Liveblogging the State of the Union Speech

Filed in National by on January 27, 2010

Tonight, President Obama will give his State of the Union speech (hint, he will say that the state of the union is strong…).  As usual, we will be liveblogging the speech starting at 8PM. The speech is given this year as the reverberations of the Massachusetts special election are still being felt, Haiti has moved from search-and-rescue to recovery-and-burial, healthcare reform has moved from “possible in our time” to “cross your fingers”, Iraq is winding down while Afghanistan is ramping up and our economy has stopped falling and is poised for a recovery.

So stop by at 8 and you will see our link for the liveblog application.  And as always, it is BYOB.

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  1. a.price says:

    I’m hoping for some vintage Obama. I mean, i expect to see the Professor in Chief, but some of the soaring rhetoric may go along way. also, who will be stumbling through the republican reaction?

  2. kaveman says:

    Vintage Obama?

    You mean the guy who promises everyone everything and then throws them under the bus?

    Don’t worry, that Obama will be on full display tonight.

    Rest assured that most Americans will get their post-speech analysis from Fox News, as they are now the “most trusted name in news.”

  3. a.price says:

    this is because americans are sheeple and respond to deliberate arguments… even if they are lies. Other news stations are wusses about reporting facts because facts appear to have a liberal bias. And as we all know… in this country, it is better to be certain than informed.
    Dont worry, FAUX’s support of the pimp, as well as their inevitable, now official, sponsorship of the republican party will show everyone who they really are. they will get cocky. I cant wait till Roger Ailes crashes and burns.

  4. a.price says:

    this also doesnt make a distinction between Fox sponsored newscasts, Fox’s day time national news coverage (which isn’t QUITE the same as the 6 hours of opinion shows) and Hannity’s “the racist all white america i love is crumbling/michelle malkin shrieking insane lies through her beastly bug-like mandables” Hour …. i think that is the official name of the show. Polls like these are designed to get the answer the pollsters are looking for. i put no stock in it.

  5. nemski says:

    OK kaveman, list out all the promises broken please.

  6. a.price says:

    c’mon Nem, apparently everything he said he was gonna do that he hasnt yet done… even with 7 years left, is a broken promise…. nay.. a LIE. IT ALL HAS TO BE DONE RIGHT NOW! RIGHT NOW! NOW NOW NOW!!!!!!!

  7. a.price says:

    OH speaking of LIE, think Joe Wilson will remember he is in the halls of Congress and not a NASCAR event tonight? or any other redneck teabag GOP representative for that matter?

  8. Lizard says:

    highlights from an advance copy leaked by the TOTUS:

    Shout out to Tim Tebow

    “We choose not to go to the moon”

    shout out to Ellie Light

  9. a.price says:

    what the heck are you talking about, worm?

  10. kaveman says:

    “OK kaveman, list out all the promises broken please.”


    Health Care Reform debates live on Cspan?
    No earmarks in the budget?

    No lobbyists in his administration?

    Public will have 5 days to read bills online before he signs them?

    Gitmo closed within 1 year of taking office?

    Pulling 1 brigrade per month out of Iraq starting on his 1st day in office?

    That’s just off the top of my head, I can go get more if ya want.

    I’ll check back later, kinda busy at work today.

  11. anon says:

    The problems we inherited were far worse than most inside and out of government had expected; the recession was deeper than most inside and out of government had predicted. Curing those problems has taken more time and a higher toll than any of us wanted.

  12. Miscreant says:

    “The problems we inherited were far worse … blah,blah,fucking blah…”

    The Dems are in charge, driving the bus… How long can you rationalize the astounding ineffectiveness of this administration with that limp dick excuse? It’s the first fallback when liberals are challenged (although, accusations of racism appears to be running a close second). His mouth wrote a check that his ass couldn’t cash, and you’re paying the overdraft fees. Man up, and admit it.

  13. anon says:

    How long can you rationalize the astounding ineffectiveness of this administration with that limp dick excuse?

    Gotcha, Miscreant…

    The problems we inherited were far worse than most inside and out of government had expected; the recession was deeper than most inside and out of government had predicted. Curing those problems has taken more time and a higher toll than any of us wanted.

    – Ronald Reagan, SOTU 1983

  14. Miscreant says:

    Good one.



  15. Jason330 says:

    Miscreant, True. Obama seems committed to trying to work with the Republican goatfuckers who don’t want to do anything other than fuck them some goats. So, If the President was hired to run a company might have a point . He could fire the loafers, whiners and losers and hire people who wanted to get the job done. Your comment would make sense.

    If I have a problem with Obama, it is that he is not working hard enough to get America to fire the Republican loser and the Democratic loafers. Instead, he wants to shame goatfuckers to stop fucking goats, but the goatfucker mind does not work that way. They cannot feel shame.

  16. Trying to understand the Republican mind here. Carter is blamed for the 1982 recession but how dare Obama talk about the mess Bush laid on his lap. [I heard John Kyl whining this morning.]

  17. anon says:

    Note Reagan was still blaming previous administrations two years into his administration; one year deeper in than Obama is today.

    And the problems Reagan inherited came mostly Nixon and Ford. Carter was only president for 4 years, and his economic record isn’t nearly as bad as rightwing mythmakers want to believe.

  18. anonone says:

    I have unlocked the secret for understanding the Senate: The dems have 59 goats and the repubs have 41 goats. Everything comes down to which side has the most goats. Voters are “goaters.” Lobbyists are “goat getters.” “Goat” as a verb is a polite way of saying “goat-fucking,” so “he goated for the bill” means just that.

    From now on, when you read an article about “votes,” just substitute the word “goats” and it will make much more sense.

    Post your own examples:

  19. Desmond says:

    I love how he kept referencing how he is bringing change to Washington…and how the petty politics must stop…and the bi-partisan rhetoric must stop. Yet he took one cheap, petty shot after another.

    He is slowing becoming the biggest hypocrite in Washington. It is very sad to see the POTUS acting so petty and cheap.

    He is the spoiled kid who didn’t get his way, so now he is taking his ball and going home.