NBC Covers Up Palin’s Cold Reception

Filed in National by on March 5, 2010

Sarah Palin apparently made an odd appearance on Jay Leno’s show this week. She did a stand up routine as well. As I said – SHE’S INVADING, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! An Alaskan critic of Sarah Palin attended the taping and shares his take on her appearance.

I’ve dealt with sound engineering for 30 years, as a film maker, interviewer, musician, working with master reel to reel tapes/decks at EMS Music in Seattle in the 80’s as a sound duplication engineer, or setting sound levels for my and other bands in live situations at shows. I won a Hollywood award for animation in 2000. I know sound. And it’s my opinion that audio portions of Sarah Palin’s March 2nd appearance on Jay Leno’s Tonight show were added or amplified, edited before broadcast to make it appear that Sarah Palin was more welcome than she was.

I know. I was there

They added laughter where there was none during uncomfortable portions. Well, there was some laughter. Mine, of derision. During those pregnant pauses in her performance I was laughing long and loud, couldn’t help myself as much of what she was saying was utterly surreal, ridiculous, hypocritical – nonsense, spewed platitudes, pushed buttons. I was seriously thinking of leaving as it was getting hysterically unfunny.

After sitting through the taping of the show in the studio I can recount many portions where there was little or no laughter or response, but at the later broadcast they are smoothed over with applause and laughter that WERE NOT THERE at the taping. Groans, hoots, grumbling, or just dead silence – all missing.

The ladies of the View discuss Sarah Palin’s comedy routine

Interview, Part 1

Interview, Part 2

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About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (11)

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  1. Scott P says:

    This kind of makes me wonder, is there an aural version of the “lipstick on a pig” phrase? It sounds like NBC was slappin’ on all sorts of audio lipstick there.

    In my mind, though, the biggest surprise of the week was that Miss Sarah wasn’t announced as being on Dancing With the Stars (or as it is to me, Dancing With a Few People I Think I’ve Heard Of). Honestly, would anyone be surprised if she showed up there in the next year?

  2. She’s not quite a has-been yet, but she’s close.

  3. anon says:

    I miss Conan already.

  4. I think it was a devious plot to put someone on who’s even more unfunny than Jay Leno to make him look good by comparison. And that botox joke – so lame!

  5. Scott P says:

    UI, I think they were just copying the same logic the McCain campaign used. She did make him look smart and sane, didn’t she?

  6. delacrat says:

    Palin gets enough attention as it is. Why does Delawareliberal.net compound the problem ?

  7. Joanne Christian says:

    delacrat, you are so wise.

  8. anon says:

    Palin gets enough attention as it is. Why does Delawareliberal.net compound the problem ?

    Train wreck. Can’t look away. Plus, once the wheels are off the track you better keep your eye on the train to see if it is headed your way.

  9. Joanne Christian says:

    anon-I’d be afraid of turnin’ into a pillar of salt, so keep running…….

  10. Scott P says:

    Here’s my take: Like it or not, she is a political as well as public figure. And though I think it’s very unlikely, I can at least conceive of a scenario where she ends up in an important position someday (and I don’t mean as some sort of FOX News version of Oprah). Needless to say, I think that would be disastrous for the country.

    As I see it, the more we keep the spotlight on her and allow her to be shown as the shallow, vindictive, insincere, unintelligent woman she is, the less likely it becomes that she will ever be taken seriously in a campaign. So really, and I mean this not completely facetiously, stories like this do the nation a great service.

  11. delacrat says:

    Scott P,

    It’s not as if anyone here on delawareliberal.net doesn’t know that Palin is “a shallow, vindictive, insincere, and unintelligent woman”.

    What gets me is that liberals give retrogrades like Palin, Castle (and yes, Obomba) more attention than worthy people like Dennis Kucinich, Cynthia McKinney or Russell Feingold.