Friday Open Thread

Filed in National by on December 4, 2009

TGIF! My Friday did not start out well. I overslept by an hour this morning and was rushing to get to work. I was only 15 minutes late though!

So, what’s on your mind that you wouldn’t mind spilling to bunch of strangers on the internet?

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s re-election numbers look terrible right now. We’re still a year out, so take this with a grain of salt but this is bad (for him):

Senate Majority Leader is already facing an uphill climb as he attempts force health care reform through an irascible Senate in Washington. But a new poll shows that fight could be nothing compared to what he faces back home in Nevada. In a new Mason-Dixon poll of Nevada voters out today, Reid has just a 38% approval rating — and is losing in a hypothetical matchup with both of the leading contenders for the Republican nomination.

Can we finally get a more progressive majority leader, a real fighter in the job? I’m not sure why Democrats put swing state senators as majority leaders, but Reid looks like he’s going to be Daschle’d.

Dave Holmes attended Glenn Beck’s special theater broadcast of A Christmas Sweater so you don’t have to and gives a review:

Glenn Beck starts crying almost immediately. Like, in his introductory comments. Like, very early in his introductory comments. Like, literally fifteen seconds into the show. And his tears are the tears of someone who’s trying very, very hard to produce tears. Is there anything more uncomfortable than being in the presence of someone who’s trying to make himself cry? As it happens, yes: being in a movie theater full of people who are eating it the fuck up. The open mockery section, we learned right away, held exactly two people.


It was all a dream. (Or, not ALL of it, just the part after he was a dick at his grandparents’ house. Mom’s alive, Dad is still poor and proud and dead.) So now Glenn Beck believes in God and his heart grows three sizes and he carves the roast beast. Jennifer Religious Holiday comes out and sings a song about how dreams can come true if you believe. (Even though this particular dream was about our hero’s mother dying in a car wreck.)

So that’s how 12-year-old Glenn Beck learned to love himself and God and family. And then later he became a cokehead morning-zoo DJ and now he’s a dick on TV thank you and goodnight!

AND THEN THE CAMERA PULLS BACK FROM A MOVIE SCREEN, and we realize that we’ve been watching Glenn Beck watch last year’s “Christmas Sweater” performance. “This is the first time I’ve seen it since I performed it,” he tells us. (Really? You didn’t take a look, just to give yourself some notes? Your director didn’t play some things back for you? Really, Glenn?)

He then cries.

I’m sure you’re all going to rush out to see this movie now, right?


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. a.price says:

    i kinda want to sneak in and mock everyone there. just go scrooge to the max, but i am afraid the teabags will hurt me.

    Also, monday morning at 730 am the WBC will be spewing hate at Cherry Hill High school in Jersey. there is a counter protest planned in case anyone wants to try and outnumber the vermin (WBC members)

  2. nemski says:

    World Cup news:

    US in Group C: England, US, Algeria and Slovenia. Looks good for the US to make the next round. Though our first match is against England.

  3. anon says:

    Irony alert – Teabagger Central posts a “compassionate conservative” topic on immigration, and is promptly overrun by bigoted right-wing trolls.

  4. LOL! Beck’s show was a flop!

    Despite heavy promotion on Beck’s radio and TV shows, and in-theater trailers, ticket sales were weak in major cities: Beck sold only 17 tickets in Boston, another 17 in New York, and just 30 in Washington, DC

  5. cassandra_m says:

    Not enough teabaggers ready for Glenn Beck’s Sweater. Go figure.

    Bet he’d sell way more if it were RiffTraxed.