Weekend Open Thread

Filed in National by on March 6, 2010

Welcome to this beautiful weekend! My yard is now 100% snow free and it feels like springtime. I hope everyone is out and about enjoying the weather.

Wolf Blitzer apologized for his “Department of Jihad?” chyron in the CNN broadcast:

“CNN had no intention of suggesting that the Justice Department supports terrorism,” he said. “Lawyers at the Justice Department are patriotic Americans, and we certainly regret any confusion that may have been caused by our graphic.”

Blitzer referenced the storm of criticism the segment set off on Twitter, which was initiated by Salon columnist Glenn Greenwald.

The Cheney ad has been sharply criticized by many high-profile attorneys and organizations including the American Bar Association.

Liz Cheney’s and Bill Kristol’s attacks are so vile that even the conservative blog Powerline (“Bush is an underappreciated genius”) has criticized them.

Can you believe it – a news organization actually did some fact-checking! In this case, ABC News fact-checked Stupak’s claims that the health care reform bill would fund abortions and shockingly concludes that’s he’s wrong. I know, I can hardly believe it either.

The DNC is also hammering the Republicans over their ridiculous fundraising powerpoint presentation where they admitted they are selling fear to their reactionary base.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. Scott P says:

    For anyone with an interest in Delaware history, this story might be interesting. The Coffee Run site and the Father Kenney House (which the article is about) are important, but overlooked, pieces of local and Catholic history. I happen to know a little about this site and I didn’t even know it had burned down. Two feet of snow tends to hog all the news space. If nothing else, this underscores the importance of preserving and documenting our local history. You just never now when it might be taken away.

  2. anon says:

    Iraqis are voting today… where are the Republicans in furs clinking champagne glasses and flashing their purple fingers?

  3. Rebecca says:

    Helene Keeley (D-3rd District)is in Iraq, with a delegation of women legislators from around the country, to observe the elections. That’s gotta take some courage. Go Helene. And DL, how about an interview when she comes home? I’m one reader who would like to hear about her experience.

  4. Jason330 says:

    You can’t really fault the Steele and RNC. They did plenty of market research and found that their dumbass donors want fear most of all. Second was “empty flag waving.”

    “Ideas,” “accountability” and “governing effectively” didn’t even make the list.

  5. Scott P says:

    Fear is certainly a great motivator. Unfortunately, it’s not a very good governing strategy.

  6. just kiddin says:

    If you have followed the days leading up to the Iraqi election, you would know the Shia (the right wing fundamentalists the Bush Regime put in power, more closely related to Iran) refused to permit over 200 Sunnis from participating in the election. When Obama and Biden come out to praise the elections, they should also tell the truth. They should be talking about the bombings that have occured, (some call them black ops) led by Blackwater so they can stay in Iraq longer. Some say Muktaker Sadr told his people to vote so they could get the foreigners out of the country. Mark my words, the hornest nest Bush blew up will take another turn towards violence and civil war. Our troops must leave regardless and let the Iraqi’s sort it out. Some Iraqis are telling the americans make sure you take all your weapons of mass destruction with you, so one side wont have all the arms and the other unarmed. It aint over by a long shot, but its time for US to get the hell out.

  7. Jason330 says:

    Here is the actual list as written by Frank Luntz.

    “Our studies show that the base will open their wallets for the following:

    1) More Fear. The clear favorite. Our base wants to be pissing its pants 24/7. Obama, socialism, Islam, bogus gang initiations, whatever.
    2) Empty Flag Waving. This is an old stand by of course. All images that evoke a vacuous sense of pre-civil rights America are good. Flags, eagles, American soldiers, children in short pants headed to the fishing hole, even the White House. Be sure these images are devoid of content.
    3) Angry random belligerence. The base will pay for us to talk tough and threaten other people, states, or even other planets.
    4) Nude Pictures of Sarah Palin. This polled very high. (No pun intended tee hee) Obviously this is problematic and I would not suggest working this into any fund raising appeal.

  8. Pathology of the Tea Bagger – ouch
    “Psychology Today has published one mental health professional’s diagnosis of the pathology of the Tea Bagger. Dr. Michael Bader provides an astute examination of a serious emotional malformation, complete with clinical examples and prognosis. Bader’s conclusion is that the victims of this brewing epidemic of acute paranoia warrant our sympathy and understanding.”


  9. John Manifold says:

    I’m rooting for Mayor Nutter’s soda tax [24ยข for a 12-ounce can]. Just watching the restaurant lobby squeal is entertainment. If it passes in Philly, might Delaware be next? [It stands as Gov. Patterson’s only good idea.]

  10. Jason330 says:

    Thanks for that link Nancy. Interesting stuff, but I doubt that I would be able to demonstrate much sympathy to people who “,,,reside in a world that can’t be reached from the real one the rest of us inhabit.”

  11. Phuny says:

    On radio show, Massa says Dem leaders railroaded him because he voted against ObamaCare

    The Washington Examiner ^ | Mar. 8, 2010 | David Freddoso
    Rep. Eric Massa, D-N.Y., under investigation for alleged sexual harassment of a male staffer, accused House Democratic leaders of lying about the charges against him and using them to run him out of Congress because he voted against health care reform when it last came before the House. Roll Call reports this morning that on the local radio show he hosts in his district, Massa said he had not been informed of the sexual harassment allegations before they became public. He claimed that Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., spoke falsely when he said he had brought the matter to him…

  12. Phuny says:

    Massa: Rahm is ‘son of devil’s spawn’
    The Hill ^

    Rep. Eric Massa (D-N.Y.) is taking some harsh parting shots at the White House on his way out of office.

    Massa, who is stepping down amid allegations of sexual harrassment, said that Emanuel is a ruthless tactician who would “sell his mother” for a vote.

    “Rahm Emanuel is son of the devil’s spawn,” Massa said in a radio interview. “He is an individual who would sell his mother to get a vote. He would strap his children to the front end of a steam locomotive.”

    Massa also accused Democratic leaders of forcing him out of office because he had voted against healthcare reform.

    “This administration and this House leadership has said, quote-unquote, they will stop at nothing to pass this healthcare bill,” he said. “And now they’ve gotten rid of me and it will pass. You connect the dots.”

    The New York Democrat has said he’s retiring due to a recurrence of his cancer, but the House Ethics Committee has also opened an investigation into allegations that he sexually harrassed a male staffer.