Conservative Disconnect On Government Intervention – Marriage vs Abortion

Filed in National by on March 9, 2010

It’s no secret that when it comes to abortion the Conservative/Republican motto is the more government intervention the better.  Mandatory waiting periods for abortions?  Fine with them.  A measure “that would require a woman be given a description of ultrasound images of her unborn child and be offered those images before getting an abortion?”  Why that’s a great idea!  Gathering personal info on every abortion and posting it?  Bring it on.

Mandatory counseling before entering the sanctity of marriage and before breaking that sacred vow?  Not so much.

“How far do I want government to come into my home and your home about private personal matters?” asked Rep. Leslie Osborn, a Republican from Tuttle, in a debate. She referred to state government as a “huge monster.”

Oh, that’s rich.  And typical.  Moral consistency would be nice, but I’m not holding my breath.  Just to be clear… government coming into my home and your home about a private personal matter is okay if the private personal matter is abortion but not if it has to do with the “sanctity of marriage?”  (*unless it’s gay marriage.  That can be government mandated to death.)

But hey, the mandatory divorce/marriage counseling would affect men, and we can’t have that.  Hmm… maybe this legislation would stand a chance if it only required counseling for future brides and divorced women?

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A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. Scott P says:

    It is odd how conservatives are adamantly against government intervention — except in some of the most intimate of issues. Like what a woman can do to her own body, or who you can be intimate with, or who you can spend your life with. Every day I half expect to hear Eric Cantor tell me how many times I can tap after I pee. But that’s right, that would apply to heterosexual men. Never mind.

  2. Joanne Christian says:

    Ultrasound images? Then, if applicable, can we bring our crime scene photos, and victim video/photo documentation from evidentiary rape kit cases to compare notes? Since we’re scrapbooking here, I’m sure the fetus would want to know.