I Wish I Had Thought Of This

Filed in National by on January 20, 2010

Village Voice headline: “Scott Brown Wins Mass. Race, Giving GOP 41-59 Majority in the Senate.”

That says it all.

About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. ray k says:

    The next election should contain more bad news for the democrats, nothing unusual, all presidents including FDR, Reagan, Clinton etc, have lost seats for there party immediatly after election. We are not a very patient people, we expect overnite fixes to complex problems. In this case were suffering from national amnesia, forgetting the repubs, and there conservative dogma got us were we are in the first place.

  2. anonone says:

    How out of touch is Obama? His organization sent me a fund-raising e-mail today. What an out-of-touch lying @#$#% he is. My comments in italics:

    “Yesterday’s disappointing election results show deep discontent with the pace of change. I know the OFA community and the President share that frustration.”

    Right. He has a funny way of showing it.

    “We also saw what we knew to be true all along: Any change worth making is hard and will be fought at every turn. While it doesn’t take away the sting of this loss, there is no road to real change without setbacks along the way.”

    Obama IS the setback.

    “We could have simply sought to do things that were easy, that wouldn’t stir up controversy. But changes that aren’t controversial rarely solve the problem.”

    Either does selling out the people who voted for you.

    Our country continues to face the same fundamental challenges it faced yesterday. Our health care system still needs reform. Wall Street still needs to be held accountable. We still need to create good jobs. And we still need to continue building a clean energy economy.”

    And after a year in office, we’re worse off in all these areas. But Wall Street is giving out record bonuses.

    “The President isn’t walking away from these challenges. In fact, his determination and resolve are only stronger. We must match that commitment with our own.”

    No, he has run away from them. His commitment is to the corporations, not to ordinary Americans.

    “But it won’t be easy. Real change never is. For that reason, I am grateful you’re part of this fight with us.”

    Why don’t you let us know when you actually start fighting.

  3. nemski says:

    LOL A1, of course, President Obama should know how you feel. Your bovine political naïveté is dwarfed by your egotism.

  4. kaveman says:

    I get at least 1 fund raising request from Obama per week.

    Funny, I thought he already won.

  5. anonone says:

    nemski wrote: “Your bovine political naïveté is dwarfed by your egotism.” A substance-less response from someone who only wants to talk about what lovely clothes his emperor is wearing.

  6. cassandra m says:

    Well this is fun. Our resident liar lecturing *other people* about substance.

  7. anonone says:

    Keep bobbling your head up and down, cassandra_m, in your support of President LIEberman’s HCR bill.

    Me? I’ll stick with Howard Dean M.D. and the Dems who actually want real reform.

  8. anonone says:

    Obama’s first year in office: Latest unemployment report: 482,000 new jobless. Latest Wall Street Bonus report: $140 billion.

    No substance here.

  9. skippertee says:

    “CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN”. Obama abandoned that pledge almost immediately when he didn’t have that “chickenhawk” Cheney[and I use that derogative well aware of both definitions and accusing him of both] and the rest of the high-ranking officials of the previous administration, who used the Constitution as so much toilet paper,frog-marched into jail.
    He turned out to be nothing more than a long-legged pimp-daddy for big banking.

  10. donviti says:

    Out of no where and from the top rope Cassandra with a vicious elbow on A1! boooyeah!

    A1 with a dropkick to the face!

    Cassy is down for the count!

  11. anon says:

    Obama’s first year in office: Latest unemployment report: 482,000 new jobless. Latest Wall Street Bonus report: $140 billion.

    The Wall Street bonuses are a moral failure on the banks’ part, but a policy success on Obama’s part.

    The threat of blocking the bonuses was what forced the repayment of Bush’s TARP funds. The bonus-blocking was added by Dodd as an amendment to the stimulus. Thank you Senator Dodd!

    If the bonuses were NOT paid this year, that would mean that the banks were still holding their TARP funds.

  12. anonone says:

    Record Bank Bonuses Based On Record Bank Fraud:

    How about this racket: “Ask yourself how hard it is for any finance firm to make money — risk free! — when they can borrow from the Federal Reserve at a rate of zero, and then turnaround and “lend” that same cash to the Treasury (buying bonds) at 3% ?”

    Welcome to Obama’s America where bankers siphon off billions from taxpayers while unemployment skyrockets and the Dems figure out how to do the same type of deal for health insurance executives and call it “HCR.”

    No substance here, though.


  13. Geezer says:

    Technically, The Voice was wrong. It’s a 59-41 tie.

  14. anonone says:

    More headlines that cassandra_m will love:

    “Largest US health insurer’s profits rise 30 percent”

    “UnitedHealth, the largest US health insurer by market capitalization, posted earnings of $944 million in the fourth quarter of 2009, up from $726 million in 2008.

    The profit totals topped analyst estimates.”

    Obama’s HCR: Let’s force the taxpayers to give ’em more!

    No substance here, either.


  15. cassandra m says:

    And our resident liar continues his substance-free jihad against the a President who won’t be his Daddy.

  16. cassandra m says:

    And one more — our resident liar used Nov-Dec runup in stock prices of health insurance companies as evidence of a collusion between government and these companies as more people would be required to buy insurance. Stocks has been going up again — right around when everyone started writing off Coakley — so apparently these investors like the idea that the bill may be killed.

    Not exactly something to inspire confidence in the selective use of data by our resident liar.

  17. Geezer says:

    It’s not “evidence of collusion.” It was evidence that their investors realized that no public option + mandated coverage = higher revenue. The rise in stock prices took place over three months; failure to lose those gains in a few days doesn’t change that.