Cullis to fellate Tea Baggers.

Filed in Delaware by on December 2, 2009

Whoa. There is just way too much innuendo in that title for even me.

According to the Sussex Countian, Republican congressional candidate Fred Cullis will speak at Thursday’s Delaware 9-12 Patriots meeting at the Milton Fire Hall at 7 pm.

Now, unless the GOP is just going to give up the House seat, there is little to no chance that Fred Cullis will be the Republican nominee. So he might as well become the fringe candidate by going to a fringe meeting. Hell, this may all be orchestrated anyway, so that when Charlie Copeland gets into the race he appears downright sane by comparison.

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    Except that Copeland is leaving a Permanent Record in the form of his blog — which shows Charlie teabagging like a mofo.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    I am not saying it will work, and indeed I think Charlie doesn’t realize how much an anvil his blog is going to be in any future run for office.

    Hell, Delaware Liberal is why I will never run for office. Can you just image the negative ads from my statements here?

  3. cassandra_m says:

    And those are just the ads bought by your blogmates! 😉

  4. LaNuit says:

    Charlie is just sort of mean.

  5. If people do not agree with you, they are unworthy of a candidate’s time. That makes sense in some world. They are voters and worthy of respect.

  6. jason330 says:

    Holy shit! That guy is a freakshow.

  7. marctrane says:

    Charlie is smart enough to wait til 2012
    he needs time to fundraise for gov

  8. anon says:

    Except that Copeland is leaving a Permanent Record in the form of his blog

    The blog will be gone. Dave Burris as Copeland Communications Director will show him how to delete his old embarrassing stuff.

  9. liberalgeek says:

    yeah, but the blog’s contents will live forever in my hard drive.

  10. pandora says:

    That’s why it pays (figuratively) to have a Geek! 😉

  11. J.Stewart says:

    I love all the vulgarity here… it prevents a first time visitor from thinking this is a serios site.

  12. Thanks for your concern J.S.

  13. Ergonomic says:

    ahhh Cullis.
    A man who will defeat himself, before he’s defeated in the primaries.
    So there is no chance for him to be defeated by We the People.
    Gotta love the guy.
    Stick to sales Fred.

  14. Red 'n Delaware says:

    Delaware Dem wouldn’t know a strategy if it smacked him in the face. I’m wondering if the board of trustees at his college (employer) appreciates they way Delaware Dem represents their institution…