Ask Dr. Liberal

Filed in National by on March 7, 2010

Dear Dr. Liberal,

When should I cut back my ornamental grasses?

Homeowner in Hockessin

Dear Homie,

Since you are asking me now, I take it you didn’t cut back your grasses when all your neighbors did back in September. And you can feel good about yourself because you were right and they were wrong. Unlike your a-hole Republican next door neighbors, you realize that part of the beauty of ornamental grasses is their attractiveness in a winter garden. You’ve enjoyed the seed stalks and foliage while they simmered and festered over “socialism” all winter looking at ragged humps where the ornamental grass used to be.

Cut it now though to prevent damage to the emerging leaves. Incidentally, I find tying the whole grass up with a bunch of twine then cutting it with a hedge trimmer to be a good way to get a clean cut while leaving yourself with a manageable bundle for disposal.

Happy Liberal Gardening.


Dear Dr. Liberal,

Who would you rather have sex with, Lady Gaga or the 1981 Farrah Fawcett?

Dale in Dagsboro

Dear Dag,

First of all, Dr. Liberal does not go in for this kind of objectification of women. Especially the kind of lazy objectification
that upholds the narrow range of acceptable female beauty embodied by the “American Corporate Standard Beauty Bell Curve” (c) Dr. Liberal 2009. Secondly, Lady Gaga.


Dr. Liberal.


Face it. You are adrift. Shoot your hippie grappling hooks onto my decks and board the Japanese whale ship of my knowledge by sending me your quieries in care of Liberalgeek(at)

Until then, the Doctor is Out!!

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  1. anon says:

    Hey wait a minute… Is this post really about trimming “down there?”

  2. Jason330 says:

    The downside of letting the ornamental grass hang around this long is that it can separate and look pretty crappy by this time of year. Also, Yes. Lady Gaga. Sex with her would be a post-modernist statement on commercialism and sex as the enduring plot line of male/female interactions. Sex with 1981 Farrah, on the other hand would simply be derivative.

  3. Rebecca says:

    Good advice Dr. Liberal. The birds enjoy the untrimed ornamental grasses in the winter, but now they need to be trimed so birds don’t nest there and become easy targets for Hockessin pussy cats.

  4. Joanne Christian says:

    Wait a minute–board your Japanese whale ship? Sure –right in the crosshairs of PETA–it’s not that easy to get rid of me.

  5. Delaware Dem says:

    We would never want to get rid of you JC

  6. Lady Gaga seems kind of scary to me.