Monday Open Thread

Filed in National by on February 22, 2010

USA! USA! USA! How about that hockey game? The US men’s hockey team beat Canada for the first time since 1960. This caused a bit of strife in my household, but don’t worry everyone came out o.k. and no one had to sleep on the couch.

Rick Santorum hates gay people more than he loves the military:

“My thoughts are this,” he said, in a morning speech before Conservative Political Action Conference. “The military is there for one purpose and one purpose only, and that is to protect and defend the United States of America.

“We have a volunteer army,” he added. “They can un-volunteer too.”

Addressing how the military leadership, led by Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mike Mullen, could now favor a repeal of the law, Santorum raised the specter of brainwashing.

“Political correctness is reigning in the military right now,” he said. “”Some people say: [Do] whatever the generals say [on DADT]. I’m not too sure that we haven’t so indoctrinated the officer corps in this country that they can actually see straight to make the right decision.”

This is going to leave a mark:

Andrea Fay Friedman, the voice actress who played the role of “Ellen” –the character depicted as having Down syndrome on the Valentine’s Day episode of Family Guy, has responded to the criticism of sometime-Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. Of special significance, Friedman herself has Down syndrome. Palingates has Friedman’s complete response:

My name is Andrea Fay Friedman. I was born with Down syndrome. I played the role of Ellen on the “Extra Large Medium” episode of Family Guy that was broadcast on Valentine’s day. Although they gave me red hair on the show, I am really a blonde. I also wore a red wig for my role in ” Smudge” but I was a blonde in “Life Goes On”. I guess former Governor Palin does not have a sense of humor. I thought the line “I am the daughter of the former governor of Alaska” was very funny. I think the word is “sarcasm”.

In my family we think laughing is good. My parents raised me to have a sense of humor and to live a normal life. My mother did not carry me around under her arm like a loaf of French bread the way former Governor Palin carries her son Trig around looking for sympathy and votes.

I’ve also noticed that Palin is often pictured carrying Trig in her arms and rarely in a carrier or stroller.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (6)

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  1. Another Mike says:

    Great hockey game. Fast-paced, decent amount of scoring, lots of hits for an Olympic game. The trouble is, I don’t find myself rooting automatically for the USA. Does this make me a bad person?

    Since NHL players have entered the Olympics, I like to watch and root for the players I like — those on the Flyers mostly. So last night I watched for Pronger and Richards while appreciating the talent of all of the players from both teams.

  2. V says:

    I’m a Pens fan (i know i know…) but sorry Crosby I’m on team USA for the next week and that game was AWESOME. The last two minutes? ridiculous. The diving goal? I think I may have given my cat a heart attack.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    ”Some people say: [Do] whatever the generals say [on DADT]

    So, we should listen to the Generals when they want spend money on nation building and killing people, but we should not listen to them when they tell us that open inclusion of gay people to the military is the right thing to do.

    Rick Santorum’s GOP hypocrisy gene is still pretty well intact, I think.

  4. romeo says:

    how could Palin object to this “Family Guy” song…

    “You’ve got to look your best tonight, you tubby little parasite
    ‘Cause there’s a lovely lady and she’s waiting for you.
    And though her pretty face may seem
    A special person’s wettest dream
    Before you get to see it there are things you must do.
    We’ll try a tie, and boutonniere of yellow.
    A rose that shows that you’re a classy fellow.
    With a posh panache of Jefferson at Monticello,
    Busting out a mile with style.
    I know you just can’t wait to stare
    At all that luscious orange hair
    But boy before you touch a single curl
    You must impress that ultra boomin’,
    All-consumin’, poorly groomin’
    Down syndrome girl.
    On any normal day you reek
    As if you’re on a farting streak,
    Your fingers up your nose and you are dripping with drool.
    But if you want a lady’s love,
    You’re better off by smelling of
    A gentleman’s cologne instead of sneakers and stool.
    A squirt, a spurt of something just for Ellen
    And you’ll see that she will find you so compellin’.
    And she does because the only smell that she’ll be smellin’
    Won’t be comin’ from your bum.
    You want to take that little whore
    And spin her on the dancing floor
    But boy, before you do a single twirl –
    You must impress that effervescing,
    Self-possessing, no-BS-ing
    Down syndrome girl.
    Her eyes are emerald portals to a secret land of love
    And her smile is like the sweetest summer flower.
    Her kiss is so inviting, and her hugs are so delighting.
    And what makes them really nice is that they’ve got a little spice
    Because they’re tighter than a vice and they go on for an hour.
    My boy, between the two of us we’ll get you on that shorty bus.
    And then you’re going to take it for a whirl.
    Now go impress that super-thrilling,
    Wish-fulfilling, Yoo-Hoo-spilling,
    Ultra-swinging, boner-bringing,
    Daily singing, ding-a-linging
    Stupefying, fortifying,
    Stimulating, titillating,
    Kitty-cat impersonating,
    Mega-rocking, pillow talking,
    Just a little crooked walking,
    Poorly pouting, boobies sprouting,
    For some reason always shouting,
    Fascinating, captivating,
    Happiness and joy creating
    Down syndrome girl”

  5. a.price says:

    because a girl WITH downs syndrome thought it was hilarious. I dont understand. Family Guy has offended EVERYONE it isnt even like this is the first time they have use mental handicap as the central theme for an episode. Palin just wants attention.