Rally for Health Care Reform

Filed in Delaware by on February 17, 2010

This is an announcement from Darlene Battle — and I hope that lots of you will be able to go to one of these, it’s a worthy cause:

Unions and Community Organizations To Tell Congress: Listen to Us, Not the Insurance Companies

On Thursday February 18th at 4:00pm and on Friday February 19th at 4:00pm, hundreds of supporters will come together at Thursday in Wilmington, Bethel AME church at 604 North Walnut Street and Friday in Newark, Newark Shopping Center on Main Street to send a message to Congress that it’s time to deliver on the change we need by finishing comprehensive health care reform now and finishing it right.

Wednesday February 17th is the kick off leaving from Philadelphia. This event is part of a nationwide push all week demanding Congress act now on health care reform and listen to everyday Americans, not the insurance lobbyists who are spending millions to block health care reform and protect their profits. Advocates will be joined by progressive organizers and supporters around the country to emphasize the pressing need to rein in corporate greed, regulate Wall Street, create more jobs, shore up our economy, address global warming, protect workers’ rights, and finally achieve quality, affordable health care for all Americans.

We are holding a rally at Bethel AME Church to ENCOURAGE and hear from Health Care Reform Supporters. We will hold up signs and cheering them on…
Delaware Residents are joining forces to say they’ve had enough of insurance companies’ denied claims, inflated profits, and soaring premiums. They will tell Congress: No excuses. No more politics. We need good health care we can count on now.

WHO: HCAN, SEIU, UFCW, MoneOn, Community Organizations and others

WHAT: Rally of encouragement to the walkers and telling healthcare stories.

WHERE: Thursday at Bethel AME Church 604 North, Wilmington, and Newark Shopping Center on Main St., Newark.
WHEN: Thursday February 18th,  4:00pm and Friday February 19th,  4:00pm

For more information go to: http://melaniesmarch.com/

About the Author ()

"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (5)

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  1. Zhen says:

    Do you think “hundreds” can be found to join your protest? Stop drinking the koolaid-even the most recent CBS/NY Times poll showed over 70% of the U.S. population opposes Obamacare.

    If you want real reform of healthcare costs, go tell your Democratic legislators to return the money from trial lawyers and tear down the barriers to real change like tort reform, multistate marketing, etc.

  2. delacrat says:

    Hey Zhen,

    A trial lawyer never put anyone into medical bankruptcy.

  3. a.price says:

    Zhen, multi state marketing will allow all the insurance ponzis to travel to wingnut states like Utah or alaska where they will only have to cover asprin and drop anyone who sneezes.
    Havent you figured out how capitalism works? you do all you can to get all the money you can and screw your employees and customers.

  4. JUST KIDDIN says:

    Its not “Obama care” that is opposed. Its the corporate written Senate bill that Americans oppose. 70% of americans want the public option and the lame demorats can’t deliver the votes as the blue dogs are so indebted to the insurance companies for campaign contributions they can’t bring themselves to vote with the public.

    Carpetbagger Carper is one of them. I ask again, “where is the Delaware Democratic Party and why are they not putting pressure on Carper”? Second, why doesnt the Delaware Democratic Party do a poll of the citizens and see what they want? Third, why is Senator Nancy Cook sitting on SB 120 the Delaware Health Security Act instead of having the Budget office delivers the numbers and the savings it would bring, instead of cutting services to Delawares disabled? The disabled are getting a 2.9% cut across the board, and students exiting education are not going to be funded in Post 21 programs. That means where there are two parents working one must quit their job. Delaware has not given the providers a cost of living increase in 8 years. They are cut to the bone, they are cutting services and not hiring new staff. We have a crisis right here in Delaware and no politican gives a damn about it. We can’t even get them to go and visit a group home to see with their own eyes the damage they are doing to this “protected class”. State workers are not a protected class, but the disabled are. I for one am opting for a major lawsuit as has been done in other states to prevent Delaware from cutting those who are federally protected. This State has known since last year that had budget problems. Yet, they did absolutely nothing to prevent this crisis that is about to happen. Who can we blame…the buck stops with Governor Markell!

  5. JUST KIDDIN says:

    Here’s a question. How will the Delaware Insurance Commish respond to the insurance companies here in Delaware who want increases? Will Delaware be the state where insurance companies are welcomed, where their assets are hidden and protected from public scrutiny?

    Do you trust the current Insurance Commissioner to fight for the people of Delaware or the insurance companies she would like to incorporate here?