A Bill We Should All Support – Medicare Buy-In

Filed in National by on March 11, 2010

Progressive hero Alan Grayson has introduced a short 4-page bill to allow Americans to buy into Medicare coverage (without subsidies). Think Progress‘s Wonk Room describes the bill, called the “Public Option Act” or “Medicare You Can Buy Into Act”:

Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) has provided the White House with a real opportunity to win back its disillusioned Democratic base and take the next logical step to reforming the health care system. Last night, Grayson introduced the “Public Option Act,” also known as the “Medicare You Can Buy Into Act,” which would give all citizens and permanent residents under the age of 65 an opportunity to buy unsubsidized coverage in the Medicare program. The bill instructs the Secretary of Health And Human Services to “establish enrollment periods and coverage” guidelines and requires the newly insured to pay premiums that reflect the “costs incurred for individuals within each age.”

This act would probably not have much of an impact initially because subsidized private plans would probably be cheaper for most people.

As Grayson himself admits, in of itself, the unsubsidized Medicare buy-in would wouldn’t provide an affordable option for most Americans. Clinton era reformers sought to expand the Medicare program but were never able to provide enrollees with affordable premiums on an unsubsidized basis. According to a CBO analysis of a Medicare buy-in for uninsured Americans between 62 and 64 — that group would have to pay a premium plus an administrative fee of 5 percent — “the annual premium for single coverage in 2011 would be about $7,600 (that figure includes the cost of Part D coverage).”

I hope this is a plan that most Democrats can get behind. It allows an option for people who are opposed to paying premiums to for-profit insurance companies. It’s also something that can be built upon and expanded into the future. Best of all, it’s deficit neutral.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. just kiddin says:

    This is the way to go! He is absolutely correct about the billions necessary to create a whole new system. Thats why it cant be set up until 2018! Not one dime of that waste goes to health care! We will still have 45,000 dying every year right up to 2018. One study says without a public option by the year 2018 a family of four will be paying more than $20,000 a year. For you repukes you need to start voting with your pocketbook, instead of accepting false facts delivered to the republican party directly from the for profit insurance companies vampires.

  2. Now if we can just establish “Social Security You Can Opt Out Of”.

  3. skippertee says:

    I want to bear Alan Grayson’s children.

  4. Joanne Christian says:

    I don’t think Medicare has covered a childbirth yet….but the way technology is going….

  5. just kiddin says:

    The Hill reporting. Two dozen House dems will vote NO on health care, 25 reject it outright. Dozens of dems are undecided. Assuming that all members vote, democratic leaders predict they can win even with 37 defectors. The vote: 216 – 215! Thats way to close for comfort!

    Pelosi still claiming she has the votes. Hoyer peeved Obama put a deadline of 3/18, which he claims is highly unlikely.

    Tom Harkin says it will be voted on and on the Presidents desk by the end of the month.

    These people are all over the place! Each one looking out for their own re-election instead of whats right for the people. They should all be voted out regardless of HOW they vote. Sick and tired of all of em.

  6. Joanne Christian says:

    Not so fast….sure they have insurance now….but it’s Medicare. Don’t know too many providers who would be thrilled and welcoming to see another Medicare only patient. The way it works now, patient has 2 insurances perhaps (one being Medicare), reduced to Medicare at a certain age per retirement/separation agreement, and the provider just really carries them because of the long-term relationship w/ the practice. Medicare reimbursement keeps no physician in practice, and it is continually cut automatically in June I believe, unless Congress makes a separate move to freeze or raise it. Hasn’t happened yet. Now let’s talk about buying into a state’s employee plan….