Scott Brown: Tea Party Who?

Filed in National by on January 14, 2010

Conservative centerfold and MA-Sen candidate Scott Brown now says he’s never even heard of the Tea Party movement.

On Wednesday, Republican senate candidate Scott Brown told reporters in Massachusetts that he was “unfamiliar” with the “Tea Party movement,” despite receiving the endorsement of a key national Tea Party group which is currently raising money for his campaign to replace the late Sen. Ted Kennedy.

Late this evening, TPM Reader NM alerted us to the fact that Brown’s official campaign Flickr stream contains photographs of the candidate addressing Tea Party groups on the campaign trail only months ago.

Here is video of him addressing a Tea Party in Worcester, MA:

So Scott Brown is definitely ready to throw the Teabaggers under the bus if he thinks that will help him get elected, despite the Tea Party rhetoric that these principles are the ones that the majority of Americans support. If Scott Brown is successful next week, he’ll join the other conservatives who ran as moderates and not as hard right ideologues, Chris Christie and Bob McDonnell. The candidate that ran as a proud Tea Parties, Doug Hoffman in NY-23 lost a Republican seat.

The national attention isn’t really helping Brown all that much either. He’s announced that he will vote against health care reform in the Senate despite voting for a similar measure in Massachusetts but can’t really explain why.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. pandora says:

    The in-your-face brazenness of this lie is breathtaking, and tells you everything you need to know about Brown. He’s a liar, and a really bad one at that. It also demonstrates how associations with tea parties are a political obstacle (and, in some cases, political suicide) in a lot of states.

    I’m preparing for a lot more of this distancing from Republican candidates, along with a lot more you-tube videos.

  2. A. price says:

    oh NOT HE DIDNT. well at least we know he’s gonna lose now. this slut is getting scosoffavad for sure. lets hope the Bagz can get another candidate up and running soon.

  3. Yeah, I doubt Scott Brown wants the final days before the vote a discussion a what a big liar he is. Will this be enough to stop his momentum? We’ll see.

    I think it also shows that Republicans have no plans of changing their ways. They’ll use the voters and go back to ignoring them in between elections.

  4. The lesson of this for me?

    Tea Party candidate = loser
    Run left = winner

  5. anon says:

    “TPM Reader NM alerted us to the fact that Brown’s official campaign Flickr stream contains photographs of the candidate”

    Are these safe for work?

  6. anon says:

    He will deny them three times before the election.

    One thing I get out of this: We have been hoping/assuming that teabaggers will not support candidates that don’t pass their purity tests and loyalty oaths, and will lose enthusiasm or not show up at the polls or something. This is a wishful thinking on our part.

    But when the rubber meets the road, teabaggers will work their asses off for the Republican no matter what, even a wishy washy Republican. Especially when they smell blood like in MA.

  7. anon says:

    Shorter me:

    Teabaggers = Republican

  8. I think that’s the question anon. Will this dampen the teabagger enthusiasm in MA a bit? Will the Democratic base feel more enthusiasm. A fundraising email from Vicki Kennedy yesterday raised $500K. I’m hoping this means the enthusiasm gap is diminishing.

  9. Brooke says:

    Well, he doesn’t know who he’s talking to. Add that to “doesn’t know what he’s talking about” and “lectures people on their conduct while posing nude himself” and you have the perfect GOP candidate, don’t you?

    He’s one bumpit from being Palin.

  10. a.price says:

    oh my god, wouldn’t it be great of Caribou Barbi and ( some witty nic name) Ken had an affair?

    I know deep down there is a Sarah Palin sex tape. She has always had a lust for being on camera, she was a pageant queen, she is a total moron who can be talked into anything if someone offers her money and fame. Oh, and she is also extremely “religious” in public. That is like everything on the checklist needed to be predisposed to being a porn star.

  11. pandora says:

    Looks like the Boston Globe got it wrong with Brown and the tea parties. That said, I’m with Josh.

  12. Herb says:

    This smelled rotten from when I first read it. It sounds like someone is trying to throw cold water on the Tea Party support for Brown by trying to create a rift between the candidate and the grassroots.

  13. Delaware Dem says:

    Or make Brown completely and totatly unpalpatable for independents in the state who dislike the racism and insanity that defines Teabaggers.

  14. Delaware Dem says:

    Further, this is a lose lose for Brown. In the earlier story, Brown was lying about his past association with the racist teabaggers. Now, he just didn’t want to talk about his association.

  15. pandora,

    Thanks for putting a link to the update, I just saw it myself. I agree it’s a lose-lose for Brown. Corrections never get as much play as the original quote but it will be enough to get Dems looking at this race.

  16. Herb says:

    So it was a smart move then, this hit job.

  17. Lizard says:

    Brown Framed?
    TPM ^ | 01/14/10 | Josh Marshall

    Sheesh, what has the world come to if you can’t trust the Boston Globe?

    Over the last day or so, we’ve been reporting how Mass GOP senate candidate Scott Brown said he was unfamiliar with the “Tea Party Movement”, notwithstanding their campaigning for him and now lots of photos and video of his addressing Tea Party events.

    But it seems like the original report in the Boston Globe was just wrong, or at least way overwritten.

    The Brown campaign has now provided us with the audio of the exchange the report was based on. And as is often the case, there’s a lot of crosstalk and incomplete sentences. But I think the clear reading of Brown’s statement is not that he’s “unfamiliar” with the Tea Party movement or hasn’t heard of it but that he didn’t accept or wasn’t buying the reporter’s characterization of it.

    The audio is clear that Brown did not want to get into a discussion of Tea Partiers or his relationship or connection to the movement. But he wasn’t saying he’d never heard of or wasn’t familiar with the Tea Party movement.

  18. Teabagger says:

    LMAO I just read these comments a week after Brown beat the stuffing out of the liberal hack you people supported. Judging by your poor prognostication skills, you shouldn’t be betting on the Super Bowl.

  19. a,price says:

    YEAH TEABAGGER!!!!! what this country needs is more former porn-stars who flip flop on major issues to get support from ignorant reactionary astroturf movements ….. brown was IN FAVOR OF the SOCIALIST Mass healthcare system while campaigning against the must more moderate HCR, who also pimp out their daughters. Also more insane attention craving former beauty queens who exploit their children for political gains. That will show all those educated smart people!

  20. a,price says:

    OR to put it in a language your people can understand,
    OONGA OONGA Obama BAD! MILFY lady who mad at obama gooood! OOONGA!