Can I Call Her Dumb?

Filed in National by on January 8, 2010


Sarah Palin’s charming opening debate line for now-Vice President Joe Biden — “Hey, can I call you Joe?” — was scripted after she repeatedly referred to him as “O’Biden” in preparation sessions, former McCain campaign senior adviser Steve Schmidt told “60 Minutes.”

Schmidt was interviewed by Anderson Cooper for a segment about “Game Change: Obama and the Clintons, McCain and Palin, and the Race of a Lifetime,” a book about the 2008 presidential campaign by political reporters Mark Halperin and John Heilemann, to be published Monday.

CBS News said in a release previewing the segment, to be broadcast Sunday at 7 p.m. ET/PT, that Schmidt recalled a reflexive tendency by Palin to refer to Biden as “O’Biden.”

“It was multiple people — and I wasn’t one of them — who all said at the same time, ‘Just say, “Can I call you Joe,”’ which she did,” Schmidt recalled.

She’s a phony. I would like to add that not everyone found it charming. I thought it disrespectful. So she’s disrespectful and fake.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (13)

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  1. Another Mike says:

    How about O’Dumb?

  2. Miscreant says:

    More hand wringing over Palin, UI?

    At least, this time, you’re focusing your irrational fears on the right Palin. Like Mr. O’Biden has never made any verbal gaffes himself …

  3. cassandra_m says:

    Accusing UI of “irrational fear” while she is clearly pointing and rolling her eyes at one more instance of Palin demonstrating she’s not ready for prime time is weak tea even for you, Mis.

  4. Well, mis, at least you didn’t say I was jealous of Palin.

  5. Miscreant says:

    Talk about “weak tea”… How about another shot of Murphy Brown.

    “Well, mis, at least you didn’t say I was jealous of Palin.”

    You’re both hot.

  6. jason330 says:

    By picking Palin as a running mate, McCain picked the second worst possible person he could have picked assuming he wanted to win. The worst possible pick for running mate would have been Joe Lieberman, who (amazingly) was under serious consideration.

  7. Firebird says:

    Liberals are the type of nit-wits that think if we took away all the guns and melted them down into park benches everyone would live in harmony becuase liberals have pea-sized brains

  8. Bob White says:

    No, Jason, Palin and Lieberman were not the worst possible picks. He could have picked you or someone who thinks like you do.

    Or worse yet, he could have picked Joe Biden. But then again, what sort of idiot would do a stupid thing like that?

  9. liberalgeek says:

    You guys crack me up. You’re like the guys that get a joke 3 hours after it’s told and you start laughing at it on the bus…

    Oh and Firebird is a great name. Scary and throw-backy all at the same time.

  10. Our trolls are particularly dumb today.

  11. V says:

    this isn’t even on the main page right now. why are we rehasing something from three weeks ago?

    also, i would TOTALLY sit on a park bench made from recycled guns. and take pictures.

  12. Von Cracker says:

    I still see the blind-rage-nut gallery still likes to test their open-mic material over here! Lame stuff – sorta like the subject of this post.

    Palin is the epitome of failing up….wait, she’s the female version, that is. We all know who’s male version, fer sho.

  13. a.price says:

    and i can come up with MUCH more scathing horrible things to say about Saint Sarah. she is so ripe for insult…. it is like she is a gift from Satan to snarky jackasses.