When The Punishment Doesn’t Fit The Crime, Or… It’s The Over-Reaction, Stupid

Filed in National by on February 8, 2010

Doodling on a school desk is wrong.  Hauling a 12 year old girl out of school in handcuffs for doodling her name on her desk in erasable marker is worse.

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A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. a.price says:

    I have a friend who’s little sister was placed on 5 day suspension for fighting at Lombardy Elementary for demonstrating a defensive karate move. She didn’t demonstrate this move with another student, she pantomimed the move…. one time.

  2. Free Radical says:

    Now, if she were caught writing crib notes on her hand, they could probably sic FoxNews on the school board.

  3. Some prosecutor is still threatening to prosecute teenage girls as sex offenders for sending pictures of themselves in lingerie to some classmates (who then spread it everywhere).

    I feel like our world has gone collectively crazy. For one, teachers and schools are afraid to punish kids because parents get crazy about things (don’t touch MY kid). But now they’ve gone to this crazy trend of criminalizing any bad behavior by children. Are we trying to make an army of robot children or something?

  4. a.price says:

    Well, the drugs they pumped into MY generation didnt work. just made us realize drugs are only bad if pharm companies cant profit off of them. I guess now they are trying marshal law…. we’re gonna breed a nation of fetishists

    DRUGS ARE BAD!!!! now take this speed to do better in math!

  5. anon. says:

    In the good ‘ole days, they would’ve just paddled her and called her parents. Liberals have ruined the education system.

  6. Jason330 says:

    Wanting to paddle 12 year old girls doesn’t make you seem creepy or anything.

  7. Joanne Christian says:

    I worked in a residential boys group home–and one night the fellows wrote all over the walls of one hallway. Were we allowed to make them scrub those walls? Nope. That was the early 90’s. Good luck Alexa–and to the world these kids will inherit, and the elders who will have to suffer the consequences also.