Archive for January, 2010

Legislative Pre-Game Show-Jan. 12: Demagoguery On 1st Agenda of Session

Filed in National by on January 12, 2010 10 Comments

What do you do if you’re a politician and you’ve got nothing but bad news to run on and you’re facing re-election? Simple. Conjure up potential ‘horribles’, create simplistic legislation attacking said ‘horribles’, and run as if you bravely stood up to said ‘horribles’, even if what you did was simply to create horrible legislation […]

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Mourning A Hero

Filed in National by on January 12, 2010 20 Comments

I think hero is a word that is overused in our society. A hero is not someone who can throw a football far or a well-off person with a chronic disease. In my mind, a hero is an ordinary person who does an extraordinary thing, usually at great risk to themselves. One person who fits […]

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More Tea Party Rifts

Filed in National by on January 12, 2010 4 Comments

A group called “Tea Party Patriots” has put together a National Tea Party Convention in Nashville. Sarah Palin is the headline speaker and tickets are pricy, at $549 per person. Part of the reason for the high price is that Sarah Palin is charging $100,000 speaking fees. Not all activists are thrilled about the convention, […]

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I’m Gumby Dammit!

Filed in National by on January 11, 2010 3 Comments

Over the weekend, Art Clokey, the creator of Gumby died.  So for your enjoyment, here are a few Gumby clips. [youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube]

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Breaking! From Talking Points Memo: Palin Joins Fox News

Filed in National by on January 11, 2010 19 Comments

This is not a joke, it’s real. Although, come to think of it, it IS a joke. Maybe, just maybe, this will remove any last vestige of credibility that this network has. And maybe, just maybe, someone in power will review whether this House organ for the Rethugs is living up to its broadcasting obligations. […]

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Race and Speech Patterns

Filed in National by on January 11, 2010 15 Comments

Harry Reid has come under fire for his statements about the benefits of President Obama’s speech patterns.  The statement in question is that then-candidate Obama didn’t speak in “the negro dialect” unless he wanted to. I am a little torn on this issue.  There is a dialect, one could call it an accent, that could […]

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Cartoon of the Day

Filed in National by on January 11, 2010 5 Comments
Cartoon of the Day

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Monday Open Thread

Filed in National by on January 11, 2010 22 Comments

Well, it’s Monday much to my dismay. Why do the weekends go so fast? Let’s get started with an open thread. For all those Republicans bashing Harry Reid try to remember the difference between his remarks and those of Trent Lott. Trent Lott said the following, at the 100th birthday celebration of Strom Thurmond: When […]

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Post Your Legislative Wish List Here!

Filed in National by on January 11, 2010 43 Comments

Tomorrow, the Delaware Legislature goes back into session in Dover. Two things seem a good bet — getting a budget this year when there are still revenue shortfalls is going to be brutal and the legislature will continue their dysfunctional behavior to get to that budget. We keep hearing about detailed reviews of state agencies to look for efficiencies or even eliminations. I’m definitely expecting to see that in some detail this year. And I fully expect that repubs will stamp their feet over it all while offering nothing to fix the budget problems.

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From The Delusion Files

Filed in National by on January 11, 2010 2 Comments

Rod Blagojevich in an interview with Esquire: “It’s such a cynical business, and most of the people in the business are full of shit and phonies, but I was real, man — and am real. This guy, he was catapulted in on hope and change, what we hope the guy is. What the fuck? Everything […]

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Why Not?

Filed in National by on January 11, 2010 6 Comments

I hope the DSCC is not unilaterally disarming in the U.S. Senate race. Democrats ousted Delaware’s popular longtime Republican Sen. William Roth, Jr. in 2000 after his age became an issue in the race but they are leery about playing the age card against GOP challenger Rep. Mike Castle (Del.). There is evidence that Democratic […]

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Late Night Video — Red State Prays for Tiger Woods

Filed in National by on January 10, 2010 0 Comments

OK, this is less of a Tiger Woods post and more of a Make Fun of Brit Hume’s and Fox News’ Showy Religiosity post. And it is funny. And NSFW!

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More House Prefiles

Filed in Delaware by on January 10, 2010 10 Comments

HB 300 proposed by Representative Brad Bennett has been prefiled and it establishes a 10-day response window to respond to FOIA requests.

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