CPAC Childish Behavior Separates the Boys from the Girls

Filed in National by on February 17, 2010

Aren’t they adorable!

The Washington Scene reports that this year’s CPAC will prominently feature a Nancy Pelosi piñata and a Harry Reid punching bag for guests to take turns beating

Boringly predictable, but I simply adored this next line – because it says so much!

“We’re hoping to have the females whack the piñata and males try their hand at a Harry Reid punching bag,”

Who knew hitting someone with a stick is more feminine?

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A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. Joanne Christian says:

    You know Pandora–I have a real problem with this. I may not be a real fan–but this effigy stuff crosses the line. And I for one, was surprised that shooting gallery targets, and those deerlike stands weren’t used. Maybe Pelosi and Reid are getting off easy–but I still can’t stand the nature of this.

  2. anon says:

    Who knew hitting someone with a stick is more feminine?

    I’ll take one Harry Reid punching bag, and one stick. Can I order online?

  3. Yes, I agree Joanne that this is in bad taste. I’ve been to political conferences and I’ve never seen that kind of thing.

    I’m also stuck on the same comment as pandora. Why are women hitting Pelosi with a stick? Perhaps they’re thinking it’s in bad taste for men to be seen hitting an effigy of a woman?

  4. Joanne Christian says:

    Who knows–but this behavior just mirrors those very countries we have troops in now. Just great–acting like our adversaries.

  5. The same reasoning is being applied to why it’s o.k. to torture, Joanne.

  6. Joanne Christian says:

    Ummmm–don’t know if I’m ready to make that leap yet UI–give me time.

  7. pandora says:

    Violence in the name of fun… like date rape?

    This kind of behavior is really sick. Ask yourselves how you would react if your child was behaving in such a manner. This mob mentality rarely remains harmless.

  8. cassandra_m says:

    But it is more of the examples of movement conservatives thinking that bullying is fun and somehow effective. That there is something funny about hanging effigies from the ceiling and beating them with a stick or punching them. Just like many movement conservatives followed Rush’s lead that Abu Grahib was a frat house prank. There is an entire mindset of the hardcore conservative movement that is completely comfortable publicly dehumanizing the people they don’t much like. And not one of their leaders *ever* criticizes this kind of thing or calls for better behavior.

    Family Values, indeed.

  9. h. says:

    …. or you can use a cartoon to make fun of retards.

  10. pandora says:

    … or a popular radio show host. Palin gave the thumbs up for “satire.”

    Which doesn’t make the cartoon right, imo. But, then again, I can’t stand Family Guy – Disclaimer: my teenage son loves it. We’re expecting/hoping he’ll grow out of it. That show is insulting – which I think is its point… but it was insulting before this skit.

  11. anon says:

    …. or you can use a cartoon to make fun of retards.

    H., Sarah Palin has lots of problems but there is no need for you to call her a retard.

  12. cassandra_m says:

    …. or you can use a cartoon to make fun of retards.

    And since Family Guy isn’t exactly a convention for liberals or progressives, you would be lacking a point. Again.

  13. Jason330 says:

    I would say that top Congressional Republicans should be taken to task for this, but it is impossible for them to feel shame.

    I mean just Contrast GOP reaction to this with the rush to apologize that would be taking place among Democrats if the shoe was on the other foot.

  14. Joanne Christian says:

    I apologize, I apologize…here take my shoe….

    And cass, your Family Guy retort…ROTFL!!!!

  15. I’ve been to quite a few political conventions and meetings and I have never, ever seen effigies of conservatives leaders or invitation to do violence to people they don’t like. There is just no comparison between left and right here. I have, however, seen cutting remarks.

  16. pandora says:

    Never apologize for an interesting conversation, Joanne! 🙂