Wednesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on December 2, 2009

Can you believe it’s Wednesday already? It seems like this week is flying by. It’s open thread time and it’s time to talk about whatever you feel like talking about.

Defender of traditional serial marriage Rush Limbaugh is getting married for the fourth time. You know what they say, fourth time’s a charm!

Congrats to Rush Limbaugh! We hear he’s finally set a date get married for a fourth time—appropriately enough, it is the Fourth of July!

The lucky lady: Kathryn “Kate” Rogers. We’re not sure where the wedding is taking place, yet, but Rush reads the site, so maybe he’ll let us know!

Speaking of love, Alberto Gonzales had some advice for college students:

Some deep thoughts that disgraced former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales is imparting to his students at Texas Tech:

“Dream big but be patient,” he said. “You never know when the next George W. Bush is going to come along and give you a once in a lifetime opportunity like he gave me, but you have to be patient.”

I’m not sure why this is running through my head…


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    NYS Senate is debating gay marriage today — the crew at Open Left is liveblogging the action.

  2. I was just seeing that Cassandra. That would be nice for NY. Apparently there’s no drive to repeal yet either.

  3. Are you stumped on what to get for the loved one who has it all? I’ll bet they don’t have “Butt Lift in a Box.”

    It goes without saying that being a model for Victoria’s Secret requires strict beauty and fitness regimens. But not even that rigorous upkeep is enough to make her runway-ready—New York magazine reports that makeup artists then need to beautify her butt. Apparently, each girl gets 20 (20!) layers of makeup on her derrière and is attended to by as many as five artists. [NY Mag]

    So what exactly is butt makeup? Let’s discuss …

    We weren’t sure, although best guess would be some type of heavy-duty foundation. [I’ve been backstage at the show before—it’s basically layers of spray tan, pancake makeup, and spray foundation, powder and shimmer.—Editor] But is there a company that specializes in butt cosmetics?

    Here’s the closest product we found, the “Butt Lift in a Box”:

  4. J.Stewart says:

    Clearly Rush is an optimist.

    a triumph of hope over experiance.

  5. Tiger Woods speaks. Yep, he had an affair. He’s not admitting that his wife chased him out of the house with a golf club.

  6. anonone says:

    Gee, I wonder what all the Libertarians think of this story:

    Looks like the Libertarian dream to me – except that they would like it to be legal to apply this type of private property rights enforcement based on race, gender, or whatever the whims or prejudices of the individual business owners are. Under Libertarians, a business owner could hang a sign that said “No Loitering By Black People” and the state would have to enforce it for them.

  7. Brooke says:

    You can lift your ass with the same tape you use for revealing decolletage. Should you feel the need.

  8. If you have time tonight, you should think about coming out to the Progressive Democrats of Delaware meeting at party HQ. Speaker Gilligan is talking to the group and will discuss the upcoming legislative year.

  9. Another Mike says:

    I posted this comment late last night, and it seemed to be getting lost as today wore on, so I am reposting it here. I expect some good reading by the time I see the internets late tonight.

    Regarding the school district/consolidation debate:
    I’m not trying to be a smart ass here, but what exactly do you mean by “local control”? Graduation requirements are set by the state, are they not? What benefits, exactly, do our students currently realize because the districts have local control? Not the administration, not the teachers, but the students.

    Can anyone give examples from three Delaware school districts of local control? I’m guessing that Brandywine School District having an IB program is one, so you can’t use that one.

  10. pandora says:

    I luv this question, but I’m guessing it wasn’t so much lost as it was unanswerable. I’m adding “local control” to the list of “it’s for the kids” and “school districts want parent involvement.”

  11. Joanne Christian says:

    Another Mike–just passing thru–but here’s some “local control” for ya…

    I can only speak to Appoquinimink…

    Counselors…the state only pays for them at certain grade levels…we pay for them LOCALLY in all our buildings at ALL grade levels, inclusive of our early childhood centers.

    College/career guidance…the state pays nada, and expects the counselors to handle this..we pay LOCALLY at the high schools for a dedicated counselor to ONLY do college/career counseling and navigation.

    Languages…the state won’t recognize ASL as a language choice or pathway for students. We pay to offer ASL to our students as a choice along w/ Italian, Spanish, Chinese, French etc. etc.

    Post-secondary planning….we pay LOCALLY for every single one of our HS kids to take the PSAT–no special Saturday or parental pay for that one. Additionally, we offer SAT prep free of charge to those interested.

    Our athletic eligibility to play is a higher requirement than the state’s or DIAA.(whichever decides that)

    We have our students in school between 6-9 days longer than the state requires.

    We LOCALLY paid for summer school this year, for those identified as at risk, or in academic jeopardy, when the state bailed and funded no summer school based off of DSTP.

    We LOCALLY paid for an entire capital campaign of a teacher training facility, that the state said it had no money to underwrite though they agreed it was a worthy project, merited need, and have used it for training teachers statewide, but oh well…the state couldn’t pony up that funding, so our local citizens did.

    Shall I continue?…..

  12. Another Mike says:

    Good examples, all.

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