A Note to the Media (and Comment Rescue)

Filed in National by on February 16, 2010

a. price (one of our favorite commenters) points us to a link over at CBS News, where we find a journalist named Stephanie Condon who seems to be actually trolling freakin’ FACEBOOK to have something exciting to report about the Quitta from Wasilla, Sarah Palin.

Facebook, people. This is what our highly paid news media now finds to be News. On Facebook, where if you are part of this community, you can get her daily ravings about whatever she can string together some words for if you choose to.

Once again, during one of the many hand-wringing sessions you journalists have about your increasing irrelevance — you need to put this up on the board as one of the Top 5 Reasons Why. Stalking the Quitta from Wasilla on Facebook for something to say about her is lazy and stupid. And why does anyone need you for lazy and stupid? We can do that for free.

And BTW — Seth MacFarlane has more brains AND has more money than the Quitta is ever going to see.


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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (10)

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  1. I wish the news media would stop enabling Sarah Palin. Sarah Palin wants to be able to say whatever she wants without having any questions asked of her.

  2. cassandra_m says:

    Really — there really are different rules, aren’t there? The White House has a Facebook page and a Twitter account — I never see any reporting of what gets said there.

    Multiple offices of the US EPA have Twitter accounts (pretty informative ones at that) and you never see anyone reporting on what the EPA has to say on twitter.

    It’s like we have this world of grownups where stuff gets done and discussed, and then we have Sarah Palin who still gets to operate from High School Rules.

  3. pandora says:

    High School rules is exactly right. The scary thing is that Palin is a joke that the media takes seriously. Dangerous times.

  4. Geddy Lee says:

    “wants to be able to say whatever she wants without having any questions asked of her.”

    Kind of like you guys?

  5. liberalgeek says:

    Geddy, while you were great in Rush, you are an idiot. You just blew your chance to ask us a question.

    Also, I just submitted a new definition to urbandictionary.com.

    Satire: Any of a series of jokes and statements using the word retard that Sarah Palin finds funny.

  6. Geddy Lee says:


  7. cassandra m says:

    Geddy, while you were great in Rush

    Uh, no.

  8. Geezer says:

    Typical conservative, incapable of understanding the difference between a blogger and a “politician”. Pull your teeth, Geddy — the world needs more perfect assholes.

    Cass: Family Guy is a pitiful excuse for comedy — IMHO, of course. I dislike Sarah Palin and her brood more, but not by much.

  9. V says:

    I thought jezabel did a nice disection of the Palin/Family Guy issue.

    Granted, I don’t think any use of the “R” word is appropriate but if what Family guy did was “heartless” and Rush was satire? Then clearly I don’t know what it is.

  10. a.price says:

    here’s the thing about “retard” ,
    and lewis black explained it very well a couple days ago. it IS NOT used to describe a mentally challenged person. no decent person would EVER use it to describe a mentally challenged person. as most people (probably NOT Saint Sarah) know, people with challenges like Autism, or Downs Syndrome are not retarded.
    “Retard” is a word to call able minded people with normal brain function who are RETARDS. Sarah Palin is a RETARD. the guys who cut me off on Broad Street last night because they were screaming “SHOW MY YOUR TITS” at girls on the street are RETARDS. Trig Palin is NOT a retard.