Delaware Liberal

Weekend Open Thread

Welcome to this beautiful weekend! My yard is now 100% snow free and it feels like springtime. I hope everyone is out and about enjoying the weather.

Wolf Blitzer apologized for his “Department of Jihad?” chyron in the CNN broadcast:

“CNN had no intention of suggesting that the Justice Department supports terrorism,” he said. “Lawyers at the Justice Department are patriotic Americans, and we certainly regret any confusion that may have been caused by our graphic.”

Blitzer referenced the storm of criticism the segment set off on Twitter, which was initiated by Salon columnist Glenn Greenwald.

The Cheney ad has been sharply criticized by many high-profile attorneys and organizations including the American Bar Association.

Liz Cheney’s and Bill Kristol’s attacks are so vile that even the conservative blog Powerline (“Bush is an underappreciated genius”) has criticized them.

Can you believe it – a news organization actually did some fact-checking! In this case, ABC News fact-checked Stupak’s claims that the health care reform bill would fund abortions and shockingly concludes that’s he’s wrong. I know, I can hardly believe it either.

The DNC is also hammering the Republicans over their ridiculous fundraising powerpoint presentation where they admitted they are selling fear to their reactionary base.

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