Archive for January, 2010

Cellphones, Texting And Kids

Filed in Delaware by on January 15, 2010 21 Comments

There’s a debate going on in the Pandora household – Is it time to let the kids have cellphones, and if we let them have cellphones should we let them text? First, is everyone sitting down?  Okay, here it is.  I do not have a cellphone.  Now, everyone take a deep breath and I’ll explain.  […]

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Limbaugh Doubles Down On Teh Stupid

Filed in National by on January 15, 2010 6 Comments

Oh Rush Limbaugh, you never fail to disappoint (and I do mean disappoint). Limbaugh is still pushing some conspiracy theory that President Obama is going to steal money intended for victims of Haiti. A caller from my hometown challenges him and he manages to keep up the stupid, with a nice dose of misogyny thrown […]

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Washington Times: Obama Has Passed More Cuts Than Bush

Filed in National by on January 15, 2010 7 Comments

I know, what you’re thinking: Delaware Liberal is linking to the Washington Times? Has the world gone mad? The Washington Times did a study of the budget under Bush and Obama and found that Obama was able to push more budget cuts through than Bush did. President Obama notched substantial successes in spending cuts last […]

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Delaware To Appeal Sports Betting To SCOTUS

Filed in National by on January 15, 2010 2 Comments

In what I would call a surprise decision, the Markell administration has announced that it plans to appeal the sports betting decision to the U.S. Supreme Court. Gov. Jack Markell says Delaware will appeal restrictions on it sports betting lottery to the U.S. Supreme Court. Markell and his aides said Thursday that the state expects […]

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The Brown Campaign is Over.

Filed in National by on January 14, 2010 21 Comments

So, besides their racist hatred of our nation’s first black President, the supposed freedom loving Teabaggers got their start in opposition to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and the bailouts of both the banks, AIG and the auto industry. They screamed “stop the bailouts!” They screamed that it was their money. A new moment […]

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I Was Wrong: Republicans Do Have New Ideas

Filed in National by on January 14, 2010 2 Comments

Marco Rubio is the Republican Senate candidate in Florida who is cleaning Crist’s clock. He’s a darling to the Tea Party/Club for Growth set. He proposed an interesting idea for fixing the economy – suspend Congress. Last night on CNBC, Marco Rubio, a right-wing Republican running for US Senate in Florida, told host Larry Kudlow […]

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What Sort Of Scum Would Profit Off The Haiti Disaster?

Filed in National by on January 14, 2010 2 Comments

If you answered credit card companies you’d be correct. As a massive human tragedy unfolds in Haiti, relief organizations are soliciting credit-card donations through their hotlines and websites. About 97 percent of these donations will actually make it to the designated organizations — but the other 3 percent will be skimmed off by banks and […]

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Thursday Open Thread

Filed in National by on January 14, 2010 17 Comments

Open thread time! Because Katrina response was so great: According to multiple sources, Obama last night called George W. Bush and formally asked him to participate, along with Bill Clinton, in humanitarian relief efforts for Haiti — in the same vein that Bush’s father and Clinton did following the tsunami disaster in Southeast Asia. Bush […]

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Legislative Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show-Thursday, Jan. 14, 2010

Filed in National by on January 14, 2010 2 Comments

According to the Legislative Record, nothing happened yesterday. Of course, in the case of the House of Representatives, we know that committee meetings took place. So, El Somnambulo, you may ask, why does the record not reflect this? Glad you asked as it gives me yet another teaching opportunity. Yay! Once the House breaks for […]

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The Haiti Disaster Brings Out Teh Stupid

Filed in National by on January 14, 2010 126 Comments

We’ve already heard about the disgusting statements of Pat Robertson about the Haiti earthquake disaster. Rush Limbaugh also couldn’t help making an ass of himself about the Haiti crisis. On his radio show yesterday Limbaugh said the earthquake in Haiti will play right into Obama’s hands by allowing him to play up his “compassionate” and […]

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R. I. P. Teddy Pendergrass

Filed in National by on January 14, 2010 1 Comment

The soul singer who first burst onto the scene with Harold Melvin & the Blue Notes, and was one of the greatest stars ever to come out of the TSOP Sound of Gamble & Huff, has passed away at the age of 59. Here’s an interview with Teddy talking about his accident that left him […]

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Scott Brown: Tea Party Who?

Filed in National by on January 14, 2010 20 Comments

Conservative centerfold and MA-Sen candidate Scott Brown now says he’s never even heard of the Tea Party movement. On Wednesday, Republican senate candidate Scott Brown told reporters in Massachusetts that he was “unfamiliar” with the “Tea Party movement,” despite receiving the endorsement of a key national Tea Party group which is currently raising money for […]

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Markell Names Widener Dean to Probe Bradley Fiasco

Filed in National by on January 13, 2010 0 Comments

In a move that absolutely had to be made, Gov. Markell has announced an investigation into the systemic failures that enabled Dr. Earl Bradley to abuse children under his care for years. The Governor has appointed Widener Law School  Dean Dr. Linda Ammons to head the probe. From Jeff Montgomery’s News-Journal article: Allegations date to […]

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