Breaking: President Clinton Hospitalized

Filed in National by on February 11, 2010

Via TPM:

We have very little information so far. But President Clinton was hospitalized at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital this afternoon. It’s not clear whether it was on an emergency basis or not. But we have unconfirmed reports that it was for a heart related procedure.

Just heard this on MSNBC as well.  Hope all is well.

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A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. President Clinton Photos | Hot Web Trends | February 11, 2010
  1. pandora says:

    Unconfirmed reports are saying that President Clinton had chest pains and that he may be receiving a heart stent. (I’d take these reports with a grain of salt at this time, but that’s what’s being said on the news.)

  2. Mark H says:

    As someone with 4 stents in me, I wish him well. Didn’t he have a bypass 10 years or so ago?

  3. pandora says:

    I think 6 yrs ago? Now reporting that Pres. Clinton called ahead for the appointment.

    Hope you’re okay now, Mark.

  4. Delaware Dem says:

    He had a heart attack in 2004 that lead to quadruple bypass surgery to clear four blocked arteries.

  5. Mark H says:

    Thanx Pandora. I was dead for 2 minutes (back when the Raiders were good) 15 years ago. Had 4 stents placed and very little trouble since then. I’m the poster child for drug intervention in serious heart disease as I still have a blocked artery (but my tennis addiction has made two collateral arteries grow to carry the load). I take Plavix (blood platelet thinner), Antenolol (beta blocker), Aspirin, Lipitor (my total cholesterol is never over 110), and Niaspan (an overdose of the niacin vitamin which effects good and bad cholesterol. I’ve taken this combination for over 10 years with no bad effects. In fact the last stress test was even better than before with a certain heart figure (that needs to be over 45) last year was at 50 and this year (due to a lifting regiment my wife and I started 6 months ago) is now at 58…
    But….I couldn’t get my heart rate over 115 if I had to 🙂 So I’ll always be a heavy person…but I’m still alive and kicking and annoying as many people as possible, so it’s all good.
    And Clinton probably knew he was having issues, because once you’ve had a Heart Attack and/or Angina, you remember the symptoms 🙂

  6. Do you all remember that Clinton didn’t look very good at the Jefferson Jackson dinner? He looked old and tired. I wonder if he was sick then.

    My father had a quintuple bypass 10 years ago. He never had a heart attack, but he had the symptoms. One of his bypasses “came loose” a few years ago and he knew right away because the symptoms came back. Luckily he didn’t need additional surgery. He’s on drugs to regulate his heart rate so he can’t take a stress test anymore. His heart rate just won’t go up.

    I’m glad you’re feeling well, Mark.

  7. cassandra_m says:

    NPR reported on this abit ago.

    Glad you are doing much better, Mark!

  8. Mark H says:

    IU, (and I’m sure that your father knows this) if you take a beta blocker to regulate your heart rate and you forget to take it…You’ll know it right away as your heart starts racing really fast 🙂

    And I honestly don’t know why I take a stress test every year other than the fact the my cardiologist is annoyed because I regularly beat him in tennis 🙂 OR perhaps Blue Cross requires it.

  9. meatball says:

    Think of stents as tiny spring loaded straws that are placed in a partially blocked coronary artery. This is done with a “scope” like device usually entering the femoral artery (your groin area).

    Coronary bypass surgery is really just like it sounds. The affected coronary artery is “unstentable” either because of the angles in the artery where the blockage is are too “tight” or else the blockage is complete (100% occlusion). This requires a “jump” around the blockage. Usaually, the chest is opened (think bone saws on your breastplate) and a piece of the patient’s leg vein is sewn in above the area of blockage(s) and attached below the area of blockage(s). Tada, bypass. Each jump equals your latin (double, triple, quad, etc.).

  10. Brian Shields says:

    Why can’t they just Roto-Rooter that crap out? Send in a snake and break it free?

  11. anon says:

    Because arteries aren’t iron pipes, and the plaques weaken them permanently (or rather harden them so they are still restricted no matter what). You can grind it away, and that has been tried, but then you leave a rough surface that now collects more crap even faster. Thus, teflon-lined stents.

  12. I wish him all the good health and speedy recovery that Democrats would be wishing George W. Bush if it were him — and more.

  13. a.price says:

    like the way you wished Ted Kennedy a recovery? oh wait, no you didn’t. you called him the senator from chivas and mocked him later after he died.
    good to see ya gain RWR

  14. Actually, a.price, here is my commentary when Kennedy first fell ill.

    And here was my response to the tribute to him at the 2008 convention.

    And to his death.

    That said, please realize that my compassion for the man and his suffering (as well as that of his family) did not mean that I would forever refrain from commenting upon his myriad flaws.

    Which brngs me back to Bill Clinton. I wish him well. I wish him many long years with Hillary. I look forward to photos of him dancing with Chelsea at her wedding, and bouncing her children (and maybe grandchildren) upon his knee. Indeed, i wouldn’t even be too disappointed to see him hold the Bible for Hillary at her inauguration. I hope he grows old with grace and dignity, and that his post-presidential years do greater credit to his name than those during which he occupied the Oval Office. And I genuinely wish him good health and a speedy recovery now.

  15. I believe that Clinton has been released from the hospital.