Another Dispatch From The GOP Brain Trust

Filed in National by on December 16, 2009

Fox News has figured out how to sell the GOP jobs plan. Cut wages!

Now, with its Republican-inspired “Where are the jobs?” campaign in full swing, Fox has gone “on the job hunt” with a “new” idea for increasing employment: cutting the minimum wage. Jumping off from an op-ed by Washington Post editorial board member Charles Lane, Fox yesterday ran a handful of segments on the same basic premise — cutting the minimum wage may be the answer to the jobs dilemma. Watch a compilation:

Brilliant! Why hasn’t the Democratic Party thought of this?

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. pandora says:

    No matter how frustrated liberals/progressives get with each other, it’s wise to remember that this is the alternative.

  2. anonone says:

    You’re right. Instead of cutting the minimum wage, the Obomba Democrats approach is to force people to give their hard-earned money to private insurance companies or else face huge fines or jail.

  3. wikwox says:

    Conservatives trot this one out periodically, for some reason they never see the irony of a country that can afford billion dollar bankers but can’t pay a living wage to the poor. Cruel, callous and clueless: The three C’s of Conservatism.

  4. skippertee says:

    Yea,and let’s throw out the child labor laws so little Billy and Susie can put in some hours after school and help put some food on the table or help mom and dad pay for the health care they’re being forced to purchase from known swindlers.

  5. PBaumbach says:

    I love the zombie-like trotting out of the old warriors. It reminds me of the Kremlin trotting out a tottering ‘leader’ to prove his vitality.

    I wrote an LTE to the WNJ today (copy at refuting the insane comment letter from UD associate economics professors Beck & Craig. In an LTE format, I could only address two of their failings (and even then, the WNJ will likely cut it back alot).

    Wanna guess their plan? Cut taxes (in the same breath as complaining about the budget deficits)! They (of course) cite Reagan’s success with cutting taxes. During his 8 years, he cut the top marginal rate from 70% to 28%, and the real GDP grew 30%. Of course during Clinton’s 8 years, he raised the top marginal rate from 31% to 39.6%. Wanna guess the real GDP growth during those years? 35%.

    Second piece of their plan–Boost productivity (they somehow failed to indicate where their ‘productivity magic wand’ has been hiding)!

    What a bunch of ideological hacks! Gotta love they they are molding young minds in Newark.

    Why can’t we keep the closed-minded conservatives on FoxSnooze (and the closed-minded liberals here on DL)?

  6. I don’t think I can say Joe Lieberman’s name in public anymore because what comes out is generally Joe F%&*ing Lieberman.

  7. anon says:

    If Lieberman didn’t exist Harry Reid would have to invent him.

  8. Scott P says:

    Brilliant idea, guys! It isn’t enough that, thanks to GWB’s policies, our real wages (except for the richest, of course) have gone down in the last 8 years, now they want to ACTUALLY lower the wages of the poorest earners. I’m sure all of the altruistic employers out there will automatically take those savings and hire more underpayed workers, instead of just putting it back in their pockets.

  9. anononthisone says:

    It would, according to economic theory, create jobs – bad jobs, actually increasing UNDERemployment while lowering unemployment. A company could hire 10 workers at $5/hr rather than 5 workers at $10 an hour. Service would be better, but of course fewer people could actually afford to buy anything. A fundamentally stupid solution.