Archive for December, 2009

Looking For Some Good News?

Filed in National by on December 21, 2009 11 Comments

As a person who’s been held hostage and treated like cargo by the airlines, I’m thrilled with this new law. Via Think Progress: Responding to horror stories of stranded travelers, the Obama administration ordered airlines today to allow passengers to disembark from planes that have been stuck on the tarmac for more than three hours. […]

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FYI: The Gift Kids Really Wanted

Filed in Delaware by on December 21, 2009 11 Comments

Brandywine, Christina, Red Clay and Appoquinimink School Districts have canceled classes for the rest of the week. Winter break begins NOW! According to my kids:  BEST.  GIFT.  EVER. UPDATE: As of now, Christina School District is closed today (12/22) but is scheduled to be open tomorrow.

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What Does The Senate Bill Do?

Filed in National by on December 21, 2009 55 Comments
What Does The Senate Bill Do?

Jonathan Cohn sums up the how the Senate health care reform bill will do for people. Basically it helps lower your risk if you get sick and need health care. Most people will save money with this bill. Costs would only be higher if you currently don’t buy insurance and don’t get sick. So what […]

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Monday Open Thread

Filed in National by on December 21, 2009 5 Comments

I’ll call this a Monday freedom thread since I’ve been freed from my snowbound house. The roads are still treacherous out there so be careful! This week thieves stole the sign at the Auschwitz Camp, the one that said “Arbeit Macht Frei” (Work Sets You Free). Luckily Polish police recovered the sign: Polish police have […]

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The New “Super Majority” Problem

Filed in National by on December 21, 2009 31 Comments

Despite all our differences on Health Care, the real problem is the new 60 vote or nothing framework.  This new Super Majority or nothing dilemma must be addressed if we ever want to govern.  Needing 60 votes to do anything is impossible mainly because it results in only two outcomes: 1. It stops legislation. 2. […]

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Fisker On a List It Doesn’t Want to Be On

Filed in Delaware by on December 21, 2009 2 Comments

Scooby sez, “Ruh-roh.” Granted, it’s only one person’s opinion, and it’s at a website called Ask Men (Disclaimer: I am not a regular reader of this site, but its list is yet another Top 10 list. Besides, I usually ‘ask women’. The answer invariably is ‘no’). However, if you make cars, you don’t want to […]

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Senate Bill Passes First Cloture Vote

Filed in National by on December 21, 2009 1 Comment

Early this morning the Senate health care reform bill passed its first cloture vote. Moments ago, the Senate voted 60-40 to end the Republican filibuster of the manager’s amendment to the Senate health care bill, clearing an important hurdle to passing health care reform before the end of the year. The Senators voted from their […]

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Late Night Video: Golden Retrievers Teach Science

Filed in National by on December 20, 2009 1 Comment

These are smart dogs!

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Et Tu Howard Dean?

Filed in National by on December 20, 2009 29 Comments

Howard Dean caused quite a stir when he said “kill the bill.” A lot of people trust Howard Dean and the reaction from the White House was anger. Dean appears to have had a change of heart. He’s still not a fan of the bill, but he’s saying that the manager’s amendment has improved the […]

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Want One!

Filed in National by on December 20, 2009 2 Comments

A roll up-portable computer! Love how this really is pretty complete AND can also be used as a tablet. Very impressive design (warning: cheesy music ahead):

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FYI: Schools Closed On Monday

Filed in Delaware by on December 20, 2009 5 Comments

Brandywine, Red Clay, Christina and Appoquinimink Schools are closed on Monday.  Gotta love snow days! Please add any additional closings below.

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Bulo Remembers 2009-“Please Accept Our Apologies”

Filed in National by on December 20, 2009 2 Comments

People are human. They make mistakes. And most journalists fall into that category. The human part, I mean. Story errors are generally ‘corrected’, if at all, in tiny one paragraph increments buried deep in the paper days after the mistake was printed. At least with American mass media newspapers. Fortunately, (a) sometimes the correction is […]

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Filed in National by on December 20, 2009 31 Comments

If you believe that Congress cannot, and will not, improve the Health Care Bill if passed, then why would you believe killing the bill and starting over is possible with this Congress?

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