Delaware Liberal

The Birther Queen.

Mover over Orly Talitz. Big Momma is taking over.

Sarah Palin declared on Thursday that the legitimacy of President Obama’s birth certificate is “rightfully” an issue with the American public, and that it is “fair game” for politicians to question Obama’s citizenship.

The comments came during an interview with conservative radio host Rusty Humphries, who asked Palin whether she planned to “make the birth certificate an issue” if she runs for president in 2012.

“I think the public rightfully is still making it an issue,” Palin said. “I don’t have a problem with that. I don’t know if I would have to bother to make it an issue, because I think that members of the electorate still want answers.”

“I think it’s a fair question just like I think past associations and past voting records. All of that is fair game,” Palin responded, adding that “the McCain-Palin campaign didn’t do a good enough job in that area. We didn’t call out Obama and some of his associates on their records and what their beliefs were, and perhaps what their future plans were, and I don’t think that was fair to voters to not have done our job as candidates and a campaign to bring to light a lot of things that now we’re seeing manifest in the administration.”

Palin later referenced “that weird conspiracy theory freaky thing that people talk about that Trig isn’t my real son, and a lot of people that went ‘Well, you need to produce his birth certificate, you need to prove that he’s your kid,’ which we have done, but yeah, so maybe we can reverse that, and use the same [inaudible] thinking on the other one.”

So it was reasonable to ask Sarah for Trig’s birth certificate? I thought all that Andrew Sullivan inspired hoopla was contrived and bullshit, but if Sarah says that everything is fair game, and analogizes the alleged “controversy” (I put quotations here because this never made it to the mainstream media and onto the House and Senate floor the way the Birther nonsense has) to the Birther controversy, then yes, I want Sarah Palin to submit to a medical examination to determine if she truly is the mother of Trig. I want DNA tests performed. I want Bristol Palin examined as well.

For if the Birther conspiracy theories are fair game, and are analogous to the “controversy” over Trig’s birth, then what is good for the goose is good for the gander. Get in the stirrups Sarah and prove it.

And no, I am not serious, and I doubt that Sarah Palin is serious either. She is pandering to her whackjob base who believe she is a messiah. (Ironic, no?) And notice that she calls the “Trig Birth” story a “weird conspiracy freak thing” and yet analogizes that to the Birther conspiracy theory. If she were capable of higher logical thought (and she is not), she would realize that if it is a weird conspiracy freak thing to demand Trig’s birth certificate, then it is a weird conspiracy freak thing to demand Obama’s. In essence, she wants the Birther’s votes, and she is pandering to them, but she just called them freaks, if she were capable of logical thought, but she is not.

And I am sure the insult will fly over the heads of the Birthers too, since they collectively possess the intelligence of a pea.

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