Wednesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on January 13, 2010

It’s Wednesday and today’s open thread has a theme: polling.

A new poll by CNN shows that Americans are in line with Obama’s political ideology.

Even in most generic poll question imaginable, teabaggers are not the majority (CNN, Jan. 8-10, +/- 3%):

In general, would you say that President Obama’s views and proposed programs for the country are too liberal, not liberal enough, or just about right for the country?

Not liberal enough 10%
Just about right 42%
Too liberal 46%

That’s 52%, pretty close to his election day totals.

Support for health care reform has been falling in some polls, but it’s coming mainly from the left, who thinks it doesn’t go far enough.

But right below that headline was a a chart of poll results on “Health care reform in Congress” broken down into three metrics.

Covering Americans: A plurality of 35% say Not Far Enough

Controlling Costs: A plurality of 39% say Not Far Enough

Regulating Health
Insurance Costs: A plurality of 43% say Not Far Enough

Thanks Joe Lieberman and Ben Nelson for screwing over health care reform.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (15)

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  1. anon says:

    Looks like the health care bill will be decided in Massachusetts on Tuesday.

    The conference committee is pegging the meter to the right to try to get an agreement before the election. They are reported to be stripping the employer mandate.

    So if you still have an individual mandate and your employer doesn’t have to provide a plan, and there is no public option – WTF??!!

    All you folks who wanted this bill at any cost – is it still worth it?

    They are also considering a proposal to tax investment income to fund health care. The committee member who proposed that is currently being held in a back room and beaten with rubber hoses.

    Also, I have a question about the HCR plan I am too lazy to research: What agency/vehicle will be used to distribute the subsidy for those who can’t afford to buy insurance?

    I guess people on Medicaid stay on Medicaid and don’t get a shiny new subsidized plan?

  2. MJ says:

    Today is the 28th anniversary of the Air Florida crash in Washington DC. One of the heroes of the day, Lenny Skutnik, a Federal government employee, was invited to sit with First Lady Nancy Reagan during the State of the Union Address. He became the first of what is now an official way for the President to recognize Americans who make a difference in the lives of others.

  3. anonone says:

    Or to be used as political props.

  4. I haven’t posted much on hcr lately anon because there’s been a lot of trial balloons floated recently and it’s hard to keep up with events. I think the excise tax is probably going to be mostly gone (early reports is there’s some kind of deal with AFL-CIO), the exchange will become national, like the House version and probably Nelson’s NE deal is dead or significantly modified. Nelson’s making noises again about not voting for the bill. One recent proposal I’m really liking is the plan to tax investment income for Medicare.

    Anyway, health care reform isn’t dead if Coakley loses. The options would be 1) the House passes the Senate bill as is and 2) MA and the U.S. Senate delay seating Brown.

  5. Brooke says:

    heya. See y’all later. Catching up on some work.

  6. Delaware Dem says:

    By the way, the Democratic Party won the special election in the Virginia Senate race last night. Last year, the GOP had the majority in the VA Senate, 23-17. This year, the Democrats have a majority of 22-18, a swing of 5 seats. As I have always said, 2010 is going to break the GOP’s hearts.

  7. anon says:

    One recent proposal I’m really liking is the plan to tax investment income for Medicare.

    I like this too. The problem with wage taxes is that the rich don’t earn a lot of wages.

    Social Security only taxes the first $125K; after that your wages are untaxed. Medicare does tax all wages with no cap. Both taxes give the investor class a pass.

    When Obama promised to let the Bush tax cuts for the rich “expire,” he made an exception for dividends, which represents the largest cut for the rich (in terms of rate reduction).

    Before Bush, dividends were treated as regular income with a top marginal rate of 39%, just like wages, and capital gains were set at 20%. The Bush cuts set dividends and capital gains both at 15%.

    If the Bush cuts for the rich were to expire, dividends would go back to being taxed like regular income. But Obama has promised to reset the dividend rate at 20% rather than let it expire back to regular income.

    So if Obama wants to keep his promise, at some point he is going to have to sign a tax cut for the rich (setting dividends at 20%). Ugh.

  8. Lizard says:

    Coakley flys to DC for a lobbiest fundraiser,
    aferward one of her campaign staff (a Pharma lobbiest & member of the Obama admin) knocks down a reporter for asking questions she doesn’t want to answer. Mass AG Coakley watches the assault & battery and does nothing but scurry away from the reporter.

    more Profiles in Courage from the Dems

  9. Lizard says:

    Coakley’s Bouncer:

    Michael P. Meehan, Member, Broadcasting Board of Governors Michael P. Meehan currently serves as President of Blue Line Strategic Communications, Inc. and as Senior Vice President at Virilion, a digital media company. For over two decades, Meehan served in senior roles for U.S. Senators John Kerry, Barbara Boxer, Maria Cantwell and former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, two presidential campaigns, two U.S. House offices and congressional campaigns in 25 states. Mr. Meehan earned a B.A. in political science from Bates College.

  10. anon says:

    Comment rescue: think123 smokes Charlie Copeland yet again. Check out the whole thread – it is a beautiful thing:

    Being anti-government only gets you so far when the time comes to govern.

    That’s what caused the Great Conservative Debacle of 2008. Ideology met reality. Dog chasing truck. Dog catches truck. Realizes he knows how to bark, not how to drive truck. Crash. Bam. Bail out. Dog wants to drive some more? No.

    Smaller government, de-regulating business. Claiming our salvation is best left in the hands of the Wall Street private sector. Saying we can get the government out of our lives, off our back.

    It’s all snake oil just as slippery as Marxism was. Belongs on the same last century ash heap.

    When I hear somebody on the stump promising they will get government off my back, turn things over to the private sector, I start looking for a wooden stake and a hammer.

    Does that make me a bad Republican?

  11. V says:

    Lizard here’s the video. That’s the “bouncer” helping the guy up and asking him “are you ok”. The article also details his efforts to apologize today.

    That was THE talking point on right wing radio this morning, before they started in attacking Haiti. Where’d you hear it? Sheep.

  12. Lizard says:

    Coakley helper admits he was ‘too aggressive’

    The Hill ^
    Coakley helper admits he was ‘too aggressive’ By Aaron Blake – 01/13/10 04:10 PM ET In a statement released through his consulting firm, Democratic consultant Michael Meehan acknowledges some fault for what happened to Weekly Standard report John McCormack after a Martha Coakley in Washington. But he says he did not intend to harm McCormack. Here is Meehan’s full statement: “Last evening I was a little too aggressive in trying to help the Attorney General get to her car and catch a flight. “I clearly did not intend to cause John McCormack to trip and fall over that low fence….

  13. The Democrats had the majority in the VA senate last year. The senate is up in the odd year after the Governor and assembly.

  14. Delaware Dem says:

    Hey, David, where is your condemnation of both Pat Robertson and the Westboro Baptist Church?

  15. A. price says:

    you think there will be one? I bet RD agrees with every word they spew