Delaware Liberal

Pregnant Woman Ordered (Yes, Ordered!) To Bed Rest

It boggles the mind.

Via Dkos:

Ms. Burton is pregnant. She has two children and in her current pregnancy she is at risk of a miscarriage. She was admitted to the hospital in Florida where her doctors advised bed rest as well until a C-section could be performed. They also insisted that she quit smoking as the affects of smoking complicate pregnancy and increase the chance of miscarriage.

Ms. Burton did not want to quit smoking. She said as much to the doctors. She also explained that with her two toddlers and a job she would lose if she was on bed rest for up to 15 weeks, she was going to get a second opinion. At that point the doctors took it to the State who went to court to have Ms. Burton ordered to bed rest and to undergo “any and all treatments” her doctor ordered in the best interest of the fetus.

Yes, you read that right. An adult woman has been ordered to stay in a hospital where her doctor is hostile to her wishes, to protect the interests of the fetus. The rights of an adult citizen  to refuse treatment is being denied because her busybody doctor and a state Judge who does not seem to have a basic  understanding of the law think the rights of a fetus trump the rights of an adult.

It gets worse, the court also ordered that Ms. Burton can not switch hospitals. She is being denied the right to choose who will treat her in every particular. To say this is a massive disgrace is to minimize the case. Ms. Burton had no representation at the hearing. She appeared by phone, and the Court did not look at the her medical history nor consider the effect on her two small children.

Before we continue, keep in mind that these fetus fighters are, for the most part, the same people screaming about how HCR will result in the loss of choice.  Needless to say, they’re all for what they consider the Right choice – which pretty much boils down to women (see: Palin, mother and daughter, and Tim Tebow’s Mom) who choose to have their babies.  Then, and only then, is it about choice.

But this case is simply amazing.  Let’s break it down point by point.

This is the classic fetus trumps everything (and everyone) argument.  Forget about Ms. Burton’s wishes.  Forget about her having to work.  And, most importantly, forget about her two post-uterus children who I guess should have to fend for themselves, or be handed over to a relative, or, if that’s not possible, there’s always foster care.  None of that matters.  She has been ordered to bed, ordered to quit smoking, ordered to not switch hospitals, and ordered to undergo “any and all treatments” her doctor orders “in the best interest of the fetus.”

And if these “doctors” and courts get their way and Ms. Burton is forced to spend 15 weeks in the hospital and then loses her job… Hey, no problem.  Once the fetus is out of her womb she’ll simply be labeled as another lazy, welfare queen by the very same people screaming for her to take to her bed.  Nice little Catch-22 you got going there.

And then there’s the slippery slope that leads to pregnant women becoming property of the state.  Because, from where I’m standing, pregnant women eating at McDonalds and skipping fruits and vegetables are potential targets for the fetus fighters.  So are pregnant police officers, firefighters, and any other profession that involves risk.  Hmm… should pregnant women be allowed to ski?  Or, maybe, someone can introduce a bill stating that pregnancy = 9 months of temporary insanity, and therefore pregnant women are not capable of any decision making during this time.

And the fact that Ms. Burton’s situation reached a courtroom is chilling because it means someone views this government interference as justified.

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