Breaking: Markell Declares State of Emergency

Filed in Delaware by on December 19, 2009

From the press release:

Markell Declares State of Emergency for Kent and New Castle Counties Effective at 3:00 PM
Motorists In Two Counties Encouraged to Clear Roads as Soon as Possible

Wilmington, DE – Governor Jack Markell declared a State of Emergency for New Castle and Kent counties effective at 3:00 pm today. All non-emergency vehicles are strongly encouraged to remain off Delaware roads in those counties until the State of Emergency is lifted.

To this point, Kent and New Castle have received the brunt of the storm, though western Sussex has also received snow. Conditions are expected to intensify this afternoon with heavy snowfall and strong winds that will make driving exceptionally dangerous. DelDOT crews will be forced to concentrate only on major arteries for plowing, leaving most roads untouched.

Conditions may dictate the declaration be extended to Sussex County later today, though no decisions have been made.


About the Author ()

A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. It’s starting to get nasty out here at my place. We just came inside from filling the bird feeder. We had about 4″ on the ground but the rate of snow fall has really picked up.

  2. just kiddin says:

    Where are sand trucks? Where are the plows? Nothing has been by my house. Snow piled so high, I cant open the back door. Is the State waiting until there is 2′ before they start paying to remove this stuff? Yeah Jack its an emergency so where are the States vehicles clearing it up.

  3. pandora says:

    It’s really picking up here (in the city) and the wind is crazy. They plowed the emergency route (down the street) – half hour later it was covered again with drifts. So, I’m not sure how much good plowing anything right now will do.

  4. MJ says:

    we’ve only had rain all day and it just started turning to a wintry mix of ice/snow, maybe 1/8 of an inch. Milton, however, has had 5-6 inches so far (only 12 miles from my house)

  5. There’s close to a foot in Windy Hills. Sent the Ms. out this morning to get provisions, but now we’re socked in, wrapping presents, maybe try my cross-country skis on the road and then heal with some cocoa this afternoon, watch Elf tonight with some Pinot Noir. Happy Holidays, folks.

  6. nemski says:

    jk, the sand trucks are at the homes and the roadways of Democrats. Ha Ha.

  7. anon says:

    Plenty of dry firewood and a new bottle of Jamesons. Let it snow…

  8. anon says:

    My LED lights won’t melt the snow off the bushes.

  9. anononthisone says:

    Did Markell just forget that Sussex County is actually part of Delaware too? We’re burried in about 7-8 inches in Seaford with more expected.

  10. Dutc says:

    It’s cold outside, guys.

  11. anon says:

    Since there’s a state of emergency, JK shouldn’t be on his snowy streets anyway, but the fact is the state IS focused on major roads first. It’s a full time effort just to keep the major roadways remotely drivable.

  12. nemski says:

    anonthisone didn’t read the post.

  13. Rebecca says:

    There’s 20 inches of snow on the patio tables out back where the wind doesn’t blow. I can’t remember ever seeing this much snow in Delaware.

  14. cassandra_m says:

    I’m sure there’s been more than a foot in Wilmington — I’ve been outside to shovel twice today and it begins accumulating again pretty quickly.

    And there is a good effort so far in the city to plow and sand streets, so maybe nemski is right, lol!

  15. From Twitter:

    Latest sno: Hockessin 10.2, Glasgow 11.5, Blackbird 13.1, Dover 12.0, Harrington 10.0, Bridgeville 6.9, Laurel 4.1

    I read unofficial 11″ at NCCo airport as of one hour ago.

  16. Phil says:

    Its all that CO2’s fault…..

  17. Dutch says:

    So do you like snow yet or must this carpet bombing persist until you assimilate? Snow is the new Borg–amirite trekkies?

  18. How much global warming is there on the ground out there in Delaware?

    I know we got a global warming day off from school a couple of weeks ago when a couple of inches of global warming fell down here in Houston.

    Personally, I’m hoping that we get another couple of inches of global warming down here on Thursday night/Friday morning so we can have a white Christmas.

  19. anon says:

    Re RWR and snow=global warming mockery:

    How the f**k do you think all that water gets into the atmosphere?

  20. MJ says:

    The snow predictions for Rehoboth and what we actually got remind me of the teabaggers – a lot of talk, a lot of hype, but a whole lot of nothing.

  21. It’s fun when deniers show their ignorance for all to see. Mockery would be justified if scientists predicted there would be no snow or winter would cease. These weather = climate people must get awful confused during summer.

  22. just kiddin says:

    FYI. It just happens to be a fact that people need to get to nursing homes, hospitals, group homes and other vital human service programs, rain or snow. There are clients who need servicing. Are staff expected to remain “at work” 24/7? Ambulances still need to get through, how can they when even the main roads are still filled with snow and now ice?

  23. Joanne Christian says:

    Well, just got the satellite back to find out we are in a state of emergency. There is no flipping way we only have 17 inches here. In clear, undrifted areas there is an easy 2 feet. Appoquinimink schools are closed for Monday, and the cord broke off the snow blower. See you in the Spring…..Oh and Pandora, we started a pot of chili and cornbread around here–but darn that pasta sounds good:)!

  24. anon — via the same process it always has. Just like it did during the ice ages, too.

    And guys, I know the difference between weather and climate — indeed, that is one of the things I teach my students. And given that we have seen a marked cooling trend over the last decade, I think the entire AGW thing ought to be mocked — and those who knowingly perpetuated the fraud on the world prosecuted and imprisoned.