYI, pasta should be added to the sauce and tossed to coat.)   Also, […]

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In Remembrance

Filed in National by on November 22, 2009 23 Comments
In Remembrance

Today in 1963 one of the great presidents of the United States was struck down.

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Tea Party: The Movie

Filed in National by on November 22, 2009 6 Comments

There is a new documentary coming out – it’s called Tea Party: The Documentary Film. Apparently it’s serious and not a parody (though it’s difficult to tell). Here’s the trailer: Seriously guys – the second American revolution? Two protests in Washington, D.C. does not a revolution make, even if you’ve got your own TV news […]

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First Health Care Reform Vote Tonight

Filed in National by on November 21, 2009 26 Comments

Tonight is the first vote for the health care reform bill. This vote is only to put proceed to debate the bill. All Democrats have announced they will vote to bring the bill up for a debate. Arkansas Sen. Blanche Lincoln just announced her support for bringing the health care reform bill to the floor […]

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The Mississippi Health Care Stomp

Filed in National by on November 21, 2009 25 Comments

You hear that sucking sound? Yeah, that’s state of Mississippi. Gov. Haley Barbour was on Hardball the other day and commented how he thinks states would do a better job at health care than the federal government. Digby over at Hullaballo points out that Mississippi ranks 51st out of the 50 states (plus DC) in […]

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Sometimes Size Doesn’t Matter

Filed in National by on November 21, 2009 2 Comments

Matthew Yglesias has a great look at the size of bills on Capitol HIll and disingenuousness of Republicans who complain about a bill’s length. The bill is long in part because it’s a complicated bill with lots of words in it. But part of the issue is that bills are printed up with large type […]

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