What’s That Word I’m Looking For?

Filed in National by on March 8, 2010

There’s a word that applies here but “ironic” isn’t it:

The vocal opponent of health care reform in the U.S. steered largely clear of the topic except to reveal a tidbit about her life growing up not far from Whitehorse.

“We used to hustle over the border for health care we received in Canada,” she said. “And I think now, isn’t that ironic.”

Palin said this at a speech in Calgary, Canada.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    Hypocritical is the word you are looking for, I think.

  2. Scott P says:

    I think the word means “folsky personal story that completely undermines a supossedly ideologically sound position”. I’m not sure there is one in English, but I’ll bet there’s a word for it in German — and it’s probably about 5 letters shorter than the phrase.

  3. delacrat says:

    Just because Canadian style socialist single-payer health care is good enough for her, does not imply that she thinks you’re good enough for it.

  4. liberalgeek says:

    Thank Gawd they hadn’t implemented the death panels yet in Canada.

  5. Scott P says:

    Now what I didn’t catch at first is, was the Alanis reference intentional or not? This actually is closer to being ironic than anything in that dang song.

  6. Phuny says:

    “My first five years of life we spent in Skagway, Alaska, right there by Whitehorse. Believe it or not — this was in the ’60s — we used to hustle on over the border for health care that we would receive in Whitehorse. I remember my brother, he burned his ankle in some little kid accident thing and my parents had to put him on a train and rush him over to Whitehorse and I think, isn’t that kind of ironic now. Zooming over the border, getting health care from Canada,” Palin said a speech Saturday night, according to the Calgary Herald.

    details details, so what if Canada didn’t begin to nationalize healthcare until the 70’s ot that Whitehorse was the closest city with a hospital at a time when Wasilla & Skagway didn’t have paved roads or street lights.

  7. Wrong, government healthcare in Canada started in 1961.

  8. liberalgeek says:

    I can still hear the echo of that smackdown.

  9. cassandra_m says:

    Me too — I even deleted my own comment so that the echo could reverberate abit more.

  10. Phuny says:

    UI, do a little reading. Saskatchawan was the first provence of Canada to offer state sponsored health insurance. It didn’t become a national program until the 70’s.

  11. So you are going to blame her for what her parents did when she was a child?

  12. Rebecca says:

    Not for what her parents did — for her complete cluelessness! It wouldn’t occur to her that she and her brother benefited from the Canadian Healthcare system while in Alaska there wasn’t any healthcare available. “Cause we have the world’s best healthcare in America.

  13. just kiddin says:

    Phuny: you are absolutely correct. Once the adjoining provinces saw the savings they too began to implement single payer. The same will happen in the US. The first state to get it…will see their health costs go down and people living next door will want the same system.
    In fact the savings are so huge, single payer covers dental, mental, long term care, drugs you name it. Thats how much money the single payers system will provide our citizens. The Senate bill only covers medical, you are still going to be paying for all that other health related stuff costing a bundle).
    The States are where the action is…not the corrupted, bought off paid off federal goverment. Let the Democrats go ahead and pass this bill with all its flaws. In a couple of years the citizens will see it “didnt really do the job” and single payer will be enacted in the States. Why don’t you support SB 120 the Delaware Health Security Act, and allow Delaware to the First State to have real common sense.

    Why be a hypocrite all you single payer supporters? Why are’nt you walking the walk instead of talking the talk here! Lets get Nancy Cooke to get SB120 out of her drawer, and Budget committee analyze and determine all the savings we would have. There would be enough savings we wouldnt need to cut ANY services.

  14. We make fun of Palin because she’s a clueless nitwit. You don’t go around talking about “death panels” and the awful horribleness of government-run healthcare while your family took advantage of another country’s nationalized health care system. It makes you look stupid but Palin doesn’t have enough self-awareness to know when she looks stupid.

    BTW, all of Palin’s children and her grandchild are covered by socialized healthcare from the Alaska native Americans through her husband.

  15. Phuny says:

    just for fun, look-up Skagway Alaska on mapquest and tell us where the only road out of town leads…..