Lions and Tigers and… Witches? Oh My.

Filed in National by on February 17, 2010

So much for those Libertarian values.  Bob Barr, Libertarian extraordinaire, is worried about things that go bump in the night.

The US Air Force, at no less a prestigious location than the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, has taken the notion of religious tolerance to a new level, in creating an outdoor worship area for pagans.  The site, apparently sacred to pagans, consists of an inner and an outer circle of large stones.  I’m sorry, but this truly is hilarious.  Don’t get me wrong, if someone “has little or no religion and delights in sensual pleasures and material goods,” which is the definition of a “pagan,” then I say live and let live.

But I have to tell you, if I were in the Air Force and was being commanded by an officer who practices hedonism as a religion (another part of the definition of “pagan”), and who dances around a circle of stones in the woods carrying a lighted candle, I would be more than a little worried about following him into battle.

Far be it for me to point out that following someone who believes in ingesting the body and blood of another deity into battle is just hunky-dory.

Just sayin’.

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About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    Speaking as one whose brother retired from the USAF and who has a best friend in the USAF who used to be an F-15 pilot, I’m just sayin’ that this:

    But I have to tell you, if I were in the Air Force and was being commanded by an officer who practices hedonism as a religion (another part of the definition of “pagan”), and who dances around a circle of stones in the woods carrying a lighted candle,

    is the least of our worries with these FlyBoys.

  2. Joanne Christian says:

    I hear ya Pandora–but can you imagine if I wrote that? Somebody must have asked for that provision, so there you have it. I’m sure Newsweek, or PEOPLE will cover this more fully. And then there will be Siamese twins who got into the academy as individuals, but separately is a problem……the beat goes on….

  3. pandora says:

    You would never write that, Joanne! That said, is there really a difference between putting aside space for the building of a “church” and putting aside “land” for worship?

  4. Joanne Christian says:

    Now I am confused. OK maybe they use land and not churches. But on bases and academy sites aren’t all churches kind of regulated to one chapel site, as interdenominational but use the same building? You know–the Lutherans at 9, the Methodists at 10, the Catholics on Christmas Eve? What’s the land thing–are they going to be using the nursery’s playground?

  5. pandora says:

    So… a building is necessary in order to worship?

    Wiccan is an earth religion, hence nature and no walls.

  6. cassandra_m says:

    AF bases have lots of land. If this thing exists it is on the golf course or at the end of a runway.

  7. Joanne Christian says:

    That’s true cass-I forgot about those “sunrise services”!

  8. anon says:

    and who dances around a circle of stones in the woods carrying a lighted candle

    Barr has clearly never been to a proper Easter Vigil in a suitably dark and spooky Catholic Church (a truly awesome event by the way, if you ever get a chance you should go even if you are not Catholic).

  9. John Galt says:

    I always considered Barr a carpetbagger. Never a libertarian.

    Steve Newton of Delaware Libertarian did not support or endorse him.

    Two unflattering posts by Steve on Bob Barr:

  10. enomarekim says:

    First, all religions, cults, and paranormal beliefs are insane. So yes, I would have trouble following someone into battle who believed in anything paranormal.
    Second, I wouldn’t call Bob Barr a libertarian.
    Third, The libertarian stance on the issue of religion at military bases would be this:
    -Freedom of religion does not mean that tax payers have to provide you with a place of worship. It means that you get to think what you want to. The air force should not be wasting money on stupid cults, such as christianity, islam, judism, or whatever this wicca thing is. I have no problem with an individual in the armed forces practicing their cult on their own, because freedom of speech is cool.

  11. Jason330 says:

    If by “libertarian” you mean “a totally closted, S&M sex dungeon homo,” then yes – Bob Barr is a Libertarian.

  12. Brian Shields says:

    If by “libertarian” you mean “a totally closted, S&M sex dungeon homo,” then yes – Bob Barr is a Libertarian.

    not that there’s anything wrong with that… unless you are Bob barr who specifically crafted legislation against that.. then you’d be a hypocrite.

  13. romeo says:

    “If by “libertarian” you mean “a totally closted, S&M sex dungeon homo,” then yes – Bob Barr is a Libertarian”

    this is just jason’s way of trying to stumble out of the closet.

  14. anon says:

    Ouch. Being “closted” sounds painful.