Did Sarah Palin Write Crib Notes On Her Hand?

Filed in National by on February 7, 2010

This seems almost too funny to be true.

Via kos:


AP photo showing words written on her palm.


Zoomed in shot of Palin’s hand – Energy, Budget Cut Tax, Lift America Spirit?

Someone please tell me this was photo-shopped.  But given this video, shot during question and answer time, it would appear not.


She’s so smoooth.  Funny and scary at the same time.


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. anon says:

    Paging Tina Fey: Go get your nails done.

    Also see: Redneck Palm Pilot.

  2. Instead of the teleprompter we have the telehand.

    Conservatives are just getting increasingly weird, aren’t they? They have these strange obsessions that most other people don’t even understand: ACORN, Obama’s birth certificate, Mary Landrieu’s phone lines and Obama’s use of a teleprompter. Now most people don’t really care if Obama or anyone else reads prepared remarks off of a teleprompter. But for conservatives, this has deep meaning. I guess in their eyes it means Obama is an empty suit or something. Well, they believed their own obsession a little too much and he absolutely embarrassed them at their own retreat.

    So now conservatives believe that teleprompters are the Devil’s tool and they must not be used. So she used note cards during the speech. The answers on her hand were for the questions submitted days earlier by the conference attendees. Unlike Obama, she can’t take questions spontaneously.

    Seriously, she can’t remember energy, tax or lifting America’s spirit without writing it on her hand?

  3. cassandra_m says:

    And while she is railing against taxes,apparently she can’t pay hers.

    But what the whole Vast Wingnut Conspiracy rise up to say that this is AOK. And for extra credit, correlate those defending her with those who still rail about Geither’s tax issues.

  4. a.price says:

    just another example of the “gotcha left wing media” trying to attack saint sarah’s family. how? well if you were a REAL american you would understand that this picture is making fun of a mother of a soldier, a teen mom, and a special needs child (DD, im not mocking Trig, im mocking Palin’s exploitation of Trig).

    I cant wait until she is the republican candidate.

  5. Here is her answer:

    She said lawmakers’ priorities should be to (1) cut federal spending, though she didn’t say where, (2) adopt a conservative energy policy, and (3) turn to “our creator.” Seriously.

    This was the third part of her answer, verbatim: “I think, kind of tougher to, um, put our arms around, but allowing America’s spirit to rise again by not being afraid to kind of go back to some of our roots as a God fearing nation where we’re not afraid to say, especially in times of potential trouble in the future here, where we’re not afraid to say, you know, we don’t have all the answers as fallible men and women so it would be wise of us to start seeking some divine intervention again in this country, so that we can be safe and secure and prosperous again. To have people involved in government who aren’t afraid to go that route, not so afraid of the political correctness that you know — they have to be afraid of what the media said about them if they were to proclaim their alliance on our creator.”

  6. just kiddin' says:

    Ain’t nothing green about this chick! Notice how she continuously strokes her bare legs…thats for the guys. Damn she could’nt win Prom Queen with those dumb answers.

  7. aqc says:

    She could be a Miss America contestant with those dumb answers!

  8. a.price says:

    but not with those jowls and those moose haunches she calls thighs.

  9. She’ll be president one day.

    Good thing, too.

  10. Jason330 says:

    Make it happen Shouting. The country needs you.

  11. Jason330 says:

    I think S Thomas raises an interesting question. Why does God seem to hate conservatives so much? Why does he inflict leaders like Palin and Bush on them? Why does he ignore their pleas for a less race mixed America? I think it must be the very begging for lower taxes, whining about Mexicans, and complaining about kids today (which they regard as prayer) that is pissing off Jahway (sp?).

  12. cassandra_m says:


    Jahway is a reggae producer.

    Back on topic — Shouting Thomas is apparently waiting breathlessly for the reconstitution of the draft Palin would need to prosecute all of those wars she wants to start. Hope you have lots of kids, Shouting!

  13. cassandra_m says:

    The fun ladies at Jezebel think that Palin is running for President in 2012. You should read the whole thing, but here is the beginning of a damn righteous rant:

    The most infuriating aspect of Palin’s persona is her ridiculously transparent hypocrisy: she criticizes Obama for using a teleprompter, yet is caught with notes scrawled on her hand. She asks her Tea Party fans to step away from “the small squabbles,” yet takes shots at Obama’s supporters by mocking his “change and hope” platform. She says “The government that governs least, governs best,” and claims that we all need to get back to the Constitution, and yet she wants the government to control people’s right to marry and a woman’s right to choose. She also thinks we need “divine intervention” in government, thereby sidestepping the whole concept of “separation of Church and State.”

    They liveblogged the Palin speech before the teabaggers last night, which I am genuinely sorry to have missed.

  14. Jason330 says:

    You can’t blame Palin though. She sees a bunch of saps, suckers and losers willing to throw bails of cash at her if she says certain idiotic things ($100,000 for this teabag gabfest) – what is she going to do, not say those idiotic things? That would suggest she had some sort of integrity.

    Yahweh and Jahway hate conservatives.

  15. Another Mike says:

    Surprised she knows the word “fallible” and used it correctly.

  16. NOx says:

    Maybe it has become her habit to write on her hand… well, somebody should give her a notepad..