FOX News Has Reached Televangelist Status

Filed in National by on January 3, 2010

Not that anyone with a brain didn’t see this coming.

Via Balloon Juice:

Brit Hume had some advice for Tiger Woods during this week’s “Fox News Sunday.” Woods will recover as a golfer, Hume says, but it remains to be seen whether he will recover as a person.

“He’s said to be a Buddhist,” Hume said. “I don’t think that faith offers the kind of forgiveness and redemption that is offered by the Christian faith. … Tiger, turn to the Christian faith and you can make a total recovery.”  [emphasis mine]

There simply is no line FOX won’t cross, but, then again, these are the same people screaming about upholding the Constitution while in the same breath demanding we profile all Muslims.  And why does this statement strike me as a cheap get out of jail free card?  A sort of, if you play for our team you’ll be forgiven.  If you don’t… well, then damn you to Hell.   I swear we’re headed for the next Crusade.

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A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

Comments (52)

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  1. nemski says:

    We all know there is only one true way to God. LMFAO!

  2. Wow, will the lapdog media still call Hume a journalist after this?

    Yeah, it’s not like Christians ever commit adultery – right Mark Sanford, John Ensign and David Vitter?

  3. flutecake says:

    I’d like some of that old fashioned FREEDOM FROM RELIGION. Thanks.

  4. xstryker says:

    Right on, UI!

  5. cassandra_m says:

    The Christianists accept the bad and hypocritical behavior of their fellows because of this forgiveness business. A good and moral life is not nearly as important as forgiveness. If they can convince themselves that God forgives them, well, you can see where this is going, right?

  6. Once again, you prove that Libs think freedom of speech is only for them. Amen, Brit.

  7. Here comes David missing the point by a mile again.

    So should Mark Sanford and John Ensign become Christians? Oh, wait…

  8. Yes, they should repent. I don’t really know why you all pick on Sanford. The man fell in love. He did not run around with 10 or 20 women. It was a failure of the heart. You seem to have little problem with someone who has 20 girlfriends and the next thrill, but dump for almost a year on someone who fell in love with one other person. I see a huge difference between the two in intent and degree. I would lose no respect for the latter. It would just be a tragic event.

    It is also easier for a person to recover from the latter. They can either break off the one person and recover their marriage by refocusing on the spouse or marry the other person. Either way the balance will be restored and the family can be restablized.

    The other way is a completely incompatible structure for the family. It requires a complete change in lifestyle and character.

  9. Gee, we’re such meanie liberals that make fun of a family values hypocrite who bilked the taxpayers of his state out of money to pay for his sexcapades and left the state in the lurch for one of his jaunts.

  10. cassandra_m says:

    And all of that falling in love nicely skirts past the vows the man took in the first place. Family values and all of that.

  11. anonone says:

    David thinks jokes about mothers dying are funny enough to publish on his blog. ‘Nuff said.

  12. Jokes about mothers dying? Wrong again. It is about lack of tack in a man’s world.

  13. Since when do values matter to people who believe in “free love”. Sanders will repent and get his life back together. Will you?

  14. Since when do values matter to people who believe in “free love”. Sanders will repent and get his life back together. Will you?

  15. anonone says:

    Pretty callous to joke about mothers dying. And the military isn’t a “man’s world” anymore.

  16. cassandra_m says:

    And pretty stupid to come here and presume people here don’t have their lives in order. None of us certainly are on TV trying to explain why wives/husbands are divorcing us or why we used taxpayer funds to run off for trysts.

  17. No, you are not on TV. Looking at what some of your former writers have posted in the past, I think that it was only a matter that they weren’t famous. I did not make a presumption, I asked a question. I think gossip trafficking is just as bad. Why? The Sanfords of the world will realize that they have sinned and repent. The gossip will continue hurting families and destroying lives.

    People have the same problems whether or not they are famous. I will tend to let people struggle to better themselves without piling on them. That is why you will not see any posts on Mr. Woods. Like Brit Hume, I am rooting for him to comeback better. I am sadden by the fact Gov. Sanford did not safeguard his heart, but for the grace of GOD there go I. Temptation is common to all. Our challenge is to overcome it. When people fall, we need to help them up not stump on them for our own amusement.

  18. anonone says:

    But ridiculing blatant hypocrites and scolds like you IS amusing.

  19. pandora says:

    The point is that Tiger Woods does not have to embrace Christianity to make a “total recovery.” That’s nonsense. Of course, David probably believes “born again” Ted Bundy is in heaven, while Ghandi is in hell.

  20. cassandra_m says:

    Not exactly the Clinton rules, right? Either for Bill who was stupid as all get out or for Hillary who had to live through the feminists leave their adulterous husbands crap.

    Besides, it was you who asked if any of us would repent and get our lives together. This — at heart — is the conservative hubris towards people not like them. Why you would presume that any of us don’t have our lives together is beyond imagining. It is telling that you can summon up some generosity towards a man who broke his vows, betrayed his public oath and abused his taxpayers but you have none towards a bunch of people you know absolutely not one thing about. Not exactly a WWJD moment on your part, I’m thinking.

  21. nemski says:

    This is one sad and funny thread.

  22. Bill Clinton just needed Jesus. He wasn’t worse than a lot of other people.

  23. anon says:

    Bill Clinton just needed Jesus. He wasn’t worse than a lot of other people.

    And better than some.

  24. cassandra_m says:

    Bill Clinton has as much Jesus as Sanford does. More, probably, since Mr. Bill is quite born again unlike the Episcopalian Hiking Mark. Yet here you are prescribing for Bill the one thing that buys Sanford a pass with you. As if Mr. Bill’s born-again cred is somehow meaningless.

  25. Wrong, every statement said that Sanford needed to repent. Why do you believe Episcopalians not have “as much Jesus” as Baptists? Your blog blasted my Catholic Brothers and Sisters, now Episcopalians. It is your blog. I believe that Christianity needs to affect the way you live to be effective. Bill Clinton was a serial offender. He obviously needed to surrender that area of his life to the Lord. I do not know if he did that. I do know that he submitted to some good ministers to help him move forward. He seemed to work on his marriage. I can’t tell were he is because I have no contact with him. It is not for me to judge his walk anyway.

    My prayer has always been for his soul. I want to see Clinton, Sanford, Woods, you and everyone else in heaven. GOD loves even Bundy and Bin Laden and has enough grace to save even them. Imagine the force for good that Bin Laden would be if he announced the war is over and we needed to negotiate in love and respect not fight out of hatred. Until that happens, we have to defend ourselves and our allies. I would that the day would come where arms would be unnecessary and each person would love their neighbor as themselves. It will come.

  26. rhubard says:

    GOD does not exist. Unfortunately, David, you do.

  27. A. price says:

    as long as they JUST EMBRACE JESUS. right RD? typical
    Do you understand how OFFENSIVE it is to everyone who isn’t as drunk on the kool aid as you for you to tell all of us heathens how we are doomed to hell? Or that those who follow your faith only have to ask God for forgiveness and all their sins… even Hitler…. can be absolved? You let all your slime ball politicians off the hook just because they pay lip service to the faith. It is offensive that you think God is so dumb to just let it all slide as long as you pay the price of prayer. And FYI, i have no problem with Catholicism, but i DO have problem with an institution that refuses to oust rapists in it’s midst in order to save public face. that is Absolutely repugnant and so is C street, and so is what Britt Hume said. RD, you give christians a bad name. Be more like Jesus. he was a groovy guy.

  28. The gospel is an offense to those who would rather live in darkness. Talk to the people who made the post. They chose the subject. They choose to attack a man for a heart felt sentence. I am defending.

    If they truly embrace Jesus, then they will do good not evil. Wouldn’t it had been great if Hitler was contemplating the final solution and then had a change of heart? Would that had been valuable?

    Either the blood of Jesus can pay for sin or it can’t. I don’t care if you are a pol or businessperson, or a soldier,sports star, or a preacher, or a prostitute, or a drug adict, or an abortionist. That is meaningless in an eternal sense. The only thing that really matters will you turn to HIM. You can go a million miles in the wrong direction, but it is only one step back.

    GOD loves you A. P. He will be there when you turn to HIM.

  29. It’s all about saying the right words, isn’t it David?

    Sanford said he’s sorry and he’s a good Christian boy, so everything’s o.k.

    What about Vitter, Craig, Ensign and Pickering? Is it o.k. as long as they say the right words too? I’m just wondering how to judge this sliding scale.

  30. pandora says:

    What’s frightening is how much RepublicanDavid has in common with extremists of other religions.

    Insulting, although an accurate description, is far too tame of a word to describe him. He’s a zealot. Even worse, he gets off on playing god. He decides who’s worthy of forgiveness. He decides who’s going to heaven or hell; who is truly repentant, and who is not. And once he makes his proclamations he wraps them up in a Jesus bow. Basically, he uses Jesus to further his own agenda. Talk about scary passive/aggressive behavior.

  31. It is about the right actions as well. I could add a lot of Democrats to your list if you like, but that is not relavent because I do not see what it has to do with them doing their jobs except in the Sanford, Dixion, Baucus, and Rhee cases. Esign’s family making amends seems like something praiseworthy. This game being played is just silly. Nothing should come out of it, but it is designed to distract him while chairman Baucus tries to get his live in girlfriend appointed to U.S. Attorney.

  32. Yep, David brings out the “Democrats do it too” excuse. Pretty typical GOP excuse-making.

    What right does David have to decide who should be forgiven and who shouldn’t? That’s pretty arrogant.

  33. A. price says:

    “GOD loves you A. P. He will be there when you turn to HIM.”

    My relationship with God is just fine, Republican Cultist.
    I make attempts to improve the world. How insulting to God that you think God is so vain that God only accepts one brand of prayer. How arrogant that you think you ow how to tell people what the greater life force wants.
    You pretty much said it all didn’t you? what you do to humans or in you life is meaningless. you can rape kids every day, but as long as you pray to jesus and ask for forgiveness from God before you die, (polytheism) you will be just fine. I see absolutely no difference between your beliefs, and Osama’s. Tell me David, when was the last tiem you helped the poor in some way other than a superficial prayer that they find Jesus and get over their hunger/illness/lack of shelter?

  34. Pandora, I can not determine who receives forgiveness. You are doing that. You are the one who pretends to declare who is worthy of forgiveness, who is sincere, and who is not. I say that I can not judge the heart. The idea that redemption, betterment, and forgiveness is somehow to be equated with extremism is stupid at best. I would like to know what extremism are you talking about?

    The results are a personal tradgedy unless they allow it to build into public actions like Clinton (obstruction of the harassment suit). That creates other issues which can be forgiven but may have other consequences. Sanford found that out when he did not bother keeping in touch or turning the state over to his LT while he went on vaction. Doing things the right way saves a lot of pain. That should be a consistent message. Playing games with people’s personal tradgedy should be avoided. Treat them like you would want to be treated. Too many people want to be given the benefit of the doubt for themselves, but condemn others.

  35. Today, in fact the shelters are full. The police called me because they could not let a homeless vet stay out in the cold so I let him sleep on my couch last night. Do you want to try again?

  36. anon says:

    You take one homeless guy. We’ll work on fixing the reasons why the shelters are full.

  37. anonone says:

    David, do you have any new “your mother is dead” jokes that you’re gonna tell today?

  38. I could give you other examples with children, charities, and other service, but you don’t really care and I don’t really care what you think about me. What matters is what you do with the Lord Jesus. Your consistent disrespect of Him shows that your statement is not correct. I stand by saying that when you are ready, He will be there. Sadly, many people do think that they can sow sin all their lives and reap grace at the end. That opportunity may not exist.

    If you want talk about the extremists, they seem to have more in common with your approach. They attempt to end the public discussion of views other than theirs. They want to shut down evangelism and persecute those who would express other viewpoints. What next do you propose the flogging of Hume?

  39. Where is pandora saying who will get forgiven? The only person doing it on this thread is David.

    Seriously, if I want to hear a sermon I’ll go to church. I don’t need David or Brit Hume to preach to me.

  40. rhubard says:

    “The gospel is an offense to those who would rather live in darkness.”

    No, it is an offense to those who would rather live in reason.

  41. Anon, if you have grief issues there is grief counseling. There is no shame in seeking it. If the mere mention of that sends you into such fits, there is an issue. It is obvious that the object of the joke was the sarge’s inability to relate to people and nothing else. I have no idea what the joke of the day will be next weekend. Check back then. I gave a link to the website.

  42. pandora says:

    It’s people like RepubDavid who cheapen Christianity by placing people into categories (heaven and hell, good and evil). And, you should know, David, that extremists rarely see themselves as extremists. They view themselves as simply being right and everyone else being wrong.

  43. Pandora is and DL says Republicans are unworthy of forgiveness while most Dems do not get a mention. Now Pandora pokes fun at the very mention of redemption by a pundit and even worse condemns him. If you disagree with her, she calls you names. That is extreme.

  44. What person did I put in heaven or hell, I do not have that power. HE is the one that you need to consult.

  45. Check back tomorrow to see if you have something else. I am finished, its off to work.

  46. pandora says:

    Please show me where I say who is worthy of forgiveness and who is not? (BTW, David, I fully expect you to vanish rather than answer this question.)

    Let’s look at some of your gems in this thread:

    The gospel is an offense to those who would rather live in darkness.

    An offense? Really? Care to prove that?

    If they truly embrace Jesus, then they will do good not evil.

    Talk about judgment. Here’s the truth, David. A person does not have to embrace Jesus to do good. That is a lie.

    What matters is what you do with the Lord Jesus. Your consistent disrespect of Him shows that your statement is not correct. I stand by saying that when you are ready, He will be there.

    Actually, David, we are not criticizing Jesus. We are criticizing you, but it seems you’re constantly blurring the lines between you and god.

  47. cassandra_m says:

    UI had it right upthread — these people are all about the showbiz of the thing (he needs to ask for forgiveness) when in fact Delusional David has no clue what kind of forgiveness that Bill Clinton Tiger Woods or anyone else has asked for. Yet here he is judging people on whether or not they have asked for forgiveness.

    And this is how you know you’ve won an argument with an extremist:

    Republicans are unworthy of forgiveness while most Dems do not get a mention. Now Pandora pokes fun at the very mention of redemption by a pundit and even worse condemns him. If you disagree with her, she calls you names.

    They get Their Victim On.

  48. Exactly Cass. He’s lashing out at everyone else because he knows he’s in the wrong.

  49. pandora says:

    And it seems forgiveness can only be granted through a press conference.

  50. a.price says:

    He doesn’t know he’s wrong. RD’s brand of Christianity is akin to my 9th grade algebra teacher’s approach to math. If you did the algrbra the right way, but got the wrong answer, you got partial credit… if you got the right answer but didn’t to the algebra the right way, you got no credit.

    If you live your life for others and improve the world around you, but don’t spend your days giving lip service to an apparently insecure God, you will go right to Hell, all your life’s work be damned.

    If, as RD has said.. you are even someone like Ted Bundy or Osama bin Laden, as long as you as for forgiveness from God before you die… or as some believe if your soul asks, or other people pray for you after you die, you’ll be forever saved.. free to rape and murder your way through the Pearly Gates.

    RD turns Christianity… a religion from THIS outside observer’s prospective teaches equality, charity, and human decency, into a get-out-of-responsibility-free card for amoral ass-wipes like Ted Hagar, Ensign, Vitter, Newt, Rove, Sanford, Gulliani etc…
    at least Clinton had the decency to ask forgiveness from his family and the american people.
    He was man enough to say “I messed up, it’s on me, im a dick.. let’s move on”

    Republicans rail against Clinton for not running to Jesus like they do when they can’t keep it in their pants… I give him credit for not exploiting God.

  51. Geezer says:

    What’s most offensive about this whole “issue” is that Hume is probably right — if Tiger comes up with a phony apology to a God he apparently doesn’t believe in, most of the dumb rubes who buy Nikes will forgive him.

  52. Von Cracker says:

    Ha! And not only will the rubes forgive Tiger, if and only if he prays to jeebus, the idiots would take up a collection for him too!