Republicans Heading To Copenhagen To… I Have No Idea

Filed in National by on December 9, 2009

Has anything like this ever happened before?

House Republicans are preparing for a trip to Copenhagen and looking to derail Democratic efforts to negotiate an international climate agreement.

About a half-dozen Republicans will make the trip to Denmark to oppose plans for cap-and-trade legislation, express their discontent with the scientific community that researches climate change and call for the United Nations to halt any negotiations until the academic scandal known as “Climategate” is resolved.

At least Texas Rep. Joe Barton, the ranking Republican on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, along with Republican Reps. Jim Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin, Darrell Issa of California and Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee are making the trip.

House Republican leaders Tuesday laid out their plans for the U.N. climate conference, which will be to essentially buck all Democratic climate-change platforms.

Republicans plan to highlight the leaked e-mails that allegedly show countervailing research was suppressed to undermine the theory of climate change. And they are arguing that Democratic emissions trading “cap and trade” legislation does not have the widespread support of the American people.

“In the worst recession in 26 years, in the midst of an academic scandal and questionable science revealed in ‘Climategate’ and in the absence of a national consensus about policies that would bear upon the category known as climate change, we gather here to say, Mr. President, don’t make promises in Copenhagen that we cant keep,” said House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence of Indiana.

President Barack Obama, Pence added, should refrain from negotiating treaties “in the absence of a national consensus.”

It boggles the mind, and there’s obviously no limits to Republican crazy since the GOP is taking their insanity abroad.  Can you imagine the outcry if Dems pulled a stunt, (yes, stunt) like this on a Republican President?   And… isn’t negotiating treaties part of the President’s job description?

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A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

Comments (33)

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  1. edisonkitty says:

    Well, they’re consistent.

    I believe negotiating treaties is in the President’s job description. Said treaties are then ratified (or not) by the Senate. That seems to me to be the appropriate place to debate any concerns with the completed document in question.

    Traveling abroad to interfere with the President’s mission sounds like treason. I am sure that’s what we would hear if the parties were reversed.

  2. Rebecca says:

    Are they travelling on the taxpayers’ dime? They have no legal brief to do that. This is silly beyond belief and they are going to look pretty silly to the rest of the world. Don’t you have to be credentialed to attend these meetings? Are they going to stand outside and throw teabags?

  3. Maybe these Republicans need to be exposed to people who won’t put up with their crap.

  4. Frieda Berryhill says:

    “Are they going to stand outside and throw teabags?”
    Too funny Rebecca !!!!
    Thanks I could use a good laugh

  5. anon says:

    Do we have to let them back into the US?

    Are they travelling on the taxpayers’ dime?

    I am sure the oil companies will be happy to pick up the tab.

  6. They are doing their job and representing the views of the majority of the public on this matter. I know that you think the people who would suffer from this follow don’t matter, but in the real world it does.

    The answer to your question is yes, all the time. The Democrats practically had a foreign policy in exile during the Reagan years with Danny Ortega, the Nuke Freeze movement, Sanctions against South Africa, and UN conventions. Gingrich had an entirely different Israel policy going on from Clinton. UI is likely too young to remember those years.

  7. Jason330 says:

    Since being openly and aggressively stupid is a virtue in the GOP right now, being a global warming denier is one of the stations of the cross.

  8. Yeah, David, I saw that Fox had surveyed a 120% of the public again. I just wonder what 190% of Republicans think.

  9. Geezer says:

    Ah yes, the Republicans once again weigh in on international treaties. Worked out pretty well for Woodrow Wilson.

  10. nemski says:

    The dribble that comes from Republican David’s keyboard is amazing.

    Danny Ortega – What a load a freaking crap. Unrepresentative Latin American governments were a mainstay of US foreign policy for years and years. This crossed political parties as seen with death squads in Central America occurring during the Carter and Reagan Administrations. Specifically, Republican David, when did Democrats go down to Nicaragua and meet with the Sandinistas when the were a rebel faction?

    The Nuke Freeze Movement – What the freaking frak are you talking about? President Nixon and Henry Kissinger worked steadfastly with the Soviet Union to freeze the proliferation of nuclear weapons.

    Sanctions Against South Africa – Once again, did you fall and hit your head this morning? Firstly, most of the work against the atrocious regime in South Africa was a grassroots campaign to have companies divest themselves of financial interest in South Africa. It was until later that the Western Democracies began to implement sanctions. True, did pass economic sanctions against South Africa which was vetoed by Reagan and then subsequently overridden. (Note, first time ever that a foreign policy veto was overridden).

    Seriously, Republican David, you should disconnect your internet service, darken your windows, crawl up in the fetal position and leave the world for good. Your vision of the world is infantile and ignorant.

  11. JustTheFacts says:

    Sounds like some people wanted a free trip to Europe, on the taxpayers dime.

  12. A. price says:

    “UI is likely too young to remember those years.” sounds like a compliment to me.
    and nemski, while david’s views are backwards an horrible, there is a large part of the country who doesn’t even recognize obama as a legit president. Im actually surprised palindumb isnt going as well.

  13. Geezer says:

    “Sounds like some people wanted a free trip to Europe, on the taxpayers dime.”

    I doubt that. They don’t like Europe, or Europeans. Makes them feel inadequate — of course, any sign of intelligence makes them feel inadequate.

  14. nemski says:

    What have Conservatives been right about in the past? Seriously.

    Were Conservatives right about slavery? Were Conservatives right about suffrage? Were Conservatives right about isolationism? Were Conservatives right about apartheid? Were Conservatives right about trickle-down economics? Were Conservatives right about weapons of mass destruction?

    Given this track record, how in the hell can Conservatives be right about Climate Change?

  15. PBaumbach says:

    “Given this track record, how in the hell can Conservatives be right about Climate Change?”

    Silly intellectual, facts are for suckers. Malarky is the mainstay of a Palindumb diet.

  16. a.price says:

    conservatives were also on the King’s side in 1776…. as i have said, they are the bane of this country and have been from the get go.

  17. Conservatives don’t want change unless it’s climate change.

  18. Sometimes I think Nemski must have dark brown eyes because he is so full of it.

    From the LA Times November 17, 1987

    President and Wright Clash on Nicaragua
    Speaker’s Meetings With Ortega, Obando Draw Reagan’s Ire
    November 17, 1987|SARA FRITZ
    WASHINGTON — President Reagan on Monday personally admonished House Speaker Jim Wright (D-Tex.) for talking with Nicaraguan leaders, but Wright left the meeting unapologetic for the unorthodox role that he is playing in the Central America peace negotiations.

    “I don’t have to get permission, and I think it would be demeaning in a sense to have to get permission,” Wright declared, referring to the Administration’s contention that he should not contact Central American leaders without first clearing it with the State Department.

  19. a.price says:

    What color SHOULD his eyes be? Blue? like the master race? more proof the Right is just a bunch of……. i’ll let Nem say it 🙂

  20. nemski says:

    Republican David, members of the House and Senate talk to world leaders all the time. If you read my comment, I was refering specifically dealing with the Sandinistas as a rebel faction.

  21. nemski says:

    Jeez, and put that meeting into some sort of context,,5168099

    How about the fact that we were illegally supporting the Contra Rebels at this time which brings up the Ollie visit in Lower Delaware later.

    Really, Republican David, don’t try and argue Latin American policy with me. You’d be bringing a knife to a gun fight.

  22. a.price says:

    They are the patriots. Taking the country back from the Kenyan Usurper who stole power with his 9 million vote mandate. (forged by ACORN) And Nem, i was really hoping you’d call RD a Nazi. oh well. I have a question. Why do we keep responding to the Right Wing Anti America Party? I do it too, but I will pledge, if all the other sane people on this blog will join me, not ever respond to RD, RWR, UA… all the usual fans of the American Taliban… Just ignore them. They wont go away, but i bet they will get really upset and just keep getting crazier and crazier until they pack up their bag’o’hate and trundle on home to dixie. OPERATION IGNORE THE WING NUTS!!! WHO’S WITH ME?!

  23. nemski says:

    a.price, i know that ignoring trolls should be the way to go, but when they put out bald-faced lies time and time again, sometimes I think we all just individually had enough.

    Interesting thing is that I didn’t know that Republican David supports Apartheid. That’s what I get from his comment.

  24. Here is a guy from the pinko commie side of the aisle giving credit for the Reagan disarmament plan to pressure from Congressional Dems.

  25. Here is more crap from Nem “Interesting thing is that I didn’t know that Republican David supports Apartheid. That’s what I get from his comment.” Where in the review of history did I state any personal views?

  26. Lizard says:

    How dare those uppity Republicans invite themselve along on a Democrat junket?!?

    “Drew Hammill, spokesman for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, downplayed any Democratic concerns over a U.S. counter-delegation in Denmark.

    “It’s clear from the vote in the House in June that there are differences,” Hammill said. “Obviously we want to go into Copenhagen and learn as much as possible.”

    Hammill also indicated that a robust U.S. congressional delegation in Copenhagen is also not a sure thing. While many members on both sides of the aisle want to go, the leadership needs to ensure House business is taken care of before the trip.”

  27. Lizard says:

    I am begining to understand the moonbat standard here…

    Republicans joing a Democrat Junket is “treason”


    Ted Kennedy conspiring with the USSR
    Pelosi traveling to Syria … is “leadership”

  28. cassandra_m says:

    Characterizing the Congress overturning a veto on South African sanctions as having a separate foreign policy apparatus. If you have a problem with the Congress approving sanctions against South African, then you are pretty much in the pro-apartheid camp. But you are in good company there since Dick Cheney was also in that camp.

    And looky here — both RICO and Delusional David are here tag teaming the palindumb.

  29. xstryker says:

    “Republicans will make the trip to … express their discontent with the scientific community”

    This really says it all.

  30. cassandra_m says:

    And while they are expressing their discontent — we’ll note that they funded no research that might definitively disprove the business of climate change, either.

    Why would that be, you ask?

    There are no scientists worth their training who are doing this kind of research.

    All they’ve got is political rhetoric suitable for the he say he say (utterly brain dead) coverage that climate change tends to get in the traditional media.

  31. a.price says:

    Nem, they tell lies, but calling them on it does absolutely nothing. They believe the lie, or they hate Obama, and more broadly, equality SO MUCH that they are willing to PRETEND to believe the lie in order to continue hating equality.

    That said, a point is a point. And San Fran Nancy DID travel to a country which, at the time our foreign policy said no to. However flawed that may have been, we still do only have one leader at a time, and by setting that precedent, EVEN THOUGH SHE WAS RIGHT IN DOING SO, she opened it up for the repukes to do the same….
    I ruminate on this sometimes…. What if we pass the public option, the government provide health care… then in a few election cycles the Conservunists regain control of the government and it falls into THEIR slimy hands?

    They are greedy and xenophobic and willfully ignorant but they may take over again. DO we really want THEM running health care?
    And i KNOW you can do it Nem. Next time one of the conserv-azis say something palindumb, just make a ridiculous penis joke… it will be of the same relevance as whatever lizard spews.

  32. cassandra_m says:

    Nancy Pelosi’s trip was largely in the frame of typical Congressional trips to see dignitaries. Republican congresspeople had been on junkets to Syria throughout the BushCo tenure, but — and you knew this was coming — only ramped up their objections when Nancy Pelosi (with a bipartisan delegation, mind you) went.

    The Representatives from the Oil Industry going to Copenhagen are going as a protest delegation — they are not going as any part of the official proceedings. Meaning that they are there doing the business of EXXONMobil and not the Congress of the United States of America. That is fundamentally the real problem with the Injofe Delegation — he is using this as an opportunity to take oil lobbyists to Copenhagen under the pretense of doing US business.