Archive for January, 2010

Breaking: Joe Biden’s Mother Has Died

Filed in Delaware, National by on January 8, 2010 10 Comments

I just received a call from LiberalGeek who has informed me (via twitter) that Joe Biden’s mother, Jean Biden, has died. She was 92, so at least we can say she lived a long and eventful life, and saw her son become Vice President of the United States. Our thoughts are with the Biden family. […]

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Friday Open Thread

Filed in National by on January 8, 2010 33 Comments

It’s Friday and it’s open thread time. Let me congratulate BCS champion Alabama for kicking Texas’s freshman quarterback around. Alabama was probably the best team but who knows how they would have played against Boise State. If only there was a way of determining who was really the best team… Let’s start with some good […]

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Newest 9/11 Revisionist – Rudy Giuliani?

Filed in National by on January 8, 2010 15 Comments

I can’t believe Rudy Giuliani passed up the opportunity to talk about 9/11: Rudy Giuliani, the man who was mayor of New York City during the 9/11 attacks, appeared on Good Morning America today to say President Obama should take lessons from former President George W. Bush on how to prevent a terrorist attack. “What […]

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New Legislation filed by Short, Bennett and Keeley.

Filed in Delaware by on January 8, 2010 5 Comments

House Bill 302, sponsored by Short, would grant immunity to anyone reporting suspected financial exploitation of elderly and infirm adults. Bennett’s the sponsor of House Bill 299, which would add EMT’s paramedics, fire police and fire marshals to the list of first responders protected by law if they’re assaulted while on duty. Keeley’s measure, House Bill 303, is aimed at prohibiting unfair practices related to tax refund anticipation loans and setting up penalties for offenders.

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Morning Quick Hits

Filed in National by on January 8, 2010 2 Comments
Morning Quick Hits

When Congressman J.D. Hayworth began making noises about challenging McCain this year for reelection, I thought he was just raising money for his own reelection to Congress, taking advantage of the teabagging hatred of McCain. And the threat of the primary did move McCain to the right. But Hayworth just confirmed that he is seriously […]

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Broder Should Stick To Writing Castle Press Releases

Filed in National by on January 8, 2010 5 Comments

David Broder, the “dean” of pundits writes a particularly disgusting column today. Was Christmas Day 2009 the same kind of wake-up call for Barack Obama that Sept. 11, 2001, had been for George W. Bush? The near-miss by a passenger plotting to blow up an American airliner as it flew into Detroit seems to have […]

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Can I Call Her Dumb?

Filed in National by on January 8, 2010 13 Comments

Starbursts! Sarah Palin’s charming opening debate line for now-Vice President Joe Biden — “Hey, can I call you Joe?” — was scripted after she repeatedly referred to him as “O’Biden” in preparation sessions, former McCain campaign senior adviser Steve Schmidt told “60 Minutes.” Schmidt was interviewed by Anderson Cooper for a segment about “Game Change: […]

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du Pont goes all Inhofe.

Filed in National by on January 7, 2010 12 Comments

Pete du Pont praises Sarah Palin and then mis-characterizes the data from an organization whose name he gets wrong, and further fails to check the actual position of the aforesaid organization on climate change. So much for reasonable moderate Northeastern Republicans.

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Markell Nominates Clarke Streett to Superior Court

Filed in Delaware by on January 7, 2010 3 Comments

Governor Markell has nominated New Castle Recorder of Deeds Diane Clarke Streett to the Superior Court. Streett, a graduate of Cornell Law School who currently is New Castle County Register of Wills, will be taking the position on the bench left by retiring Judge John E. Babiarz Jr. Before being elected Register of Wills for […]

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Spencer Challenges Carney on Primary Funds

Filed in Delaware by on January 7, 2010 25 Comments

Democrat Scott Spencer challenges his primary opponent, John Carney, to pledge not to use any Democratic Party money should he be endorsed by the state Party in his primary. It does seem to be a perfectly reasonable request. For we here at Delaware Liberal were all up in arms, and legitimately so, in 2008 when […]

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2010: The Year They Go Even More Insane?

Filed in National by on January 7, 2010 15 Comments

You gotta love the Republicans. And by Republicans, I am talking about their idiotic birther teabagger deather base, and not necessarily elected Republican officials (although certain elected officials like Palin and Bachmann certainly fit the former and the latter). They all, to the last man and woman, think they are going to win back Congress […]

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Joe Biden’s Mother Seriously Ill

Filed in Delaware, National by on January 7, 2010 2 Comments

I don’t know any more than this story: Vice President Joe Biden’s mother Catherine Eugenia “Jean” Biden, 92, has taken seriously ill in recent days, prompting the Vice President and his family to travel to Wilmington, Delaware, where they have gathered around her bedside. Mrs. Biden, whose husband Joseph Biden Sr. died in 2002, was […]

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American Enterprise Institute: Stimulus Worked!

Filed in National by on January 7, 2010 13 Comments

Republican politician have been running around bashing Obama’s stimulus plan for a while now. Meanwhile, the economy has slowly been recovering from Bush’s FUBAR economic policies. Even the conservative American Enterprise Institute agrees that the stimulus worked: AEI has its economic outlook, by John Makin. Notice anything strange here? We can expect 2010 to be […]

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