“They” Are Coming After “Us”

Filed in National by on January 6, 2010

I realize, given the build up to the Exorcist-like music, that I’m supposed to take this video very, very seriously.  So why can’t I stop laughing?


Oh, the drama!  Oh, the horror!  And… Oh, the typical threatening language and name calling.

These constant Armageddon scenarios are beginning to remind me of the crazy guy in New York standing on the street corner shouting that the end is near.   I’m also not sure how this “we are doomed” strategy translates into a Republican/Conservative victory.  The message seems to be… Be afraid, be very afraid.  Which is a predictable tactic from the right , but I’m not sure it’s effective – especially since, yet again, it’s presented without a single solution.

How long can Republicans/Conservatives run on the sky is falling without offering a way to keep it from crashing down on our heads?   And if they don’t come up with a detailed plan, aren’t they basically running on the platform that the Bush years were okay, that health care is great the way it is, that Iraq and Afghanistan were rolling along just fine, and that we should have left the economy alone?  As they mock “change” without offering an alternative plan, aren’t they running on “no change?”

And if they don’t develop a platform that consists of something more than Obama is the devil and Democrats are his handmaidens then the debates preceding the 2010 elections should be interesting.


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. I know a lot of people are pessimistic about the 2010 elections for Democrats for good reasons. However, I wonder how much the hard right turn of the Republican party will play into the elections. Just look at Hoffman in NY-23. Right now we’re seeing an anti-incumbency mood but 2 big things will change: the economy will improve by then (will it improve by enough?) and the election will no longer be generic Republican vs. generic Democrat. It may very well be batshit crazy Republican vs. Democrat. In some states that will work but what of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida, Illinois? Do they want to replace their Senators with Jim DeMint clones?

  2. pandora,

    That was the exact question I think needs to be run by Mike Castle. Monday I wrote “Vote For Me, I Want To Do Nothing” because Castle needs to answer that question. If elected, what does he want to do? Does he want to become a Republican blockade?

  3. anon says:

    It may very well be batshit crazy Republican vs. Democrat. In some states that will work but what of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida, Illinois? Do they want to replace their Senators with Jim DeMint clones?

    If a voter is looking for an alternative, they don’t stop to consider whether the alternative is too extreme. If the candidate is an R he is seen as a viable, if not preferable alternative to the D. This message is driven home by the MSM every day.

    And when voters blindly turn to the Republican alternative, they will find more and more candidates who have been pushed to the right by teabaggers.

    To make voters stop to think whether a Republican is too extreme, Dem candidates would have to suddenly all acquire the skill to call their opponents out on bat-shit. And the effort would have to be accompanied by a coordinated national Dem campaign to point out Republican extremism. But that’s just crazy talk – Dems would never do any of that stuff.

  4. pandora says:

    I honestly have no idea what Republicans/Conservatives want to do. Well, except for the standard cut taxes, de-regulate some more, outlaw abortion, and convert everyone to Christianity.

    We’ve tried their cutting taxes and de-regulating approach, and where has that gotten us? Basically, they’re running on ideas that fit on a bumper sticker.

    “Cut taxes! Cut spending!” they cry, without ever offering specifics of what they would cut. But we already know what they would cut from the Bush years – nothing. Geez, they run government like a twelve year old with their parent’s credit card – Hey, look at all the stuff I got, and I didn’t have to give the cashier any money!

    And, you’re right, UI. They want to do nothing.

  5. anon says:

    In a public debate, any Dem candidate with half a brain should be able to make quick and devastating mincemeat of a Repub who attacks spending. But you never see it though. Dems are quick to concede the Republican frame that Republicans are against spending and Democrats are for it.

  6. a.price says:

    “That was the exact question I think needs to be run by Mike Castle. Monday I wrote “Vote For Me, I Want To Do Nothing” because Castle needs to answer that question. If elected, what does he want to do? Does he want to become a Republican blockade?”

    I think the best hope for Castle NOT to win, is for him to lose in a primary. Many De voters are uninformed and will vote based on name recognition. Castle’s commercials paint him as a “good republican” and a great many Delawareans buy that bull. I’m almost ready to help TeabagO’donnle win her primary battle so we can keep a democratic senator in Delaware (cause carper sure isnt)

  7. Geezer says:

    Biden is also a name with high recognition; Castle has no advantage there.