Delaware Liberal

Scott Brown: Tea Party Who?

Conservative centerfold and MA-Sen candidate Scott Brown now says he’s never even heard of the Tea Party movement.

On Wednesday, Republican senate candidate Scott Brown told reporters in Massachusetts that he was “unfamiliar” with the “Tea Party movement,” despite receiving the endorsement of a key national Tea Party group which is currently raising money for his campaign to replace the late Sen. Ted Kennedy.

Late this evening, TPM Reader NM alerted us to the fact that Brown’s official campaign Flickr stream contains photographs of the candidate addressing Tea Party groups on the campaign trail only months ago.

Here is video of him addressing a Tea Party in Worcester, MA:

So Scott Brown is definitely ready to throw the Teabaggers under the bus if he thinks that will help him get elected, despite the Tea Party rhetoric that these principles are the ones that the majority of Americans support. If Scott Brown is successful next week, he’ll join the other conservatives who ran as moderates and not as hard right ideologues, Chris Christie and Bob McDonnell. The candidate that ran as a proud Tea Parties, Doug Hoffman in NY-23 lost a Republican seat.

The national attention isn’t really helping Brown all that much either. He’s announced that he will vote against health care reform in the Senate despite voting for a similar measure in Massachusetts but can’t really explain why.

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