Mike Castle’s “Trash and Grab”

Filed in National by on February 10, 2010

Rachel Maddow explains the “trash and grab” strategy of the Republican party. “Trash and grab” is the term that has been coined to describe the Republican habit of trashing the stimulus then taking credit for funds coming into their district. Mike Castle comes about 6:00 into the clip, and oh yeah, there’s a picture of Castle with a giant check.

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As Rachel points out, it’s not just the stimulus – it’s everything that Republicans have claimed to support in the past, even their own ideas. They vote no on PAYGO rules, on a bipartisan deficit reduction plan, on health care reform. They are the party of no, but more than that they’re the party of “no to Obama.” They don’t have any intellectual consistency, and they don’t have any interest in solving the problems they created in this country. They are the anti-America, hope for America’s failure party. Mike Castle seems like a nice guy, but when push comes to shove he still votes with his party. I don’t expect him to be any different as a Senator.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. Trash and Grab « Main Street | February 15, 2010
  1. Rebecca says:

    GO RACHAEL! Hypocrisy thy name is Mike Castle!

  2. Jason330 says:

    “Mike Castle is running for Senator now, presumably on the platform of being a giant hypocrite.”


  3. Elephant in da House says:

    Ww, wht lkr. Wh ws Rchl bfr th gndr rssgnmnt srgr?

  4. a.price says:

    and when the right wing has no argument to make, they go for that. good job DumdInfant in the house. way to uphold that stereotype of RethugRetard

  5. Obviously, Elephant doesn’t have an argument to rebut the charges, so goes for the insult.

  6. To be fair, I think most Republicans are running on the giant hypocrite platform.

  7. a.price says:

    and these are people who likely find ann coulter and saint sarah attractive *shudder*barf*

  8. a.price says:

    how intelligent.

  9. Elephant in da House says:

    M plsr, sshl.

  10. a.price says:

    they are so cute when they dont have anything relevant to say. like monkeys flinging poo… but less interpersonal skills.

  11. Jason330 says:

    And you can’t blame them UI. Our shit ass mass media gives them a free pass.

  12. nemski says:

    This is great. Love it that Castle gets a shout out from Rachel.

  13. According to TPM, the DNC, the DSCC and the DCCC are going to make a big push on the GOP trash & grab strategy.

    TPMDC has learned the party will mount an orchestrated effort from the Democratic National Committee, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee to go after Republicans who voted against the$787 billion economic stimulus plan but take credit for its spending back home.

    Obama signed the measure Feb. 17, 2009 with votes from just three Republicans (one of those GOPers, Sen. Arlen Specter, became a Democrat) but members of the opposing party have campaigned on stimulus projects.

    A Democratic source told me the party will force both incumbents up for reelection in the fall and Republican challengers to say on the record if they support the stimulus plan, which the White House in tandem will showcase as having created jobs.

    “Look for us to be all over this story,” the source said.

    Watch for it, especially if we start seeing this in the local media.

  14. Anti-Repubocrats says:

    The Republican Trash and Grab sounds a lot like the Democrat “I voted for the war before I voted against it”. Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones…

  15. liberalgeek says:

    Those who have had all the windows in their glass house busted out by Republicans gotta start returning fire when a couple of rocks drop in their lap.