Conservative Fantasies

Filed in National by on March 9, 2010

What is it with Conservative males and crushes?

“I was excited about Palin; I’m more excited about Liz. The same sort of excitement you get when you hear her father, except she’s this petite blonde with five kids … You have a little crush on her. It’s hard not to,” – Michael Goldfarb.

(Via Sullivan)

Actually, it’s hard not to roll your eyes at that statement.  And I’ve reached the conclusion that sexualizing political figures and Republican women is becoming a GOP past-time.  Sarah Palin is the most obvious example, but they did it with Scott Brown as well.  And I’ve lost count of the number of times Conservatives refer to their women as hot.  Which is simply another way of saying that Republican women are real women.

Now I’m not saying looks don’t play a part in politics, but this sort of overt lusting seems more suited to the privacy of Goldfarb’s bedroom.  The fact that Conservatives have been pushing this theme tells me that they’re scraping bottom.  We’ve heard this sort of stuff all our lives:

“She/he’s not too bright.”

“Yeah, but they’re hot!”

As if that explains everything – and in some cases it does.

But take a look at what Goldfarb goes on to say about Liz Cheney:

Cheney has already mastered media messaging. Her ambition is most transparent in how carefully she avoids alienating any faction of the conservative movement, including the tea-party wing. On TV, she has danced around fringe issues like Obama’s place of birth, careful not to deny the claim outright, even if it’s clear she doesn’t really believe it. She praised Palin’s book, Going Rogue, even though she didn’t finish it and once called the prospect of a McCain nomination “a sad day for the Republican Party.”

Is this really a complimentary statement?  She dances around issues, praises a book she didn’t finish reading, and insults a member of her own party.  How are these traits admirable?  Guess lust is blind.

And these “starburst” moments are becoming more frequent.  It’s all style over substance – which may not be a bad strategy for the GOP since they clearly lack substance.

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A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. Why other people don't set goals | - The Success Blog | March 10, 2010
  1. Starbursts!

    There’s a big backlash building against Liz Cheney right now because of her transparent McCarthyism. Of course, that doesn’t mean that conservatives won’t still love her.

  2. anon says:

    Even scarier is they think Michele Bachmann is hot. Really they do.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    Cheney has already mastered media messaging.

    Translation: She can lie her ass off! And no journalist dare challenge her lies!

    I hope there is a backlash against that revival of McCarthyism she is trying to lead. Yesterday I heard someone (a journalist) on the radio speak admiringly of her fierce debating skills, as though the performance was more important than the substance. Of which there is little.

    And has anyone heard Liz asked by any journalist why she thinks it is OK to criticize the President in A Time of War© — they certainly wailed and whined trying to hide behind that during the BushCo era.

  4. V says:

    I like how Rachel Maddow has been referring to her as “her white whale”. She’s ALL OVER tv but for some reason she’s in no way able to make it to a Rachel taping. Please Please do it Liz, that will be must-see tv!

  5. Please, Liz is brillant, beautiful, and better than any three people that you have.

  6. Yes, I would say double that for Michelle Bachman. Should I say Obama girl. Why you think this is a conservative thing? Did we not see the same thing about Clinton or Kerry? I think the only reason that you posted this was to name call Ms. Cheney.

    I think it is based in jealousy. You wish that you could make an argument with half the effect that she does. She shapes the national debate.

  7. Delaware Dem says:

    Hahahahaha. I am many things, David. But none of them are “jealous of Liz Cheney.” And considering the recent poll results that show Americans believe President Obama is doing a better job in keeping America safe than her father’s Administration, given the marked difference between the Administrations in actually killing the enemy (Obama has killed more terrorists in one year than Cheney did in 8), I must say her “shaping the national debate” has been an epic fail.

    And considering that KEN STARR just defended a Democratic President against the insane McCarthyite charges of Liz Cheney, I really have to wonder just how delusional you are, David. I mean, we knew you were blind and crazy, we just didn’t know you were deaf too.

  8. pandora says:

    Ah, David plays the jealousy card. How boringly predictable.